The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Chapter 365

Raon ignored the trembling Dorian and examined the unconscious people on the summit.

‘Their condition isn’t too bad.’

Indeed, they’ve gotten a lot better.

There were black holes in the villagers’ bodies, but the size wasn’t too big, and there weren’t too many black veins around them. It was much better than when he examined them through the Perception of the Snow Flower in the beginning.

‘His first aid was well done.’

He thought that Dorian only gave them painkillers, but the villagers were doing a lot better than he expected. He was about to ask what he did when he noticed the glass bottle beside the patients.

‘Is that what he used?’

Ugh, what a dirty and ugly stench.

Wrath frowned while looking at the glass bottle.

‘I guess you’d feel that way since this is holy water. Moreover, it’s extremely expensive holy water.’

It wasn’t ordinary holy water, but the real deal brought from the Holy Kingdom of Kelton.

On top of being expensive, it was difficult to acquire even with money—yet Dorian had used it without hesitation.

Raon chuckled and looked around. Dorian was terrified because of the hell that was about to happen, but he was still feeding water and food to the injured villagers.

He’s just way too kindhearted that it’s troublesome. According to physiognomy, he’s a perfect victim of a scam.

‘Do you even have physiognomy in Devildom?’

Don’t underestimate Devildom! We even have a book on physiognomy from a systemized theory! The personality depends on the length of the horn!

‘There’s all sorts of information there, it seems.’

Raon chuckled and nodded.

‘Anyway, the King of Essence can’t bring himself to hate him because of that.’

He was cowardly and a bit slow sometimes, but he was extremely good-natured.

‘I guess I’ll only quadruple his training once we return instead of quintupling it.’

Raon decided to slightly decrease the amount of training, as he couldn’t overlook Dorian calling him a psychopath.

I-is overlooking it not even an option?

‘Of course not.’

How are you even human…?

Wrath’s chin was trembling in shock.

Raon turned his head and put his hand on the should of the old man in front of him.

‘Now then…The question is how I can get rid of this.’

It was difficult to completely remove the mana of darkness since it was a negative energy that had the tendency to stick to human bodies.

‘I guess I have to burn it up with the Ring of Fire and the Ten Thousand Flames Cultivation… Hmm?’

When he decided to count on the Ring of Fire’s purifying ability and the Ten Thousand Flames Cultivation’s purity to burn the mana of darkness, a sword resonance occurred from the Blade of Requiem in its scabbard.

‘Are you telling me that you can do it?’


The Blade of Requiem resonated even louder in approval.


Since Raon believed in the Blade of Requiem, he decided to try it out and brought the crimson blade toward the old man’s wound.


The Blade of Requiem unleashed its yellow ghastly energy and started to absorb the mana of darkness from the old man’s body.

The black bulging veins subsided, and the black hole narrowed before disappearing completely.


Red blood gushed from the wound once the mana of darkness was completely gone, and the old man’s complexion returned to normal.

“It worked.”

Raon smiled and pulled out the Blade of Requiem. It kept its word and completely absorbed the mana of darkness from the old man’s body.

‘I can’t believe this worked…’

Ghastly energy, bloody energy, and demonic energy are all negative energies with lots of similarities. It’s a useless trick, though.

Wrath shook his finger, saying that it wasn’t a big deal.


The Blade of Requiem completely ignored Wrath and focused on digesting the energy of darkness that it had just absorbed.



Dorian had been watching from the side and came running at him in surprise.

“Stop his bleeding. I’ll continue with the next person’s treatment.”


Dorian’s expression was also bright because he saw that the old man’s complexion had returned to normal.

He immediately took out a styptic and a bandage from his belly pocket to stop the old man’s bleeding.

‘Next up is…’

When Raon was about to examine the little girl lying next to the old man, messages popped up in front of his eyes.

[You’ve manipulated…]

[You’ve prevailed…]

Raon immediately turned off the messages and brought the Blade of Requiem to the girl’s wound.

Aren’t you going to check them out? There seem to be lots of messages…

Wrath glared at the spot where the message had appeared with a trembling chin.

‘That’s not important right now.’

He had no time to rejoice in his own growth because he had to treat people as fast as possible.

The Blade of Requiem absorbed the energy of darkness just like Wrath eating the ice cream, and he managed to finish the treatment by the time the sun started to rise.


The Blade of Requiem quietly fell asleep after making a sword resonance that sounded like it was expressing its satisfaction over the meal. It seemed to be making preparations to digest the energy of darkness.

“It’s over!”

Dorian grinned after he stopped the bleeding on the shoulder of the last patient, a middle-aged man.

“What should I do now?”

“We have two problems.”

“Two problems?”

“Yes. The first one is about that drake.”

Raon pointed at the drake that had been slammed into the summit right below them.

