The Over-Break System

Chapter 534 Internal Strife (1)

[[As much as I would like to admit he listens to me, he doesn't, and to be honest, that's how it should be. Neither of us sees the world in the same intricate fashion, laced with paranoia and caution. If there is one thing our group doesn't lack, it is someone willing to get their hands dirty when necessary, and unfortunately, for some reason, Darling has chosen that job for himself.]]

[[But what it boils down to is that you, Brance Jetlensr, are too fucking soft. Due to your bloodline or your general nature, you do not have what it takes to make those decisions.]]

[[Bullshit, how the Hell is torturing and mutilating someone a quarter of his age while putting on a mock trial for the world to see something that can be conceived as necessary, Selene?]] Gritting his teeth and attempting to keep his anger in check, Brance rebutted.

[[Brance, open your goddamn eyes. How can you not see EVERYTHING CYNRIK DOES IS FOR US, AND FOR OUR PROTECTION?]] Countering by raising her voice, Selene suddenly appeared in front of Brance before stabbing her finger into his beefy chest, an act that came off as cute more than intimidating.

Selene's actions caused everyone in the room to flinch because instead of flashing to her current position, she phase-shifted into a particle cloud and reassembled right in front of Brance.

[[I know everything he has done in the past; you can't even begin to imagine how Cynrik's actions affect his mind. Because you are the little brother, you have been sheltered, I know it, and the rest of the party does as well; however, you seem to be completely oblivious to this fact.]]

Reacting to her words, Brance swatted Selene's hand away and bent down enough to get in her face while never breaking eye contact.

[[I am fully aware of how hard things are on my brother. But the difference is, I know him so well that I see and notice things none of you ever could. Sure, I'll admit that you may have a leg up on me regarding certain aspects of him, but I was always there, Selene. When the world practically abandoned him, I was the one calling him every night to be sure he was still alive.]]

[[Cynrik has always been rough around the edges, but it wasn't until we came here to Vinestra that he began truly acting out. You want to blame my bloodline for my sense of right and wrong, but have you ever taken off those rose-tinted glasses for half a second to realize this isn't a FUCKING GAME? He is shattering children's minds, breaking them to the point just shy of requiring a Psychic User to tamper with their heads, which they won't recover from.]]

[[Shellshock or PTSD is a real fucking thing, Selene, and what my brother did to those kids will have long-lasting effects on them.]]

[[This isn't Earth Brance; you can't hold everything to the same standard. When will you realize that this world wants to kill us? For crying out loud, I am already beginning to lose track of how many times I've almost died since I was born here. Between my Shebitch of a mother and all the shit we went through the other day, how can you not see that?]]

[[Just because certain parties follow the law of the jungle doesn't mean we have to, Selene; this isn't the dark ages; we aren't in the midst of a civil war; we live in a modern society. Just look at how Geralt and Garrison are reacting; nothing Cynrik does adheres to the standards of this world, at least not in our society.]]

[[Hell, even this competition is exactly that, A FUCKING COMPETITION! Yet you and my brother treat everything like a life-or-death situation. Not Everyone is out to freaking kill us at every turn.]]


Before Brance could continue ranting further, Selene smacked him across the face, leaving everyone, including Brance himself, stunned beyond words.

"You need to wake the fuck up from that delusional world you seem to live in, Brance," Selene stated aloud for MyrkLys and the others to hear, then turned to look at Geralt.

"Send me out of this space, Headmaster; I am leaving. Don't worry about me making it back alone; if I don't want to be tailed, I won't be because at least someone in this fucking group has the sense to teach us elusive tactics properly." Without waiting for an answer, Selene disappeared from sight as she turned into a shadow on the ground and waited by the exit.

Geralt was so surprised by how the usually quiet Selene was acting that he nodded like a bobblehead before opening a crack in the spatial barrier too small to notice by usual standards yet was plenty big enough for the stretchy shadow to creep out unhindered.

Selene slinked out of the arena unnoticed, leaving everyone behind, and didn't bother looking back. She knew she had pissed Brance off and honestly couldn't care less. He was supposed to always stand by his brother's side, yet here he was, complaining and unwilling to accept what was right in front of him.

Winding through the arena, Selene swiftly covered the ground and appeared outside the front door leading to the Condo within a couple of minutes. Phasing back into her normal state of being, Selene tapped her Watcet on the door and let herself in before quickly closing the door and bolting the multitude of locks.

Wearing a frown, she walked into the living room, where she noticed a flashing blue light from the corner of her eye. The light hung over the door to the training room, and since she had grown up in an affluent family, she recognized two things. The first being if the light was on above a training room door, that room was in use. The second was the color of the light; blue was the universal color indicating Gravity was increased in the room.

Coming to this conclusion, Selene smiled and walked over to the door before sending Cynrik, who was undoubtedly inside, a text stating she was outside the room.

Half a minute after the text went through, the door to the training room expelled a large breath of air and slid open, revealing the viewing area, which was, as per the standard, separate from the core facility of the room. It was usually the case when it came to Training rooms or facilities with a gravity machine.

The purpose of such a viewing room was simple, to avoid leakage of high-gravity particles. Without something separating the training area from the outside, there was a high chance that things would get destroyed when the door was open and all the particles attempted to escape.

Thus the viewing area served as a dam, where one could seal the room back off and match the Gravity in the viewing area so they could also enter the high G environment.

That was precisely what Selene did; upon stepping into the viewing room and seeing her shirtless and jacked boyfriend, Selene's eyes lit up before she quickly checked the pressure he was under and began acclimating the viewing area so she could join him.


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