The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

Chapter 297

Chapter 297

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

[Translator: Kyangi]

[Proofreader: Harley]

Chapter 297


Unfaceable Snake briefly clicked his tongue, lying on the roof.

‘I don’t like it.’

People wearing helmets or ending up dead was normally none of his business, but the fact that Raon Zieghart had turned into a halfling dragon was making him oddly irritated.

‘Is it because I’ve never seen such a madman before?’

Raon Zieghart was completely insane, to the point that he challenged him to a duel despite having been captured by the enemy camp.

He took a liking to his odd personality, but his disappearance was making him depressed. He’d refused the sparring request from the Blue Dragon helmet for that exact reason.

‘I was slightly looking forward to it.’

He was looking forward to seeing Raon again because he sounded so confident when he’d previously said goodbye, but obviously, no one was capable of winning against the souls dwelling in the helmets and masks.

‘It’s going to be boring for a while.’

The spar against Raon was the only fun part of the boring mission to guard the barrier, and he was slightly saddened by the fact that he wouldn’t be able to experience it anymore.

“No, what am I even thinking right now?”

Unfaceable Snake laughed coldly and slapped his own cheeks.

‘He was bound to disappear.’

He already knew from the beginning that Raon’s soul was going to disappear. There was no reason for him to harbor such thoughts.


He sighed briefly and closed his eyes. Since no one could even see the barrier, let alone enter it, he was about to rest for a while.


He could sense someone at the Lunar Barrier.

“What’s going on?!”

Unfaceable Snake briskly stood and ran towards the troubled part of the barrier.

‘What is that…?’

A man, a woman, a senior, and a child. Four average-looking people were holding a bloody red sedan chair, and a white hand was reaching out of the curtain to stroke the barrier.

‘How come I didn’t even feel their presence?’

The four were certainly powerful, but he definitely should’ve been able to feel their presence. After all, he specialized in detecting presences.

‘Which means, that woman…’

Unfaceable Snake swallowed nervously and looked at the center of the sedan chair. Even though there was no pressure at all, the presence felt like it was covering the entire world. It almost felt like an otherworldly existence was pretending to be a human.

“Damn it…”

The White Blood Religion’s leader. She looked a lot different from the last time he had seen her, but it was definitely that crazy bitch.

‘They are going to break through.’

Even the Lunar Barrier was incapable of stopping that monster. They might take some time, but the barrier was obviously going to be breached eventually.


Unfaceable Snake grit his teeth and activated the barrier. The barrier’s interior grew thicker than before, and the alarm started ringing inside the building.

“It’s pointless.”

A sweet voice came from the red sedan chair, tickling his ears. The barrier wavered and opened up a path for the sedan chair to pass before the voice even faded away.

‘D-did she just open it?’

She didn’t even destroy the barrier—she opened it instead. He’d never even imagined such a possibility.

“It’s because I’m acquainted with him.”

The White Blood Religion's leader waved her hand, and the tenth apostle took the lead in entering the barrier. The sedan chair advanced behind him, and the fifth apostle followed from the rear.


Archbishops, priests, and fanatics entered the barrier in a line.

“A-are you trying to breach the convention and declare war?”

“You don’t need to worry so much.”

The White Blood Religion's leader rolled up her red lips into a thin smile while looking at Unfaceable Snake.

“Because I only came here to retrieve what belongs to me.”

* * *

Raon frowned while looking at Merlin’s room.

‘I need to decide.’

According to Loctar’s personality, he would’ve guarded Merlin in the room regardless of what was happening outside, since Merlin was the important person for him—not Eden.

However, he could end up reacting too late if he did that, as he wouldn’t be able to understand the situation.

‘Because I can’t tell who the intruder is.’

He couldn’t tell at all who was attacking Eden's base because one single overwhelming presence was covering up everyone else.

‘Can’t you feel anything here?’


Wrath groaned in response and his shoulders slumped.

Th-the King of Essence exhausted too much of his power. He can’t tell anything at all.

He was murmuring that he spent all the power he’d been gathering by manifesting his main body and breaking through the dimension twice in a row.

‘You can’t be any more useless than this…’


Wrath didn’t try to deny Raon’s belittling comment, and that was proof that he really was exhausted.

