The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 171: Those Two

Chapter 171: Those Two

I’m Guile… the leader of Master Polco’s prided convoy guards.

Well, technically we’re a group called the Kugg Boars, but guard duties are pretty much the only thing we’re doing right now.

We were on our way to escort Master Polco back to Kugg Village when we met a strange Mage and wolf-dog duo.

It was a curious sight, someone having a beast as his Familiar amidst the current world situation.

We were condescending toward those two at first.

Learning magic won’t do any good to a normal human, especially someone as young as the kid he’s teaching.

That’s just common knowledge. Of course, there are above-average mages around, like our Master Polco, but they’re the exception.

Though Master Polco himself did have to struggle through a lot when he was young, too… apparently.

But now, he’s so powerful – so much so that everyone around him acknowledges how great he is. He’s that awesome.

Now, back to those two… on our way to Kugg Village, what surprised us the most was how they fought.

The wolf-dog was always the first to warn us of incoming danger.

She’s got the nose of a beast – we weren’t stupid enough not to trust that, at least.

One time, we were rushed by a group of B and A-ranked monsters. They’re quite a common sight these days, what with the Devil King expanding his influence.

Bloodthirsty fiends, the lot of them.

Although I said ‘a group,’ their numbers actually weren’t that many. Considering that, I let the rest of my crew take the credit of mowing them down.

Then I realized it – those two slipped through my crew’s blind spots, and the mage drew his Spell Circles with blinding speed.

From the way he did things, I knew that he was no normal man. Not only that, his moves were so refined that ours looked crude in comparison.

Yeah, the dude’s not just some random mage.

He knew how to move like a warrior – a mage that stood above warriors, so to speak.

An individual so exceptional that even Master Polco had his eyes on him.

Just one fight. That was all it took for all my crew to change their opinion on him – no, THEM.

The wolf-dog was powerful, and so well-trained that none of us could consider her ‘wild’.

That didn’t come from her kind’s innate strengths, either.

Whereas others could only expect to bring out the same level for only a few moments, she fought at peak power constantly – tearing through the horde of deadly monsters like it was a walk in the park.

I didn’t know whether or not the mage was aware of that, but that was as perfect as the beast’s kind got.

The wolf-dog herself must have gone through a great deal of training and hard work, too.

We used to laugh in our own time about how the Fulbright boy was starting to learn magic, but if that guy was the one teaching him, the boy might very well be going places in the future.

He did give off a bit of a distant feel, though… but I guess that was just me. I didn’t need to talk to him much to trust him.

Thanks to all that, our journey to the Royal Capital went without a hitch.

It was around that point; I guess… when he was called to Master Polco’s carriage.

Yeah, the place that even Young Lady Ferris rarely got to enter. Could he have seen something in him, being fellow mages?

My employer is a prudent man. It really doesn’t matter what I think, but… it WAS rare to see him like that, I can say that much.

Once we reached Kugg Village, those two went out to explore the area surrounding the village; meanwhile, I was told by Master Polco that Young Lady Ferris would be studying magic under the dude’s guidance.

I never thought Young Lady Ferris had that much of a knack for magic, but that was Master Polco’s choice, and the dude was the one teaching. I agreed to that without any objecting, judging that there probably won’t be any trouble.

And now, they’re back.

For some reason, the wolf-dog is wearing the dude’s glasses.

She’s just passing through, nothing to it. But… what’s up with the pressure she’s emanating?

It’s like the density of her arcane energy, or the existence of that energy itself has changed… or something like that.

Is she still the same wolf-dog from hours ago? It’s hard to believe.

It hasn’t been very long since we met, but I do have a general grasp of the wolf-dog’s abilities. What could have changed during their short walk outside?

Just look at the dude running in after her – he hasn’t changed at all.

Low-profile as ever, footwork as splendid as ever.

I’ll have to learn from his example.

Well, I guess one thing different about him now is that he’s not wearing glasses.

…And now, it looks like the rest of my crew have noticed how the wolf-dog has changed, too.

All of them would turn to look at her once they saw her pass by.

If it’s not my eyes playing tricks on me, then she’s got an earth-shattering concentration of arcane energy around her.

That dude… no, both of them – who the hell are they?

I don’t even know their history; how did I come to trust them so easily?

It’s not that I doubt them, but… it’s just strange. Yeah, strange is the word.

Looks like the dude is in a good mood today.

As for why… I’ve heard that Young Lady Ferris’ intermediate magic final examination ended with favorable results.

I’d never expected the young lady to ever reach that stage.

He used to say that it was ‘Lady Ferris’s talent,’ but she’s already had a few teachers brought in to teach her magic in the past… and failed. Yeah, maybe I shouldn’t mention that.

And thanks to her bad temper, even Master Polco used to have second thoughts about teaching her… The dude sure is one hell of a teacher, huh?

I’ve asked a while ago how old he was, and he said he was eighteen.

The wolf-dog’s face made an odd twitch then. And the dude looked even younger than what boys that age would, but it was such a small thing to lie about…

But then again, that power and knowledge at the age of eighteen… how the hell?

At night, an express messenger arrives for Master Polco.

We have the messenger wait at the gate, while I head straight to report to Master Polco.

Master Polco comes out himself and reads the letter, then proceeds to give me his orders.

He’s needed at Regalia posthaste – that’s what the letter said.

I call over some of my best guys who are about to start their night shifts, assigning them as Master Polco’s escorts.

I must spare some to keep watch on Young Lady Ferris and the Fulbright boy as well, so I make the best split I can out of the situation.

Master Polco seems to understand, too; after giving everyone some simple instructions, he immediately set the carriage on its way to Regalia.