He was originally planning to ask the Black Market to help with the transportation, but they weren’t ready because of how urgent the situation was.

“Why are you even worrying about that?”


“It’s simple.”

Dorian shrugged his shoulders and went under the summit. He picked up the drake’s head and shoved it into his belly pocket.


Even though the drake was huge, it was absorbed into Dorian’s belly pocket as if shrinking magic was being used on it.



‘Did that actually go in there?’

Raon fell speechless because of how ridiculous it was. He’d just witnessed a drake, over thirty meters long from head to tail, go into the belly pocket. It wasn’t even shocking anymore—he was starting to get terrified.


Dorian jumped to easily return to the summit.

“See? It wasn’t a big deal.”

“Y-you are right.”

Raon awkwardly nodded.

“What’s the second problem?”

“We have to transport those people.”

Raon pointed at the unconscious villagers. Since there were too many of them, bringing them back to the village wasn’t going to be an easy task.

“It would take too long if we brought them down one by one.”

The energy of darkness was gone, but they still needed to recover their stamina. That was why he wanted to bring them home quickly—so that they could rest.

“Can you connect those summits to create a slanted icy road?”

Dorian pointed at the summits that were pointing up like a stair.

“I can.”

Raon nodded. He’d used lots of heat from the Ten Thousand Flames Cultivation, but he didn’t use much coldness from Glacier. Creating a slanted icy road was an easy task in his state.

“Then please make it. We can bring them in one go.”

Dorian grinned and put his hand in his belly pocket. Once his hand came back out, he was holding a luxurious carriage. Moreover, it was a huge carriage, one that was supposed to be pulled by eight horses.

H-he has a carriage?

“A carriage just came out!?”

Raon and Wrath dropped their jaws at the same time.

‘Wait, should I really be surprised by this?’

He’d just seen the drake entering the pocket, so it wasn’t too strange for a carriage to come out.

‘Whether it’s surprising or not… It does make it more convenient.’

Since Raon and Dorian could control the speed from the front, the carriage would allow them to carry all of the villagers a lot faster and more easily than bringing them one by one.

“Of course I have a carriage with me. It’s one of the necessities.”

Dorian grinned while putting chains around the wheels to prevent slipping.

Raon swallowed nervously while watching the smiling Dorian, who believed it was normal to have a carriage in his pocket.

‘What is even considered a non-necessity for you?’

* * *

* * *

By the time Raon and Dorian arrived at Werthers Village with the people on the carriage, the sun had reached the center of the sky.

He was planning to remove the debris to make space for the villagers to rest, but many people were already rebuilding the village.

“Greetings, White Sword Dragon. I’m the branch manager’s direct subordinate, Henderson.”

A middle-aged man stepped forward and bowed to them. The man, who had half of his gray hair swept back, was the warrior who used to be standing next to Denning Rose.

“What brought you here?”

“The branch manager ordered the restoration of the village since White Sword Dragon was going to return with the rescued villagers.”


Raon exclaimed while looking at Henderson.

‘Was she expecting me to win?’

Denning Rose should’ve already figured out about the assassins’ movement.

It was interesting that she predicted, or rather believed, that Raon would manage to rescue the villagers through the assassins and the Black Tower.

‘What a peculiar woman.’

Everyone in the Black Market could’ve ended up dying if she made a mistake, yet she still believed in him and sent all those people. Her boldness was truly extraordinary.

“We also brought a priest and healers. Please leave the treatment of the villagers to us.”

Henderson pointed behind him. An old man wearing a priest's outfit and people who appeared to be healers were standing there among the workers restoring the village.


Dorian nodded and opened the carriage. He brought people out of the compressed carriage and laid them in front of the priest and the healers.


The priest gasped and suddenly raised his head.

“Those injuries are definitely caused by the energy of darkness, yet there’s not even a trace left in them! How is this possible…?”

His jaw dropped in surprise while examining the injuries.

“How did you even treat them?”

“It’s thanks to him, as he used holy water at the right moment.”

Raon smiled while pointing at Dorian.

“I used my aura to remove it afterward.”

He added some lies since he didn’t want the Blade of Requiem’s ability to be known.

“Even if holy water was used, the energy of darkness can’t be removed so perfectly. How curious! There shouldn’t be any lingering effects!”

The priest smiled while saying that it was a relief. He blessed the villagers’ bodies to increase their regeneration before leaving the treatment to the healers.

“Your skills are truly extraordinary!”

After he blessed all of the villagers, he walked up to Raon and grabbed his hands.

“How about coming with me? People might start calling you a reincarnated saint with your abilities.”


Raon laughed awkwardly.

‘He looks like he doesn’t know who I am.’

