The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 204: Way of the Black Emperor Boy

Chapter 204: Way of the Black Emperor Boy

“Lady Ferris?! Y-you shouldn’t be here! Please, return to your home immediately!”

I harshened my tone to emphasize how important it was that she went back… but it wasn’t as if she’d listen, anyway.

“Where’s Bright?”

Hiding in my mantle, that’s where.

Perhaps thanks to her getting better at this over the months, Ferris immediately spotted Bright hiding behind me, and proceeded to step toward him.

A moment later, Bright, with speed almost enough to tear my mantle, bolted out of the room.

Wincing at the ear-splitting bang of the door, we froze in stunned silence – NOT! WE AIN’T GOT NO TIME FOR THAT!

“Shiro! Go get Master Bright back, now!”

“Leave it to me!”

“Chappie, follow Shiro and search from the sky!”

“Yes, father!”

The two jumped out through the window and chased after Bright.

We were supposed to be escorting him, not leaving him alone. If this leads to something happening, it won’t end with just a pay cut, I’m sure.

Ferris, her eyes still agape with surprise, tugged at my mantle as I was about to leave the room. 


When had her arms even gotten this strong, anyway?

“Um, it hurts, Lady Ferris…”

“So, was all that an implication that I shouldn’t have come here or something?”

Exactly… Not that I’d say that to her outright.

But then again, considering that Polco is currently away from Kugg Village, perhaps it’s better that Ferris is here as well.

I’ll just let Guile back in Kugg know, just in case. And Polco too, of course.

As I went outside with Ferris, I received a Telepathic Call from Pochi.

Apparently, she had found Bright at the entrance of Eddo where we had gotten in from.

It’s not all that far from here, but still, to have reached all the way there this quickly, his speed is quite impressive.

Anyways… it’s been quite a chaotic day today – transforming myself, meeting the Shamanesses, getting my pay docked… and now, for some reason, young Ferris wouldn’t let go of my mantle.

Well, there’s not much for us to do in T’oued anymore, so we might as well take this opportunity to check out some other places in the town, I guess?

I wonder how long it will take for Polco to finish up his business?

Well, before thinking about all that, we’ve got to ensure Bright safety and get him back first.

“This is a big city – perhaps larger than Regalia, even.”

“It is the Capital of T’oued, after all. It can definitely come off that way, despite the Holy Nation being larger overall.”

“…We can’t underestimate this place – especially since it’s a neighboring Nation.”

“But why?”

In response to my question, Ferris groaned up her nose.

“We never know when we might have to go to war with T’oued. It’s only natural for us to study their country, to be curious about their culture, and be in awe of them.”

…Is this the same Ferris we know?

Okay, seriously, this was quite a surprise. I’d never expected Ferris to even think about this kind of thing.

Then again, now that I thought about it, I had actually heard that, aside from our magic classes, she had occasionally been taught things by Polco as well.

She’s got the foresight that came with being an aristocrat – well, more like being one of the Adams, I suppose.

“There’s no need to worry, Lady Ferris – there won’t be a war between these two specific Nations.”

Ferris tilted her head, her stare blank with confusion.

“How could you possibly know that?”

Oh no.

What I had said was true – T’oued and the Holy Nation had maintained a good relationship all the way up to my era, but Ferris was also right… I shouldn’t know that.

I couldn’t just tell her outright that I was from the future, though…

“Because I’m a mage.”

“What, so you’re just messing with me now?”

With a hard stare, Ferris pulled my mantle as if it was a leash.

“Apologies, Lady Ferris, but it really hurts.”

“Why don’t you try saying something that doesn’t get yourself hurt, then?”

Bah, that’s a pretty good comeback.

I’ll remember to write that down in the Principles of a Philosopher later.

Now, what to say to her? Something that doesn’t get me hurt… That’s quite different, considering that it’s Ferris I’m up against.

“Now, be honest with me.”

Hmm, keep this up, and I might suffocate for real.

…Which I’d really like to avoid if possible, since I still have to change Leon’s diaper.

All right… I’ll just be honest with her and see how it goes.

“I know because I’m from the future.”

“…All right, now I’m convinced that you’re good at magic and absolutely nothing else.”

Well, of course she wouldn’t believe me, but I got a compliment, so that’s good.

…That WAS a compliment, right? She acknowledged how good I was at magic!

