The Primal Hunter

Chapter im79: Intermission 7/9 - Holyland: All By the Grace of the Holy Mother

Death was inevitable for the vast majority of inhabitants of the multiverse. It was not a question of if but how and when. Often the how would be less than pleasant, and the when was incredibly variable. A D-grade could potentially live thousands of years easily, while a C-grade could live tens of thousands. B-grades hundreds of thousands.

However, this lifespan was not the same for everyone but depended on the race. Some races, even in D-grade, could only live a few decades. These were primarily ectognamorphs, but the same was also true for some odd variants.

A human D-grade could often live up to a thousand years on average, with little variation generally. However, this lifespan was only a minimum. The innate lifespan of a race. A vampire would often live three times longer than this at three thousand years.

Every grade also had a maximum lifespan. One entirely independent of the race, class, profession, or anything else within the system. Only a select few beings would automatically live to their maximum lifespan from birth, with humans generally in the lower end.

This maximum lifespan was absolute. It was not the death of the body but that of the soul. It was the time for the Truesoul to return to the system, and there was no way around that – besides becoming a god, of course.

There were ways to extend the lifespan towards the maximum, though. It partly scaled with the vitality stat, so a human with a high vitality would live longer than one with a low stat. Besides that, there were also many natural treasures to extend lifespans and creations from a variety of professions, such as alchemist.

However, all these products were expensive and rare and were often not worth it in any way. Those who could afford these products would most often be talented and powerful enough to strive for more power anyway to simply extend their lives that way. This meant anything life-prolonging was reserved for friends, family, or valuable crafters.

There was also the option of changing races to prolong life, primarily through becoming an undead or perhaps some kind of spirit or elemental-like being. The vampiric race was also a popular method of extending your lifespan once upon a time.

With all that said, lifespan often didn’t even matter, as the vast majority died not of old age but of fighting. They got killed in battle, went somewhere above their means to try and advance, or just gave up their lives for a cause.

Ultimately, death was inevitable. But there were some who found something after death. An existence after there should be none. Those who could die in battle, die for a cause, or any other reason that wasn’t simply dying a death after extending it to the maximum lifespan.

All by the grace of the Holy Mother.

Joanna weaved the yarn together as she made a blanket. The other ladies with her were doing the same as they laughed and talked in their small crochet club. She was still a relative newcomer to the club but had been welcomed with open arms by the other members after she had arrived, and she had been a member ever since.

Many months had passed since the Tutorial. Many months had passed since her universe shattered, and they were thrown into that cursed forest. She still remembered those days as a nightmare, struggling under Richard, seeing her colleagues die every day, not knowing what would happen in the future.

It was only after Richard died that she saw the light in Jacob, the ever-reliable leader. He had taken up the torch and shown them a way forward. He had entranced them all and spread the words of the Holy Church, and she was ashamed at her critical attitude in the start.

The Holy Church had been their savior. There had been no path of survival back then… everyone would die, slaughtered by a maniac. Joanna had feared never seeing her husband again, never seeing her children. She had tried to be strong, tried to prove herself useful, but she was not a fighter. Jake had been right in many ways back then… she was a burden.

Was a burden.

For the Holy Church needed everyone. Jacob had made her know and believe that. He had promised grand things. The most prevalent of which was life after death, the same as religions and immoral cults of the old world. The difference was that this was no empty promise.

In the end, they had all been convinced to silently pass and for Jacob to allow them passage to the Holyland. Joanna had faced death with fear, regret, and reluctance, but also faith and belief that it was the best path.

Sometime later, she had awoken once more, finding herself in a new existence. That is when she found herself within the Holyland.

Many had no doubt thought what Heaven would hold. What paradise would look like. Joanna had too, and it was both as expected and in many ways not.

There were no wants or needs that could not be met in the Holyland, but there were no grand gifts either. It was simply an unbothered life without worries. Any goal you had, you could work towards. Any wish you wished to fulfill, you could dedicate your entire spirit to.

And it truly was to dedicate your spirit, for that is all they were.

The Holyland was the home of the faithful of the Holy Church – home to the Holy Spirits. Joanna still vaguely remembered her old status screens, and the new one was so much simpler.


Name: Joanna Elkmann

Race: [Holy Spirit (E) – lvl 39]

Holy Energy: 301/390


Holy Power: 39

Titles: [Forerunner of the New World],[Holy Spirit]

Blessing: [Baptism of the Holy Mother (Baptism)]

Race Skills: [Holy Spirit (Unique)]

Everything had been boiled down to basics. She and everyone else still looked the same as before, were still physical beings who could interact with the world like before, but they did not wield the same power.

Joanna reckoned she was about as strong physically as a peak human athlete, but it was not in the realm of the supernatural. It was for none of them. Within the Holyland, everyone in the same grade was equal. The realm was split up for each grade to live separately, but with free travel between each area. It was probably for managerial reasons.

“Oh, that is a nice blanket; who is it for?” one of the ladies with her asked.

“My husband,” Joanna said with a huge smile.

“Ah, he died, eh?” the lady said with a light laugh. “You must tell me when he comes so I can prepare some pastries.”

“No, no, he hasn’t passed yet, but I just want to be sure. I heard he is really trying to get levels and do well, and you never know. I heard he even did dungeons,” Joanna explained.

“I get it,” another woman said with a chuckle. “Better be prepared for if he comes; if not, maybe he can participate in a ritual? I heard your planet is quite the warzone. My brother chose to join the war effort, and that went well.”

“No way I am going to hurry him. He still has a life to live and people to take care of… which brings me to the next point,” Joanna said with excitement.

