The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 397: Let’s Redecorate.

Chapter 397

The concert in Yangcheng was very successful. By now, Tianming Girl Group had gained enough stage experience and had their stage manner down pat.

Perhaps it was because the fans were too passionate, or perhaps the duration was too short. When the last song "RainCat" ended, many people in the audience were crying out loud!

Those young girls were already sobbing and gasping for air, yet they still insisted on standing with their chests puffed out to sing along.

The bandmates were all moved, and Sha Ling's eyes reddened along with them.

Gradually, everyone was both laughing and crying before the performance came to an end.

Zhao Tiancheng watched the whole thing from backstage with a big grin, constantly nodding his head in approval.

Hmm! Sha Ling has the strongest empathy!

The other members also performed very well, basically managing to build an emotional connection with the fans while performing.

Except Nan Xiangwan...

She didn't cry at all!

Not only was she not the slightest bit sad, she even had an air about her like she was very cool.

After getting off stage, this silly girl suddenly stopped again and turned back to blow kisses at the fans as a farewell.

The fans who had finally regained control of their emotions were provoked to tears again by Nan Xiangwan's actions.

The scene became uncontrollable!

Zhao Tiancheng: "..."

Could you be any more nonchalant?

After the concert in Yangcheng ended, everyone rushed to the airport.

The other six members of Tianming Girl Group took a flight together to the capital city, to start rehearsing first.

Nan Xiangwan took the same flight as Monica back to Mo City, to compete in "The Singer" the next day.

Zhao Tiancheng: "Nan Xiangwan, take a flight to the capital right after you finish performing tomorrow, okay?"

Nan Xiangwan: "Okay."

Zhao Tiancheng: "Don't just say 'okay'. Our concert at the Bird's Nest in the capital is a big deal! You can't miss the rehearsals. This is the last stop, it's very important!"

Nan Xiangwan: "I'll have Xiaodong book the tickets."

Zhao Tiancheng: "You're too nonchalant, not worried at all, it makes me nervous, you know?"

Nan Xiangwan paused, looking at him suspiciously, then took a step back and struck a sprinter's pose.

Zhao Tiancheng: "What are you doing?"

Nan Xiangwan: "Pretending to be anxious for a bit."

Zhao Tiancheng: "Oh, go on!"

The bandmates all laughed out loud nearby, but didn't get to laugh for long before the two sides separated, boarding different flights to the two cities.

Ge Dongxuan watched Nan Xiangwan's back as she left and sighed: "She's so busy!"

Zhu Sha: "Running around without a moment's rest, I wonder if she even has time to sleep properly."


At the military hospital in the capital city.

Gu Beihuai listened to the entire concert, then was helped by Gong Jin to get his stitches removed.

The surgery went very smoothly, and the recovery was also good. The slight pain from removing the stitches was negligible.

Gu Beihuai didn't frown once throughout the whole process, but Gong Jin at his side was very nervous.

Gong Jin: "How is it? Can you see?"

Gu Beihuai: "You got fatter."

Gong Jin: "As if! I've been taking care of you every day, I lost two pounds, okay? Crap, your eyesight is still no good!"

Gu Beihuai just smiled without responding.

The attending doctor carefully examined his eyes, brushing away at the keyboard: "Remember to come back regularly for checkups."

At this time, Gu Beihuai still couldn't fully open his eyes, they were badly swollen, and he could only squint.

Attending Doctor: "The swelling will go down quickly, remember to apply the medication."

Gu Beihuai nodded, although it did impact his looks somewhat, at least he didn't need to keep his eyes covered anymore.

He could see now, and could also use his phone...

Gu Beihuai wanted to grab his phone to take a picture, wondering if he looked very ugly like this?

His swollen eyes felt a little uncomfortable, they hadn't bulged out like Frogs eyes, right?

Would his little darling find him repulsive?

Just then, a hand reached out and snatched his phone, stuffing it into a pocket.

Gong Jin: "I have four months of long vacation to accompany you until you fully recover. During this time, you can only use your phone for one hour a day."

Gong Jin was still furious recalling this matter. He had painstakingly saved up this long vacation.

No dating, no gaming, only to come be an assistant for this fox?

What a loss!

Gu Beihuai: "I asked you to come take care of me, not come manage me."

The attending doctor tapped the table: "Gong Jin is doing very well, this man has no self-discipline, he must be controlled and not allowed to use his phone for long periods."

Gong Jin: "Hear that? Even the doctor says so!"

Gu Beihuai: "I, have no self-discipline?"

The attending doctor lightly coughed: "Go handle the discharge procedures, don't keep occupying a hospital bed."

Without another word, Gong Jin pulled Gu Beihuai along to handle all the procedures.

Gu Beihuai was still unconvinced even as they walked out of the hospital: "I have no self-discipline?"

Gong Jin: "Stow your damned competitive streak! Have you ever exercised self-discipline when it comes to your little girlfriend? You made me read the news over and over, checking for updates hundreds of times a day, and listening to that song over and over tirelessly, don't you get sick of it?"

Gu Beihuai: "Doesn't she sing well?"

Gong Jin snorted: "She sings great."

After leaving the hospital, the two went to an apartment Gu Beihuai had purchased in the capital city long ago.

Having just been discharged, it was not suitable to travel long distances, so they would recuperate in the capital city for a while.

In case of any unexpected circumstances, it would also be convenient to return to the attending physician for follow-ups.

That was what Gong Jin thought.

But Gu Beihuai had other ideas. His little darling's final concert stop was in the capital city, he must find an opportunity to meet her!

Not having seen her for so many days, he missed her terribly.

That apartment in the capital hadn't been maintained by him, it needed a good cleaning to welcome her.

Thinking to this point, Gu Beihuai frowned, no, just cleaning would be too perfunctory.

Should he replace the furniture? Get new sofas and such!

Oh right, get that Black Label Tempur-Pedic mattress his little darling liked, just in case she got tired and wanted to sleep at his apartment!

And also, that floor lamp was ugly, those were styles from years ago, replace it!

Gu Beihuai instantly thought of a bunch more things in his mind, this won't do, that's not thoughtful enough.

A flash of inspiration hit him, why not just renovate the whole place?

Gong Jin was obliviously driving along, completely unaware of the tremendous workload he would face over the next two days.

At this moment, Gu Beihuai's swollen eyes peered at him through slits, gaze floating over slowly.

Gong Jin's driving hand paused as a shiver went through him: "What do you want?"

Gu Beihuai: "Don't run."

Gong Jin: "???"

Gu Beihuai: "Sign an agreement."

Gong Jin: "What nonsense?"

Gu Beihuai: "Physical labor the next two days, you do it, I direct, don't run."

As he spoke, he even reached out and grabbed Gong Jin's wrist.

He gripped it so hard, Gong Jin's wrist nearly turned red.

Gong Jin: "!!!"

Damn! Let go!

Fu*k! Gu Beihuai you really are a dog!

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