The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 444: Tool Man Gong Jin

Chapter 444

Nan XiangWan and Gu Beihuai took one car, while the Six Fate Girls took another.

Little Winter somehow ended up in the car with Yang Rongjun and Guan Liangzhe, the two Golden Melody Awards hosts, coming along to get late night snacks with them.

Gu Beihuai had already booked a high-end restaurant. He was certain his little darling would have a huge harvest tonight and got ready to celebrate.

The Six Fate Girls also won two big awards, bringing considerable benefits to South North Entertainment, which was worth celebrating too.

However, Yang Rongjun and Guan Liangzhe swaggered in and sat down casually, then started eating and chatting away.

The Six Fate Girls were all chatterboxes too, engrossed in endless talks with the two men.

Only Nan XiangWan kept her head down eating.

Gu Beihuai was quite gratified by this, but he felt the dinner was too noisy with all the other people eating.

It was Gong Jin's first time dining with Gu Beihuai, Nan XiangWan and their mutual friends, so he was curious about everything.

Yang Rongjun suggested drinking and called the waiter to serve alcohol.

Ge Dongxuan jumped up excitedly, "Let's drink, drink, drink!"

Gong Jin also raised his glass with everyone and drank together.

So while Nan XiangWan ate from start to finish, the people around her were competing in a drinking game.

Tipsy, Guan Liangzhe clinked glasses with Gong Jin, "Brother, you're new here right? First time meeting you!"

Gong Jin: "Oh, I've been a bodyguard for four months."

Guan Liangzhe: "Bodyguards are so capable. Are you Gu Beihuai's or Nan XiangWan's bodyguard?"

Gong Jin: "I fill in for both."

Guan Liangzhe: "Damn, bro! By the way, are you an ex-military man? I can tell from your temperament that you're no ordinary man!"

Gong Jin: "No, still in service."

Guan Liangzhe sat up straight solemnly: "Brother, where do you serve?"

Gong Jin: "Oh, the Imperial Capital Military Region."

Guan Liangzhe: "Pfft—Oh my god!"

He was so frightened he didn't dare drink anymore.

Last time, he had similarly asked Jie Chou, only to find out the man was from the public security bureau.

And now, he asked again, and got the Imperial Capital Military Region.

Scary as hell!

From now on, he would never casually ask questions to people around Nan XiangWan or Gu Beihuai!

Gong Jin looked at the male host weirdly, wondering why he stopped drinking. Can't hold his liquor?

Meanwhile, Yang Rongjun and Ge Dongxuan next to them were already drunk, playing finger guessing games and making a ruckus like kids.

Nan XiangWan kept eating until everyone else passed out before finally feeling full.

Xiao Dong immediately handed her a napkin, "Boss Nan, wipe your mouth."

Nan XiangWan: "Oh? Xiao Dong didn't drink today?"

Xiao Dong smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, how dare I?"

She didn't even want to bring up that last embarrassing drunken incident.

Unlike Nan XiangWan who would draw a complete blank every time she got drunk, Xiao Dong could remember clearly everything that happened when she got dead drunk.

What a joke, boasting after a single drink? Deranged!

Sitting beside, Gu Beihuai's ears were already numbed from the noise: "Done eating? Let's go back to the hotel?"

It was just too noisy, even with just over a dozen people. But they chatted non-stop, and the group of singers had incredibly powerful vocals, yelling loudly.

Gu Beihuai felt so tired!

Nan XiangWan also found it noisy, probably like a hundred ducks quacking simultaneously.

Still bearable though.

Zhu Sha had drank a little without getting drunk. She stood up to gather her team members to leave.

But before she could say a word, a series of 'thuds' sounded from the table, as

Ge Dongxuan, Yun Qian, Deng Si Nan and Sha Ling slumped over the table, dead drunk.

Zhou Wenxia stared wide-eyed, at a loss.

Zhu Sha was about to go mad, it was these four again!

Fortunately Nan XiangWan hadn't drank tonight, only eating. And Boss Gu and the two seniors were here, so it should be easier.

But just as Zhu Sha thought this...


Yang Rongjun collapsed on the table, snoring.

Guan Liangzhe's cheeks were flushed red, stumbling drunk.

Zhu Sha looked pleadingly at Boss Gu. They were doomed!

Gu Beihuai expressionlessly gestured to Gong Jin.

Gong Jin came over and carried Yang Rongjun and Guan Liangzhe over his shoulders, "Shall we go?"

Despite drinking no less than the others, he was not only sober but very clear-headed. Carrying a few people back would be no issue.

Zhu Sha and Zhou Wenxia were amazed by him!

Just then, Xiao Dong spoke up, "I can piggyback one."

Nan XiangWan added: "I'll take two."

Zhu Sha and Zhou Wenxia hugged each other in delight. They only needed to support one each.

The six drunks were handled!

Nan XiangWan carried one over each shoulder like Gong Jin, with Ge Dongxuan on her left and Sha Ling on her right.

Xiao Dong piggybacked the relatively obedient Deng Si Nan.

Zhu Sha and Zhou Wenxia supported Yun Qian together.

Before they even left the restaurant, the six drunks started acting up.

Yang Rongjun: "Heehee! Heeheehee ghost's here!"

Guan Liangzhe: "Ah! Help! I'm scared!"

Ge Dongxuan: "Awooo?"

Yun Qian: "Awoooo~~~"

Sha Ling: "Awooo~!"

Deng Si Nan: "Mm, mm."

Nan XiangWan slapped Ge Dongxuan and Sha Ling's butts, "Quiet!"

Gong Jin wanted to try slapping them too, but thought better of it. He couldn't control his strength and might smack them unconscious.

Xiao Dong pressed Deng Si Nan's head down to keep her from going crazy.

Fortunately Zhu Sha and Zhou Wenxia could handle Yun Qian together.

After paying the bill, Gu Beihuai followed behind the chaotic group and got in the car. He was exhausted, mentally and physically.

He had thought his darling when drunk was the most unruly. Now he realized how wrong he was.

The people around his darling were the real troublemakers!

Nan XiangWan drunk could still be coaxed, if done right.

But Yang Rongjun, Guan Liangzhe, Ge Dongxuan and the rest?

Forget it!

It was like entering a wolf's den...

Everyone stayed at the hotel arranged by the organizer, with good facilities all around.

After returning, Nan XiangWan was still energetic, having napped a while during the awards ceremony.

Determined to avoid trouble, Gu Beihuai went straight to his room upon getting back, isolating himself.

Don't provoke him. He didn't want to hear the wolf howls anymore!

After settling the drunks down, Gong Jin fumbled to find a room to sleep in.

But he discovered, eh?

He didn't seem to have a room!

He wasn't an invited guest, just someone who snuck in with Gu Beihuai to play around.

So where could he sleep?

Gong Jin called Gu Beihuai, but his phone was off.

Even Xiao Dong had a room. Seeing everyone else turn in, Gong Jin stood alone confused in the hotel lobby.

After some time, the alcohol in Gong Jin's system had mostly evaporated.

With clear thinking, he went to the front desk to check in.

The five-star hotel was a bit pricey, but he could afford a night. First things first, solve the sleep issue.

But he was told the rooms were fully booked!

Gong Jin's expression cracked. Helplessly, he took out his military officer ID: "How about now?"

The front desk staff's eyes widened as they scrambled to check him in.

Front Desk: "Please wait a moment sir, we will clear a room for you right away!"

Gong Jin: "It's fine if there are really no rooms, I can crash on the sofa for a night."

Front Desk: "No no! There is! Please wait, we will ensure your comfortable stay!"

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