As I tilted my head as if to question her reply, Ferris facepalmed and heaved a sigh. With her other hand still holding on to my mantle.

Oh, I see Pochi.

She was in her gigantified form, and was holding in her mouth a certain Black Emperor boy by the collar of his shirt.

Rather than finding him, it looked more like she had captured him, I suppose?

Anyways, the way he’s dangling up there looks nice. Like one of those rain-warding hanged dolls Natsu and Fuyu used to make.

Today’s weather has been perfectly clear so far, and it will be the same tomorrow, I’m sure.


Bright’s shoulders twitched at the sound of Ferris’ voice as the latter rushed over to him.

Shivering, he began to ready himself for combat… except he didn’t have any weapons on hand.

The two seemed to have gotten along so well back when they were learning magic together, too. It’s a shame that just a little separation had put them back to square one.

“Shiro, put him down.”

Ferris ordered, but Pochi only turned to look at me.

Well, she probably can’t run from this predicament anymore, so just put him down – I communicated that to Pochi through eye contact.

Pochi nodded once and did as told.

“H-hello, Ferris… It’s been a while.”

Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen his mouth twitch that much before.

“It has, indeed! Now let us take a tour of this city!”

Ferris pointed to an unknown tomorrow – as in some random direction – as she patted Bright on his shoulder with her other hand.

Wait, now that I looked closer, Bright seemed to be suffering from rashes on his cheeks and neck. An allergic reaction, perhaps?

Hmm, and his eyes seemed to scream ‘help me,’ or something along those lines.

The person I’m supposed to escort is asking me for help in the face of the enemy – the enemy called young Ferris – so I have no choice but to bail him out.

As for the reason… well, I don’t want another pay cut, that’s why.

“Lady Ferris, may I have a word?”


What did I even expect?

Nope nope nope nope – this isn’t the time to be asking her permission!

I’ll juuuust tackle her with the truth of the situation, then retreat as needed.

“I’ll say it anyway – the people who tried to kidnap Master Bright are currently hiding here in Eddo.”

Ferris immediately stopped and turned to me.

“Those ones employed by House Douglas? I heard about them some time ago.”

“Yes. The sun has already started to set, too, so now is not a good time to wander around town… By which I mean I’m not sure if I can effectively escort both of you at once during this time.”

“…When will be a good time, then?”

At least Ferris is very understanding in the appropriate situations.

Although it did feel quite strange to see this tomboy princess have a grasp on the situation for once, surely she had already grown out of her… cluelessness, at least somewhat, after the Blazing Dragon incident.

“Tomorrow, when the sun is high… and only in places bustling with activity.”

“…All right, I understand.”

With Ferris finally behaving herself, we all returned to the inn ‘Tougenshuku’.

I had finished reporting to Polco and Guile on the way back, resulting in Ferris being sent home by Polco’s direct order.

At night, Pochi and Chappie both burst out laughing at Bright, who was praying out the window for the weather to be bad tomorrow.

“Ahahahaha! You should just give up already, Bright!”

“Hehehehehe! That’s right, Bright! Leave things to your fate!”

“…You two are talking like it’s someone else’s problem…”

Bright’s grumblings, as he kept his face down, had a strong mix of annoyance and actual anger.

Well, I think tomorrow’s weather will be fine, though. All thanks to the power of the rain-warding Black Emperor boy!

“Master Polco has permitted us to go out tomorrow, Master Bright. Is there anywhere you would like to visit?”


I wasn’t asking you two!

We’re the ones escorting the boy around, for God’s sake – what makes them think it’s perfectly fine to act so selfishly while working for him?!

“Somewhere Ferris can’t find me-“

“That’s not an option.”




Ugh, great.

We’re sure to be pushed around by Ferris tomorrow. Even if we were to decide on a place now, it’ll most likely be changed eventually, so I suppose there’s not much point in talking about it here.




That reminds me, I wonder how the search for the spy within the Adams household has been going?

I should’ve asked Polco about it when we’d met him earlier today.

It’s late in the night now, so I’ll just wait for a good time to ask him through a Telepathic Call tomorrow.




Good God, they’re noisy.


The next day…

“Wait, did I hear that right?”

“Where did you just say you wanted to go, again?”

Pochi and I asked Ferris, doubting what we had just heard her say.

“The Gambling Den, people! The Gambling Den!”

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