The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Chapter 352

Dorian pointed at the biggest building among the various shops of the Sephia company.

“This is the Sephia company’s central administration building.”

Raon followed his finger and looked up at the building.

‘It’s as big as Zieghart’s main building.’

The central administration building of the Sephia company was tall enough to be compared with Zieghart’s main building.

Since it was about 1.5 times wider, it wasn’t an overstatement to say that it was actually even bigger.

It looks somewhat stiff.

Wrath furrowed his brow after his eyes skimmed over the building.

‘It does look that way.’

Raon agreed with Wrath, as the rectangular building had angular edges, it was painted gray—which gave off the cold impression—and the way the windows were placed right next to each other looked rather suffocating.

Raon checked his own condition while standing in front of the door to the central administration.

His disguise wasn’t as perfect as when he went to House Robert, but he had changed his hair and eye color while pretending to be weaker than Dorian.

‘This should be enough.’

Since they were supposedly uninterested in Dorian, he guessed that a shallow disguise would be enough.

“Let’s go inside.”


Despite his answer, Dorian kept staring at the door instead of opening it. He seemed to be still hesitating.

What’s wrong with him?

‘He hasn’t come back home in a long time. He must be trying to make some grand entrance.’

Raon crossed his arms and waited for Dorian to move.


Dorian caught his breath and walked up to the door. He seemed to have finally made up his mind.


When he was about to grab the doorknob, the door opened before he did and someone came out.


He managed to avoid the door hitting him, but he couldn’t avoid the unsightly behavior because he ended up losing his balance.

However, Raon thought it was more befitting to Dorian than trying to look cool.

“It’s telling you to stop acting cool.”

Raon chuckled and pointed at the opened door.

“Let’s go.”

“Ah, yes…”

Dorian scratched the back of his neck, and Raon followed him into the central administration building. There were a lot of people walking around.

On top of the staff, there also seemed to be merchants, warriors, mercenaries, and some guests.

“Welcome to the Sephia company.”

The staff inside the lobby at the center of the first floor walked up to them with a pretty smile on her face.

“What’s your business?”

She smiled gently. She didn’t seem to recognize Dorian even though he wasn’t in disguise.

“Erm, hmm.”

Dorian lowered his eyes to look at the floor and said with a trembling voice.

“I came to see the president.”

“Do you have an appointment?”

“No, I don’t, but the president called me…”


“I’m the president’s son, you see.”


Her eyes widened so much that they looked like they were about to pop out.

“What do you mean… Ah!”

She blankly stared at Dorian in disbelief before she gave a big nod.

“A-are you the young master Dorian?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Ah, please excuse me. I wasn’t informed about your arrival.”

The staff member apologetically lowered her head.

Raon narrowed his eyes while looking at her expression.

‘His presence is indeed weak.’

Considering the fact that they didn’t even inform the staff after summoning him, Raon could guess that Dorian’s presence was a lot weaker than he thought.

“I’ll call the president. Please wait over here.”

The staff member guided them to a waiting room located on the right side of the lobby before she went back out.


Dorian sat on a chair and sighed. The sweat on his forehead showed how nervous he was.

“She didn’t even recognize you.”

Raon sat on a sofa on the opposite side and looked at the door where the staff member left.

“She joined the company after I left. It’s obvious that she wouldn’t recogn—”

“That’s not true. Since the company called you, they should’ve informed the staff at the lobby at least.”

“Hmm, I expected it to be the case…”

Dorian rubbed his belly pocket while saying that he was fine with that. He had always been a timid guy, but Raon felt sad to look at him because of how pathetic he looked in his home.

“Ah, do you want something to eat?”

Dorian took out a cup, pink tea leaves, a kettle, and potato chips.

The water automatically boiled inside the kettle, and he brewed a cup of tea to give it to Raon.

“That again.”

Raon chuckled and accepted the tea, drinking it. It tasted bitter in the beginning and the middle, but it tasted very slightly sweet in the end.

It’s bitter! Don’t drink it!

Wrath stuck his tongue out and called it disgusting.

‘You have a child’s tastebuds.’

Raon ignored him and kept sipping on the tea.

He finished drinking the tea, and another one, and another one. He spent two hours like that, but no one came to fetch them.