Raon realized once again how good the Blade of Requiem’s treatment was. An excellent priest was praising him so hard…

“I don’t deserve such praise…”

“Priest Camen, he must be tired because he’s been fighting all night long.”

“Ah, excuse me. It was my fault.”

The priest bowed politely and stepped back. He was rather impatient but didn’t seem to be a bad person.

“We’ve prepared a location for your rest.”

Henderson pointed at a camp set up on the right side. It must’ve been the highest-grade tent since it was wide, smooth, and odorless.


Raon licked his lips while watching Dorian, who was blankly staring at the tent.

‘I guess Dorian should rest.’

After climbing to the summit with bare hands, he even fought against the drake and pulled the carriage. It could be expected that he was tired to the point of collapsing.

“Vice squad leader, I’m going to res—”

Dorian started bowing at him with a smile and suddenly fainted.

He was tired.


It looked like he had fainted when the tension left him.

‘He’s such an interesting fellow.’

Raon chuckled and laid Dorian on the bed inside the camp before going to a tent assigned to him.


Raon sat on the bed at a deeper part of the camp and sighed.

‘Fortunately, I managed to do everything I could.’

He stopped Derus’s attack, annihilated the Black Commander and the Black Spirits, and even managed to rescue the kidnapped villagers safely.

Since he also obtained the drake, which was the original objective, it wasn’t excessive to call it the best result possible.

It was close, but it wasn’t too bad.

Wrath nodded.

‘Then let’s check out what I received.’

You received? What have you even received?

‘Your gift.’

Raon smiled cheerfully and loaded the messages that he’d previously turned off.

The King of Essence never gave you a gif—Ugh!

Wrath’s jaw dropped. Raon checked the messages while ignoring him.

[You’ve manipulated multiple enemies with an excellent plan.]

[You’ve prevailed against a combined attack from two warriors with a higher realm than yourself.]

[All stats have increased by 8.]

The points seemed to be given because he’d made the Black Tower and the poison crew fight against each other, then won against the combined attack between the Black Commander and Loktan. However, the messages weren’t over yet.

[Trait Perception of the Snow Flower has ranked up.]

[Trait Bleeding Curse has ranked up.]

[Trait Poison Resistance has ranked up twice.]

[Trait Snow Flower’s Veil has ranked up.]

The second batch of messages was about the increase in rank of the traits he’d used. He was expecting the Perception of the Snow Flower and the Snow Flower’s Veil to rank up, but the two-level increase in Poison Resistance was rather unexpected.

‘It must be from when I ate the ghost jellyfish's energy core. It finally came out after I defended against Loktan’s poison.’

Raon figured he might be able to resist Loktan’s poison without even using the Ring of Fire with the current level of his Poison Resistance.

His Poison Resistance was getting pretty high, just like his Fire Resistance and Water Resistance. He could feel that his weaknesses were gradually disappearing.

H-how is this even possible?

Wrath’s lips trembled as he read the messages.

How could you give him so many stats and traits when all he did was kill some weaklings?!

‘But I did a good job, didn’t I?’

Not at all! Those guys would’ve died if the King of Essence crushed them with his pinky finger. Actually, shooting his booger would’ve been enough! Those rewards are way too excessive!

He started to pick his nonexistent nose while saying that he could really kill them with a booger. Raon started to wonder how he even had a sense of smell without a nose.

The King of Essence can’t accept this! You honestly did nothing this time and only watched them fight!

‘I finished them off at least. And what are you going to do if you can’t accept it when I have already received the reward? Sue me?’

Argh! He wishes he could sue you…

Wrath ground his teeth violently while glaring at Raon.

Once the King of Essence returns, the first thing he does will be to destroy the system and make a new one! It’s so stupid!


Raon wanted to say that he was the stupid one, but he suppressed his urge because he figured Wrath was going to rampage even more.

‘I’m sorry, but I have some bad news.’

What is it now?!

‘I don’t think we’ll be able to eat the berry pie and the braised chestnuts.’

What kind of bullshit is that?!

Wrath briskly turned his eyes to look at him. Raon’s fingers trembled because his glare was even more intense than when his stats were taken away.

‘Lots of people have been injured and died. I can’t exactly ask them in this situation.’

Nonsense! That’s the whole reason the King of Essence is here!

‘It would be a different story if we stayed here for about a week, but we have to return in two days at most. I’ll buy you delicious food at the company.’

No! The King of Essence is going to eat the berry pie and braised chestnuts from this village no matter what!

He held onto the ground and shook his head to show his determination to stay. He almost looked like a kid lying down on the marketplace, trying to pester their parents into buying them some candy.

‘I mean, it’s impossible no matter how much you want it.’

The village was destroyed, and there were lots of casualties. The villagers were unable to move both mentally and physically even if they wanted to give them rewards.

Hmph! You underestimate humans too much.