‘I have no choice but to go there myself.’

The situation was leaving him no choice. Since Merlin was still unconscious, it was necessary for him to go there himself to understand the situation.

Raon hid his presence and mixed himself in with the other demons of Eden to leave the building.

‘…A sedan chair?’

He could see a red sedan chair as soon as he left the gate.

He could feel a tremendous presence from the woman’s shadow reflecting on the light pink curtain that was covering the sedan chair’s seat. She was continuously attracting his gaze, as if his eyes were fixated by a nail.

He wasn’t the only one, since Eden's demons were also unable to take their eyes off of her.


Raon grabbed his chin with his hand to force himself to avert his gaze. He could see the four people carrying the sedan chair.

‘They are strong.’

He could feel a great power from them, as if they were trying to prove they were worthy enough to carry the sedan chair. It was difficult to precisely discern their levels because of the one on the sedan chair, but each of them was more powerful than himself.

Raon next examined the side of the sedan chair, then widened his eyes.

‘The tenth apostle? And is that the fifth apostle?’

The tenth apostle, with ten beads engraved on his coat, and the fifth apostle, with five beads, were standing on either side of the sedan chair with their hands gathered together.

‘Wh-which means, she is…’

He looked at the sedan chair once again. He bit his lip while examining the lazy hand gesture of the woman behind the red curtain.

‘The White Blood Religion's leader!’

Considering how much courtesy the apostles were showing, the person behind the curtain couldn’t be anyone else.

No, regardless of all that, the answer was obvious from the beginning—after all, her presence was on par with Glenn’s.

The woman was the master of the White Blood Religion, the White Blood Religion's leader.


Wrath narrowed his eyes while glaring at the curtain.

She’s pretty good.

Wrath had never acknowledged anyone except for Glenn. His comment implied that her might was as sublime as Glenn’s.


‘Why is the White Blood Religion's leader visiting this place?’

She didn’t exactly destroy the barrier to enter, but she didn’t seem to have an appointment either, judging from Eden’s reaction. He couldn’t understand why the monster was there when her presence was enough to cause ruckus anywhere in the world.

‘Maybe she came to take me away?’

It might sound like he had an overinflated ego, but the White Blood Religion had tried kidnapping him through the tenth apostle. Even though it sounded crazy, it wasn’t completely impossible.

You idiot.

Wrath snorted and shook his hand.

Even in Devildom, there are few existences with such prowess. Why would she come all the way here to take you away? This is why kids with protagonist syndrome…

“Where is Raon Zieghart?”

As he was snorting, a smooth voice came from the red curtain, practically melting in people’s ears.



Raon pushed Wrath away, as he was obstructing his vision, and his jaw dropped. It looked like the monster really had come to take him away.

“We don’t have anyone like that.”

Unfaceable Snake responded with a hoarse voice.

“How dare you spout lies in front of her majesty?”

The murderous aura burst out around the fifth apostle as he glared at Unfaceable Snake. He clenched his fist as if he would start attacking him at any moment.

“Kneel immediately. The noble existence in front of you is…”

“Stop it.”

The White Blood Religion's leader casually shook her hand.

“Did you say that Raon Zieghart isn’t here? Why not?”

“H-he’s… no longer alive.”

Unfaceable Snake hesitated until the end and spoke in a semi-formal manner instead of formal. The way he still avoided honorific speech made his prideful personality evident.

“No longer alive. I see…”

The White Blood Religion's leader laughed faintly.

“That must mean that he’s wearing a helmet.”

“Indeed. He can pretend to be Raon Zieghart, but the real Raon Zieghart has already parted from this world.”

Unfaceable Snake nodded with trembling lips.

Raon hid his presence even further and lowered himself slightly.

‘Why is she trying to turn me into an apostle?’

The White Blood Religion's leader was a monster powerful enough to gain Wrath’s acknowledgment. Even though people called him a genius, he was only at the intermediate level of Master, and he couldn’t understand why she would want to take him so badly that she would personally make a move.

“In that case…”

The White Blood Religion's leader bobbed her finger while leaning back in the seat.

“I’m going to take that boy instead.”

* * *

[Translator: Kyangi]

[Proofreader: Harley]

* * *

“Th-that would be impossible.”