Raon smiled while touching the teacup that had grown cold a long time ago.

‘I thought this would happen.’

Why are they not calling us?!

Wrath punched in the air with his round fist.

The King of Essence was expecting treats since they are so rich, but how long are they planning to make us wait?!

Raon had been wondering why Wrath was in such a good mood, and he just learned that he’d been looking forward to the expensive food he would eat. Raon was surprised once again by the demon king’s gluttony.


Dorian awkwardly scratched his cheek. He looked like he knew it was going to happen.

“I’m sorry. He’s such a busy person.”

“I guess he is. You normally have to get an appointment several months before meeting the president of one of the five biggest companies. However…”

Raon frowned while touching his cold cup. The tea started to boil like magma because of the heat he was emanating with his unpleasant emotions.

“Even if he has other appointments, the son who returned after nine years obviously takes priority. Actually, it's been almost ten years.”


“And if he’s going to be late, the staff would’ve returned to notify you about it.”

Even if the president was making him wait, the situation was abnormal. Raon could guess that someone had interfered.

‘This is so obvious. Dorian’s siblings must’ve done this.’

It was actually a natural outcome, as Dorian’s siblings must’ve strengthened their presence for the nine past years, unlike Dorian.

Raon could only smile, as he felt like he already understood what was going on inside the company.

“You said that you have three siblings, right?”

“Ah, yes.”

Dorian was anxiously biting his fingernails and nodded in response.

“They are really taking too long. I’ll go out to ask.”

Dorian grabbed the doorknob with the intention of talking to the staff once again.

“Don’t do it.”

Raon shook his hand.


“Your father isn’t going to contact you even if you ask again. The perpetrator behind this will be here if we keep waiting.”

He casually crossed his legs and started to drink the now-warm tea.


Dorian seemed to have noticed what he meant and sat down to start eating his potato chips.

Stop drinking that disgusting tea and eat the chips he’s offering! The King of Essence is hungry!

‘It’s unhealthy.’

Raon shook his head while looking at the chips.

Eating some chips isn’t a big deal!

‘But the impurities caused by the chips can make the difference during a fight.’

How dare you argue despite being a weakling…

‘Being a weakling is another reason why I shouldn’t eat it.’


Wrath grasped his head and started to shout.

That silver tongue of yours is so hateful!

‘Thank you for your compliment.’

It’s not a compliment!

Raon spent two more hours with Wrath screaming right next to him, and a strong presence appeared in front of the door.


The door was gently opened and an elegant woman with tidy green hair entered. The door seemed to have no space left because of her large body.


Dorian stood up with a dumbfounded expression.

“Is that you, Palen?”

The woman who was called Palen didn’t respond to Dorian and looked at Raon instead. Her lips slightly rose into a smile upon noticing that he was wearing shabby clothes.

Raon had to suppress his laughter while watching Palen’s reaction.

‘She’s completely underestimating me.’

She must’ve believed that he was Dorian’s subordinate or friend because of his shabby clothes and dirty appearance. He was thankful to her because that was how he wanted them to see him.

“Palen? Why are you calling me by name?”

The woman turned her head towards Dorian and smiled coldly.

“Did you still not learn your place despite your age?”


Dorian’s shoulders trembled upon hearing her cold voice. It was difficult to believe that she was his family.

“Judging from your appearance, you must be as thoughtless as before.”

Palen skimmed through Dorian and snorted.

“Why is your head still empty? What have you been doing so far?”


“I’m asking what you’ve been doing for the past nine years with that small pocket of yours.”

She wasn’t simply making fun of him. She really didn’t seem to know what Dorian had been doing so far.

Raon narrowed his eyes while looking at the woman named Palen.

‘She’s even worse than Burren when he was a trainee.’

She was showing her contempt and laughed at Dorian in front of Raon, who was an outsider, and she didn’t even know what Dorian had been doing even though he was still a candidate for succession. Those poor qualities made Raon judge that she wasn’t even worthy of his attention.

“Ah, I…”

When Dorian was about to respond with trembling lips, the door was opened once again. A middle-aged man with sharp eyes entered the room.

“I heard he joined Zieghart to practice swordsmanship.”