You aren’t planning to accept any money from the villagers, are you?

‘Of course not.’

Then let’s make a bet with the King of Essence.

Wrath sent him a message at the same time.

[Wrath is suggesting a bet.

Condition: Leave Werthers Village without being treated with a berry pie and a braised chestnut.

Success: All stats +10

Fail: +10 in emotion of wrath, eat everything Wrath wants for three days after returning to the Sephia company.]

What do you think? Accept the challenge if you are so sure about it.

Wrath snorted while pointing at the message.


Since Raon could utilize the wrath, it wasn’t exactly a penalty for him so he decided to accept it.

‘In return, we are going to leave in two days.’

That’s fine!

Wrath nodded with a grin on his face.

You know nothing about human nature because you are a demon.

‘You are the demon though…’

* * *

Two days later.

Just as Raon predicted, the villagers repeatedly bowed at him with teary eyes to express their gratitude, but they didn’t bring him any berry pies or braised chestnuts.

Raon snickered while looking at Wrath’s frown.

‘I told you we wouldn’t get it. They can’t afford to make any dessert right now.’

It’s not over yet!

Wrath shook his head, saying that they still had more time left.

‘It’s pointless. We are leaving before lunch, just like I previously mentioned.’

He’s well aware.

Raon left the village and examined the surrounding area. He spread his aura perception just in case the Black Tower, Derus’s shadows, or monsters were around, but he fortunately didn’t find anything.

Since many of the warriors from the Black Market were in the village, he figured he could leave without worrying about them.

You are such a worrywart.

‘Being a worrywart is better than you, who is only looking for food.’

It’s just the King of Essence’s hobby…

‘It looks more like the whole purpose of your life.’

That’s not true!

Raon returned to his tent while making fun of Wrath, only to find that the village chief was waiting for him.


“Our benefactor!”

The village chief bowed so deeply that his head almost touched the ground.

“You’ve returned!”

“I already told you, you don’t need to bow so much.”

He was feeling extremely uncomfortable because every single villager, including the chief, was bowing like that all the time.

“No, this is far from enough to express our gratitude.”

He shook his head with an awkward smile. He tightened his lips, saying that he would be repaying that favor for the rest of his life.

“I heard you were leaving today. Is that true?”

“Yes. I have an important matter to attend to.”

Raon nodded. He had to return to the Sephia company in advance and make preparations, as anything could happen in the competition for succession.

“I see. You are really going to return before we can pay anything back.”

He bowed once again and apologized.

“We’d like you to at least accept the reward money that we’ve prepared…”

“That fund is necessary for the restoration of the village.”

Raon shook his head. Since he wasn’t expecting any reward to begin with, he was satisfied with his victory against Wrath.

“In that case, please accept something else.”

The village chief looked behind him, and a girl with a freckled nose stepped forward and showed him two boxes.

“My granddaughter made them with the best berries and chestnuts remaining in the village. Please eat those and return to visit the village later.”

“Thank you, our benefactor.”

The chief and his granddaughter bowed at the same time.


Raon’s jaw dropped as he accepted the boxes inside the luxurious packages.

‘Did they seriously make them?’

He couldn’t believe they were giving him their regional products when the funerals weren’t even over yet. He fell speechless in his shock.


Wrath started rolling on the ground with frivolous laughter.

The King of Essence told you! You don’t know anything about humans because you are a demon!

He was calling Raon a demon as if he himself were a human being.

“Th-thank you.”

Raon tried his best to maintain a composed expression, and messages appeared when he was about to open the box. He bit his lip, as he thought he had lost the bet.

[You’ve won the bet against Wrath.

All stats have increased by 10.

5 additional points have increased from the consecutive victory.]



However, the message was announcing his victory.

Wh-what’s going on?! Are you seriously broken? Why did the King of Essence lose the bet?!

‘I’m not sure either.’

Raon tilted his head and opened the boxes. Once he saw the contents, he realized why he received that message.

‘There are no pies or braised chestnuts.’

The boxes contained pink macarons made from berries and sugar-glazed chestnuts.


Wrath’s jaw dropped as he looked at the food.

“They are new desserts that are going to succeed the berry pies and braised chestnuts. We’d like our benefactor to have a taste before they are revealed.”

The village chief smiled, saying that they were even more delicious than the berry pies and braised chestnuts.

“They do look really delicious.”

Raon nodded while looking at the desserts. He was trying to suppress his laughter, but it was so difficult that he had to cover his mouth with his hands.

What’s going on?!

Wrath shouted towards the sky because of the unexpected situation.

Why does this happen every single time?! Why the hell did they have to come up with new recipes right now?!

‘They are thanking us.’

Bring the berry pies and braised chestnuts!

‘This is so unreasonable! Why does the world hate the King of Essence so much?!’

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