The president tried to trick me

Chapter 2239

Chapter 2239: Chapter 2239 had left just like that… …


The two of them were talking with relish. Only an Zijin remained silent for a long time.

She walked out of the building alone and stared blankly at the White Mountain in the distance.

She had left just like that… …


It was almost noon when Yan Yuhan returned to the Yan family home.

He first went to the hospital for a full-body check-up to prove that he was really fine before returning home.

Otherwise, his family would be so worried.

His grandparents took turns to visit him in his room anxiously, afraid that something had happened to him.

His parents did not say anything, but they did not look too good… …

After everyone had seen it once, it was Yan Yusheng’s turn.

When she entered the room, her eyes were as red as a rabbit’s. It was obvious that she had cried.

“Brother! ” Throwing herself into Yan Yuhan’s arms, Yan Yusheng choked with sobs and said, “you’re finally back! I thought… I thought… “

He did not say the rest of his words, but Yan Yuhan knew what she meant. He reached out his hand and patted her back gently, comforting her in a gentle voice, “okay, I’m fine. “

“You still say you’re fine! ” Yan Yusheng retreated. Looking at the wounds on his face, tears fell again. “With so many wounds, I can’t even say anything! “

She looked at the report of the Body check-up. It said that he had multiple soft tissue contusions all over his body. His fever had burned his throat!

Yan Yuhan smiled and wiped her tears. “If you continue crying, mom and dad will come in. “

“…”Yan Yusheng sniffed Then he said, “That night, brother Dashu came back first. When he said that your whereabouts were unknown, I was so worried “However, after brother Dashu told me about your arrangements, I did not tell my parents and kept the matter a secret. “fortunately, you’re back. Otherwise… “I really don’t know how to explain it to my parents. “

Yan Yuhan disappeared for a total of three days. During this period, Yan Yusheng kept his whereabouts a secret for him. His family only thought that he had gone out to do some work.

It was not until he came back today that everyone found out that he was injured.

Initially, everything went according to plan. Who knew that after the explosion, he was shaken down the hillside by the airflow.

Later, he was taken away by an Zijin and Tu Ming, who happened to pass by. By accident, he was separated from Wu Shu and the others.

Yan Yuhan smiled and looked at Yan Yusheng. He couldn’t help but raise his hand to rub her long hair. “Our Xiao puff is so capable that she can even lie to her parents. “

“… you’re still smiling!”Yan Yusheng snorted. He was about to say something when he was interrupted by a knock on the door …

Wu Shu pushed the door open and saw that Yan Yusheng was also there. He said, “young master, Miss. “

Yan Yusheng saw that he had come in with something, so she got up and said, “brother, you guys talk. I’ll come back later. “

After that, she went out.

Wu Shu closed the door and walked to Yan Yuhan’s bed “Young Master, the operation last night was very successful. Han Zhang died. When Han Jingjing rushed back, it was already too late. She was caught by the police officers who were lying in ambush at the scene. Now, chief Huo has taken her away. The chief wants to execute her secretly. “

Hearing this, Yan Yuhan’s dark eyes were calm, and even his expression did not change much. “How are things in Macau? “

“The few people who went there all ate the Hongmen banquet and are already discussing the matter of coming back. ” When Wu Shu replied, he handed the document in his hand to Yan Yuhan. “This is the information sent by Zhao Bao. “

Yan Yuhan flipped through it a few times and said lightly, “since you’ve gone, you should stay in Macau. “

Wu Shu was stunned. Did the young master mean that he did not intend to let those few people come back?

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