He answered Palen’s question instead of Dorian.


“Moreover, he’s a member of the Light Wind squad, which is the hottest topic nowadays.”


Dorian swallowed nervously while looking at the man that he called Dialon.


The man who was called Dialon nodded slightly at Raon.

Raon stood to greet him.

‘Unlike that idiot named Palen… This one is dangerous.’

The Light Wind squad had indeed become famous, but the names of the members—except for Raon and the three team leaders—were mostly unknown to the public.

Considering that he was aware where Dorian had been, and what affiliation he had, Dialon seemed to be an extraordinary person.

“The Light Wind squad?”

Palen frowned while glaring at Dorian.

“The Light Wind squad of the White Sword Dragon?”

Her surprise confirmed Raon’s expectation that his name had already spread throughout the Sephia company.


Dialon’s eyes became serious as he looked at Dorian.

“Hmph! Raon Zieghart is the only famous person from there.”

Palen glared at him and said that it didn’t mean anything.

“He must be nothing but a sidekick in there.”


Dorian couldn’t refute that and hung his head. He seemed to agree with her statement.

“You were asked to bring back the biggest treasure, yet you’ve been practicing swordsmanship instead. You are just as idiotic as you’ve always been in the past.”

The intense scorn was apparent in Palen’s smile.

“Only the chosen ones should train with the sword, just like your superior, Raon Zieghart. You don’t even deserve to be a candidate for succession.”


Dorian’s chin lowered even further. It was about to reach the ground at that rate.

Raon didn’t interfere in the conversation, a faint smile on his face.

‘This is a familiar atmosphere.’

He found the exact same gazes and atmosphere of discrimination that he got used to during the Judgment Ceremony and his temporary trainee period in Zieghart.

It confirmed the similarity between Raon and Dorian, who were discriminated against in their respective houses.

‘And I know how to destroy this situation. I just need to make them pick a fight with us and destroy them afterward.’

It was a house of merchants instead of warriors, but the fact still remained the same.

He just needed to shatter all of their plots with an overwhelming amount of power, and the justification and people’s favors were bound to follow.

‘It might be too much to bear for Dorian, but… It will be helpful for his future.’


Raon made up his mind and called Dorian’s name. Palen and Dialon also looked at him on top of Dorian.

“Are they your siblings that you said you were easily going to defeat to use as a stepping stone for the company?”

Raon asked with an innocent expression on his face, as if he was completely unaware of what he was saying.


Dorian’s face turned pale upon hearing that.

“Easily defeat us, you say?”

“Use us as a stepping stone for the company?”

On top of Palen, who’d been aggressive all along, even Dialon’s eyes became hostile.


Dorian’s chin trembled violently, and he couldn’t even speak properly. The crevices in his eyes were shouting, ‘I never said that!’.

“I forgot to introduce myself because it’s been such a long time since the last time I saw my younger brother.”

Dialon walked up to Raon and extended his hand.

“My name is Dialon Sephia. I’m Dorian’s older brother.”

“My name is Jeden.”

Raon introduced himself as Jeden, who was an actual member of the Light Wind squad’s third team, and grabbed his hand.

“Ah, I heard that name before. You must be from the Light Wind squad’s third team, aren’t you?”


‘He’s certainly extraordinary.’

He must’ve thoroughly gathered the information since he even knew Jeden’s name. He was relieved that he’d dyed his hair red just like Jeden.

“Excuse my rudeness, swordsman from the Light Wind squad.”

Palen came next to Dialon with a frown and very slightly nodded her head.

“But what you just said is slightly unsettling. Did Dorian really say that he was going to defeat us?”

“Yes. He said that he would take over the company after crushing all of his siblings.”

Raon responded with a smile, and the atmosphere became even colder.


Dorian’s groan started to sound like a song. His eyes were trembling left and right, looking like they were about to pop out.

“You bastard, you should know your place…”

Palen was about to walk up to Dorian when a thick knocking sound could be heard.

The door was opened, and an old, silver-haired man in a butler outfit entered the room.

“Young master Dorian, the president has summoned you.”

Palen and Dialon stopped walking towards Dorian upon hearing that.