The other women all leaned in with interest as Joanna bragged.

“I have a séance a bit later today! My husband finally found the kids and brought them to the city!”


“I’m so happy for you!”

Joanna just smiled in satisfaction as the third woman asked. “Has he remembered to get them baptized yet?”

“I sure hope so; if not, I sure hope he will get them baptized. For his own sake!” Joanna answered, laughing. “Anything else would be ludicrous.”

Without a baptism, one would not be able to go to the Holyland after death, after all. It was your ticket into Heaven, so not to get one would be ludicrous. Joanna knew she had died without one, but because of Jacob, they had all been saved, and they had all been baptized post-humously to allow them to live in the Holyland. That was a part of the reason they couldn’t simply find themselves killed by the maniac… if they had, their souls would have simply gone to the system and not been brought to the Holyland.

It was a wonderful place constructed by the most prominent of all the Primordials. A true second chance and a paradise for all believers of gods part of the Holy Church.

All by the grace of the Holy Mother.

Mike was nervous. Far more nervous than he probably should be, considering the grace the Holy Church had shown him so far. After many months, he had finally managed to relocate his and Joanna’s children to Sanctdomo, and he couldn’t be happier that they had both survived. Moreover, he was even beginning to make a name for himself as quite the blacksmith, allowing him to give his children a good life.

His nervousness came from how skeptical they both were of the Holy Church. They openly questioned the practices, refused to go to the cathedral with him, and he hadn’t managed to get them to accept the baptism yet. Even after the system, the natural rebelliousness of teenagers remained.

They were stubborn, just like he had always been. It had led him into trouble many times in the past, and now with Joanna gone… he had been lost for a while until he finally saw her again. The same woman he hadn’t seen since that fateful day the system came had appeared before her once more during a séance performed by Jacob himself. The only thing different was her now golden pupils that looked only slightly less beautiful than her real ones had been.

He wanted his children to see her too. To believe. To know that the Church was truly offering life after death, something no other factions in the multiverse could. To get baptized was a no-brainer, and he would convince his kids that they should get it, even if it was the last thing he did.

Wouldn’t it only be right that their family could one day reunite in paradise? After all they had been through?

The clock finally made him aware it was time to leave as he hurried up his son and daughter. They left for the local chapel, where the priest had already prepared everything for the ritual. These kinds of things couldn’t be held all the time, and Mike knew he was privileged due to his connection with Jacob, and while he didn’t like to take advantage, for once, he would feel no shame about it.

Mike was incredibly grateful the priest allowed his children at the séance even without their baptism. Perhaps grateful was the wrong word as Mike knew there would be no better way to convince them to get baptized than a séance.

They entered the chamber and greeted the priest, who just smiled and told them what was about to happen. He began the ritual shortly after saying a few prayers, with only Mike praying along with him.

The skepticism of his children persisted until finally, the priest finished the ritual, and the magic circle lit up. The entire room was bathed in holy light as a figure appeared in the middle of the circle.

“Marco! Lily!” Mike heard his wife’s voice say before he could even fully see her and failed to hold back a warm smile.

“Mom?” his daughter asked, unsure.

“Is it really you?” Marco followed up, clearly not convinced. Mike could understand… there was much trickery and deceit in the multiverse, but this was not such a case. Joanna was as real as them.

“Can’t you even recognize your own mother?” she smiled as she teared up a bit.

Mike just stood back after locking eyes with his wife. She sadly couldn’t hug them as she was only a projection of sorts, but they could talk all they wanted. She told of her time in the Holyland, what had happened to her, and how she was doing right now.

Mike thought it interesting how the mundane life she led after death was considered a paradise to many current humans. Even with superpowers, magic, increased lifespans, the lack of undesirable physiological functions, many would still prefer to go back to simpler times.

A time when one didn’t have to worry about gaining new levels. Didn’t have to worry about being embroiled in battle, didn’t have to fight for resources to try and improve one’s craft to stay useful to the community. Didn’t have to fear being a burden merely for being average.

Luckily, one didn’t need to hold any such fears in the Holyland. Even without being a superman there, one could enjoy the pleasures of life. A peaceful existence without conflict. True rest, reunited with your loved ones.

All by the grace of the Holy Mother.

Vilastromoz, the Malefic Viper, had always made his opinion clear.

“The Holyland… a faith farm for the Holy Church. A safety net for those who rely on faith energy to stay in power. Mortals turned spirits to live out their remaining lifespans in servitude of the Church. You know, nearly every living mortal dies before fully using the maximum lifespan. The Holy Mother saw this as untapped potential and wanted to use them. She made the Holyland a place where people are stripped down to basic spirit forms of her making to maximize their lifespan. They live simple lives until one day their soul expires.

“It is the hideaway of cowards. An excuse and tool to convince the weak-minded to join. To convince the weak to give up their true lives in sacrificial rituals or join wars. All because there is a promise of a pathless future confined within a fancy prison for willing prisoners.

“It is a tool of control. A tool of punishment. Any Holy Spirit can be dispersed at any point by the will of a high-ranking member of the Church or any god in the Pantheon. Gods can freely revoke their blessings on members of the Holy Church who – in their opinion – strayed, thus cutting off their path to the Holyland.

“It is a punishment. The ultimate one, as not only can one be executed but also lose the promised ever-after.

“It is control incarnate.”

“It is a living hell after death, where no progress is possible. No evolutions can happen. No paths can open. No skills gained. Levels only rewarded incredibly slowly, offering nothing of consequence but making the faith battery a bit better.

“It is the Holyland… a pathetic place for pathetic mortals.”

All by the grace of the Holy Mother.

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