Unfaceable Snake frowned and shook his head.

“Eden doesn’t easily give away the members who have already joined. Since he’s already wearing a helmet…”

“You don’t know your place.”

The fifth apostle stood in front of Unfaceable Snake with a fearsome amount of murderous aura bursting from him.

“You’d better bring Raon Zieghart here before I crush your mouth.”

“I’m not talking to you right now.”

Unfaceable Snake ground his teeth at the fifth apostle before looking at the White Blood Religion's leader instead.

“You said you aren’t planning to fight, but you are trying to take away a member of Eden. What are you even trying to do?”

“It solely depends on you. I would have to get rid of you if you tried standing on my way.”

The White Blood Religion's leader tilted her head slightly. Because of her completely composed voice, it even felt like they were at the White Blood Religion’s base instead of Eden’s Cameloon branch.

“Kuh, are you trying to breach the convention of the Five Demons?”

Unfaceable Snake opened his mouth while faltering. Even though the White Blood Religion's leader wasn’t spreading any pressure nor energy, her tremendous presence was making it difficult for even Unfaceable Snake to speak despite, being him an advanced Master.

“There’s no reason for the convention to be breached if you hand over that boy.”

“What nonsense…”

“Shut your mouth.”

The tenth apostle stepped forward, despite having stayed back. He glared at Unfaceable Snake with ferocious eyes under his calm appearance.

“She’s not a person that someone like you can speak to carelessly.”


As the tenth apostle’s powerful energy wave stormed at Unfaceable Snake, Soul Severing Sword stood in the way.


The entire land started to tremble from the standoffs between the tenth apostle against the Soul Severing Sword, and Unfaceable Snake against the fifth apostle.

“I’m not a patient person.”

The White Blood Religion's leader wagged her finger along with a quiet laugh. The powerful energy waves clashing against each other subsided in an instant, and Unfaceable Snake knelt on the ground.



Soul Severing Sword didn’t kneel, but he must’ve received an impact powerful enough to make him falter since his eyes were twice as wide as before while he stared at the White Blood Religion's leader.

“I’ll be taking Raon Zieghart with me.”

The White Blood Religion's leader nodded, and the sedan chair started to advance. Even though no one could stop their advance, Soul Severing Sword forcefully regained his balance to remain standing.


Soul Severing Sword increased the amount of his energy wave without speaking, just like always. The pitch-black combative energy of death engulfed his body.


The White Blood Religion's leader exclaimed. She seemed to find his behavior interesting.

“Interesting. Are you trying to stop me even though you deviated from the balance?”

“There’s no need for the religious leader to act.”

The tenth apostle stood in front of Soul Severing Sword and glared coldly.

“I’ll take care of him.”


Unlike before, the energy waves bursting from the tenth apostle and Soul Severing Sword looked like they were really trying to kill each other as they grasped their spear and sword.

‘I can’t run away from this one.’

Raon bit his lip. He might have been able to run away by using their clash if Eden and the White Blood Religion were equal in power, but the White Blood Religion’s side was far more powerful in the present situation. Raon judged that it was impossible to escape.

“You’ve been right in front of me all along.”

The White Blood Religion's leader swirled her finger in the air before pointing at Eden’s demons. The demons collapsed one after the other as if they were falling asleep to reveal Raon hiding behind them.

“Raon Zieghart.”

She pointed at Raon with a distant-sounding laugh.

“I’ve wanted to see you.”

Even though an extreme heat surrounded him, it felt as comfortable as a mother’s womb. He had the urge to walk up to her and rest in her arms the moment he heard her voice.


Raon forced his legs to stop. He used the Ring of Fire to erase the voice of the White Blood Religion's leader, which had managed to penetrate into his head.

“Who are you?”

He pretended to be Loctar, who didn’t know anything about the current world, with a slightly trembling voice.


The White Blood Religion's leader rested her chin on her hand and stared at him. The gaze coming from behind the curtain almost felt hot as it pierced into Raon.

“How ambiguous.”

“What do you mean, ambiguous?”

“The fragrance of the helmet’s demon is too faint. Did you actually overcome it?”