Palen turned to look at the old butler with wide eyes. Her face had turned pale in disbelief.

‘Was she the one who intervened?’

Judging from the situation, she must’ve prevented the news about Dorian’s arrival, but the president ended up summoning him anyway.

“Ah, yes…”

Dorian swallowed nervously while looking at his two siblings before walking towards the door next to the old butler. His shoulders were violently trembling because he was worried about his siblings’ anger.


Palen and Dialon were giving a killing glare at Dorian’s back.


Raon smiled, while the cold atmosphere made him feel like he was inside an ice cavern.

‘This is how siblings should be.’


Wrath’s round eyes were violently trembling as he watched Raon.

Are you really human?

* * *

* * *

Raon followed the old butler to the highest floor of the central administration building, where the president was waiting for them.

“Why did you do that?”

Dorian quietly screamed.

“When did I even say that?!”

“Did you not?”

“Not even close! You saw those eyes! What am I supposed to do now?! My life is ruined!”

Dorian pressed on his temple, saying that his siblings were going to bully him. His legs must’ve been feeling heavy since he was slowly climbing the stairs.

“The brother was the second oldest and the sister was the third, right?”


“The brother was different, but your sister wasn’t a big deal.”


“There’s no reason to be afraid of her. I told you before, but you are a completely different person compared to when you left the house.”

Raon chuckled and raised his finger to point at Dorian.

“Since you’ve changed, you will act differently and receive a different treatment.”


“Don’t be intimidated by them. The Light Wind squad and I are supporting you from behind.”

Raon went ahead and climbed the stairs after saying that.


Dorian stopped walking for a moment and stared at Raon’s back. He gave a small nod and followed him.

Raon smiled upon noticing that Dorian was trembling a bit less than before.

‘Your face looks good enough now to show your father, who you haven’t seen for ten years.’

Did you actually provoke his siblings for that purpose?

Wrath frowned. He seemed to find it unexpected that Raon was being so caring.


What is it then?

‘I figured it would be interesting.’

You are really insane. You shouldn’t exist in this world!

Wrath’s face turned yellow from the shock.

Raon chuckled and stood behind the old butler, who stopped walking on the highest floor.

“This is the president’s office. Please tell me when you are ready.”

He stepped aside. His completely emotionless voice almost sounded like it belonged to a heartless man.

“I’m ready.”

Dorian clenched his fist and responded while Raon nodded his head.


The butler knocked on the door twice and opened it for them.

The door smoothly opened, without any creaking sounds. It must’ve been lubricated properly.

A gray desk could be found in the midst of a brown carpet, which was adding to the heavy atmosphere, and furniture made of dark-colored hardwood.

An old man wearing a monocle raised his head from behind the desk.

He had green hair, and his impression and pressure were extremely cold and stiff despite his round eyes. His appearance was similar to Dorian’s, but the atmosphere around him was the complete opposite.

The president first looked at Dorian. He skimmed through Dorian’s body, and Raon noticed that his eyes trembled slightly for an instant even though they looked like they would never waver.

‘He’s different.’

Unlike Palen or Dialon, who started by checking on the guest, the president examined his son before anything else, which made him different from the others.

‘But that gaze… I feel like I’ve seen that somewhere before.’

While Raon was trying to remember where he had seen that, the president’s gaze stiffened once again and turned towards him. It was a cold-hearted gaze that felt like he was reading the mind.

“Greeting the president!”

Dorian bowed and shouted loudly. Raon didn’t say anything and leaned forward just like Dorian.


The president nodded and shook his hand.


Dorian raised his head with a slightly excited face. His mouth was completely dry from his nerves.

Even though Raon straightened his back once again, the president kept looking at Dorian instead of Raon.


“I’m honored to meet the White Sword Dragon.”

Raon was trying to introduce himself, but the president calmly declared.


‘He found out at a glance, even though I didn’t do my best at hiding it…’

He didn’t expect to be immediately found out, even though he didn’t change his height and skin color like when he went to Robert's domain.

Raon thought the president was no joke, unlike Dorian’s siblings.

“My name is Raon Zieghart.”

Raon smiled faintly while meeting the president’s serious eyes.

‘It looks like this won’t be boring at least.’

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