One thing that surprised me was that he gave the dude his permission to use the Limit Breakthrough magecraft Circle.

That also means he’s letting another house’s servant into the main building – now I wonder if Master Polco has felt the strange sense of trust in the dude, just as I have.

I think it over as I watch Master Polco leave; once back in the house, I see that an unthinkable incident was waiting for all of us.

Young Lady Ferris and the Fulbright boy… have disappeared.

No wonder the wolf-dog is screaming. I sure as hell would like to scream, too.

I immediately form a search team with all of my available crew – even waking up the sleeping guys as well.

I’m also concerned about those two screaming behind me… but not for reasons concerning the current situation.

Out of the available crew, the ones best fit be leaders are… Kadaff and Linnets, I guess.

Once everyone has gathered around, the main building’s door slams open. It’s those two.

“You find out anything, Poer!?”

“Yes; I think it’s likely that Lady Ferris and Master Bright have gone to the Blazing Dragons’ mountain!”

…Say what?

I doubted my ears at first, but it’s definitely not normal for those two to panic.

I immediately order Kadaff and Linnets to take care of the house.

Again, the situation we’re facing is NOT normal… and I’m still young, even if not as young as the dude. All right, there shouldn’t be any problem.

All that’s needed now is… people to go bring back those two kids.

“Poer! Let’s go!”

“Huh!? You’re going with us, Guile!?”

“Of course!”

As if I’ll send someone younger than me to his death!

“All right, then! Get on!”

Whoa, she’s releasing even more arcane energy when she’s gigantified.

Hmm… her fur feels pretty damn good, too.

“Full speed ahead, you bastards!”


Don’t any of you die on me, guys.

“All Up: Count 3 & Remote Control!”


I gaze at the Blazing Dragons’ mountain… and then my memory just kind of slips away.

I’m unconscious, I guess… and I think I’m hearing the dude shout something…

Something about a bean man… or maybe that’s just me mishearing things.

Yeah, no way he’s saying something weird amidst this serious situation.

Then I wake up, and realize that I’m lying on the ground.

I get up, and what immediately enters my eyes is… a really ridiculous sight.

“Poer, dude… seriously?”

The Blazing Dragons’ mountain… it’s on fire.

I can see the Blazing Dragons glaring at us – they’re super pissed.

Man, is this… is this where we die? No, no… I can’t let the dude go so soon.

I mean, he’s just eighteen.

This eighteen-year-old’s got a bright future ahead of him – way brighter than mine…

I have to… I have to do something!

“I would’ve liked to ask you to go with them and watch their backs, but…”

“Nah, I’m just pullin’ your leg. You think I’d let you fight alone? That said… there’s only so much I can do when they’re flying, you know?”

“…I have an idea.”

For some reason, I’m not getting a bad feeling from this dude’s smile.

Does he have a trick up his sleeve? I can’t think of anything myself, so I guess that’s the only way to go.

“…Let’s hear it.”

“Blazing Dragons are known to be mindful not to attack their own kind. Considering their size, only four or five of them can surround us at a given moment.”

Oh, I see…

“You need a decoy…”

“Yes. I’d like you to bait that group of four or five Dragons and direct them to where I need. That way, the rest won’t come at us – they have to wait their turns.”

Man, the dude’s making his outrageous plan sound so easy.

“And while they wait, you’ll shoot down all of them.”

“To be honest, it’ll be quite tough acting as the decoy. If you don’t want to do it, we still have time to-“

“-Things will get easier when that wolf-dog comes back, right? I’ll do it.”

I haven’t got much of a future anyway.

If I’m going to die, I’d rather have it be in a blaze of glory. Not that I plan to die here, of course.

Right – I want to go for a drink with the dude. With that in mind, I speak up,

“But I need you to promise me one thing first.”

“…What is it?”

“…Buy me a drink when all this is over.”

“Nah, I’d rather not.”

Why not? Does he not drink?

Well, just food is fine, I guess. Let’s see if he’ll take that-

“Instead, I’ll have Lady Ferris treat all of us.”

“Pfft… hahahaha! That’s a good one! You know what, I’ll be there for you when you break the news to the young lady, man!”

We haven’t gotten to talk much, but man, he’s a real riot sometimes.

Now I’m really looking forward to the party. Hmm? Well then, looks like those oversized lizards are tired of waiting.

“…About time, huh?”


“I don’t think you’ll be able to shoot down hundreds of them in one go, though. And it’ll be all over if they see you, right?”

“Rise, Invisible Illusion!”

And… he’s gone.

I’ve never seen a spell like this before.

“Heh, so you can do that, too.”

“Oh, I sure can. Rise, All Up: Count 2 & Remote Control!”

“Man, I can never get enough of this.”

I’m not sure if this is the same spell that he cast on me a while ago, but with it, I’m sure I’ll get through the fight a lot more easily

…Whew, now I’m getting chills.

Not that I can’t do this, though. Just have to trust my instincts. Has always worked before, will always work from now.

“They’ll be coming from all directions! Watch out for their Purgatory Breaths! Be on high alert at all times – and remember, you can use their bodies to your advantage while escaping, too!”

“I got it!”

His voice pushing me forward, I slam down my feet – as if to suppress my shaking knees – and charge ahead.


All right! It’s all right! I can do it!

This attack… I can take it! Hell, I can even push it back!

Now they’re trying to hit from both sides… Dodge! Hell yeah!

Now from above… a breath attack! So the Blazing Dragons are careful not to hit their own kind, huh!?

Yeah, no problem! My body works way better than usual – and my head, too!

One more coming behind me. That makes five…!

Now, you little shits… I’ll have you stay around for a while!

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