Even though her gaze had to pass through the red curtain, it pierced into Raon’s soul like a sharp spearhead.

“What are you even talking about?”

Raon bit the inside of his cheek to the brim in order to avoid showing his agitation.

‘Damn it… How was she able to tell?’

Even Eden's demons were deceived by his perfect control of his aura and acting, but it wasn’t working against that monster. She said it was ambiguous, but her voice was telling him that she was certain about it.

“It doesn’t matter whether you were devoured or not.”

The White Blood Religion's leader gently bobbed her finger.

“Come with me. I’ll show you a new world.”


His head became fuzzy as he watched the finger’s shadow reflected on the curtain, but he made the rings of fire resonate and awaken his mind.

“It’s rare to find such willpower. I’m liking you even more.”

The White Blood Religion's leader smiled in satisfaction. She seemed to be rejoicing at the fact that her sorcery didn’t work on him.

“I’m not going to leave since I have my family here.”

Raon grasped the hilt of his new sword while trying to sound like Loctar.

“In that case, I just need to kill that family of yours.”

“What kind of bullshit is that?!”

“I’m giving you a choice. You can either follow me after your family dies, or follow me right now.”

There was no emphasis nor emotion in her voice. She was simply voicing her will, as if it were a natural course of action.

‘She can’t be considered sane either.’

There was not a single sane person among the White Blood Religion and Eden, as if they were gatherings of lunatics.


Raon secretly lowered his eyes to look at Wrath inside the ice flower bracelet.

‘Can you fight against her if you enter my body?’

He would’ve believed in his victory in normal circumstances, but Wrath had exhausted his power doing useless things. He needed Wrath’s answer first, because he couldn’t tell how the situation was going to unfold.

What a useless question.

Wrath frowned in displeasure because of the reason he asked the question.

O-of course he can destroy her.

‘Then please get ready.’

His voice was trembling slightly, but letting Wrath control his body was the only solution he had left. Everyone in the area was his enemy, so it was fine even if Wrath went out of control and ended up killing them.

“Don’t cross the line.”

As Raon was calmly catching his breath, Unfaceable Snake stepped up.

“This is Eden's domain. Even though you are the head of the White Blood Religion, there are things that should not be done.”

“You are as bold as the number of your heads. I like it.”

Unfaceable Snake widened his eyes upon hearing her response.

“However, what you said is wrong.”


“Wherever I am is the White Blood Religion.”

She stretched out her hand. That single movement caused a red stream to emerge from the White Blood Fanatics’ gazes next to her.

“Bring Raon Zieghart to me. You can kill whoever tries to stop you.”

Even though the White Blood Fanatics approached with a murderous aura around them, Eden’s demons were unable to move. It was because the mysterious and pure energy coming from the White Blood Religion's leader was encircling them.


The first ones who prepared for a clash were the tenth apostle and Soul Severing Sword. The powerful energies soaring on top of their sword and spear were the manifestation of their murderous intent towards each other.


The moment the two grandmasters’ swords were about to clash, the sky split wide open.

The sun setting at the western mountain started to rise once again, and a bright light spread throughout the world.

A single man appeared in the midst of that majestic brilliance.

He was wearing a young man’s mask that almost looked dazzling from how handsome it was, and the lips curved smoothly into a smile as if it were a real face.

An angel’s wing and a demon’s horn were engraved on the gray outfit that he was wearing, and a halo was floating on his head with sun and moon’s emblems mixed together.

It was a sacred sight, yet profane at the same time.

The heavens were singing a hymn for him, while the land revealed its spite as it remembered him.


Raon bit his lip tightly while listening to the grotesque sound, similar to the wailing of an angel and a devil.

‘The Fallen…’

The monster clad in holy and demonic aura at the same time was one of the two pillars of Eden, who the outsiders had named the Fallen.


The Fallen slowly descended with a majestic wave that didn’t even lose to the White Blood Religion's leader.

Raon clenched his fist.

‘This is a favorable opportunity for me.’

The Fallen’s appearance fixed the balance between Eden and the White Blood Religion. He figured he might be able to escape without having to use Wrath.

That guy…

As he was planning his escape, Wrath furrowed his brows so intensely to a point where his eyes looked distorted.

He’s a mixture.



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