The Over-Break System

Chapter 532 The Storm’s Aftermath (3)

**Hey, Yall, thanks for hanging in there; this month has been hard due to the death of one of the few relatives I was very close with. I have been on the road, Chicago-to-Atlanta, then ATL-Orlando. And I have been trying to write the entire time, but my head has been a mess. Regardless, I am still here and will be doing a mass release soon. So as I get myself back together and on schedule, you all keep being amazing, and I feel the love and support from you guys every day.**



Storming into the Condo, Cynrik swiped at his System Panel and changed his loadout into loose-fitting workout clothing before making his way toward the training room.

'Why the fuck doesn't that idiot get it. Why can't my words sink into that thick skull of his,' Cynrik complained to himself as he tapped his Watcet several times to summon a few training Droids.

-It's not that he doesn't understand Cynrik. It's more so that your perspectives have never lined up properly. Due to how brash you come off and how you consistently view the world under a different microscope, Brance struggles to come to terms with your actions.-

'You don't think I've realized that by now. Brance has always been hardheaded and wears his heart on his sleeve. But there is a massive difference between feeding the homeless out of kindness and showing those who want nothing more than to see us dead or on some Science table.'

Starting up the droids and setting their combat level to Peak Tier-3, Cynrik began going through the motions as he moved around, avoiding various attacks from the robotic opponents.

'Never forget, I had an entire lifetime with my brother before we ever came to Vinestra Tobs, and aside from those couple years post Marine Corps, Brance has always walked the path of justice. The number of times I saw the moron pick up stray animals to feed them before finding a family to live with is uncountable.'

'However, Earth was a relatively peaceful environment, so he could do those kinds of things without fearing any consequences. But now, things are vastly different. Not only are we freaks of nature who break the mold and common sense of the masses, but every little decision we make can affect our lives.' Jumping up, Cynrik executed a spinning back-kick into the head of one of the eight droids, causing it to crash into another two before it rushed back to fight him again.

'Since we could walk, we have teetered on a tightrope between normalcy and abnormality. And it is all of my doing. Having us move through the leveling system at breakneck speed. Overtaxing our bodies and minds, acquiring multiple Affinities, fighting stronger opponents to grow into our new bodies, everything was done in the manner it was for the sole purpose of laying a perfect foundation for success in our adulthood.'

'Now, we stand on the precipice of certain destruction, where one bad move will result in our deaths and that of our family and the other members of MyrkLys.' Skidding to a stop, Cynrik leaned back so far that the back of his head grazed the training room's floor, allowing him to dodge a three-pronged attack.

'And what Is that fucking dipshit doing? Coming after me because I was a bit heavy-handed in my approach. There has been and always will be a reason for my actions. I don't slaughter people willy-nilly; I am not some serial killer who gets off on killing innocent people.'

'Hell, I remember the face of every life I've taken, and although I don't show it outwardly, I'm not made of fucking stone; it wears at my psyche too. Did those kids deserve the torture I dished out? No, not really, but did it serve a greater purpose, ABSO FUCKING LUTELY!'


In one swooping motion, Cynrik exploded the heads of three droids with a Mana-infused claw attack, then moved on to the remaining ones.

'But whether or not someone is innocent isn't something that will inevitably change my decision. Casualties happen all the time in war, and right now, our entire life is the prequel to a war of such epic proportions that if any normie outside found out, it would cause utter pandemonium.'

'If I did things the way Brance expects me to, it wouldn't be long before we end up dead or captured. He expects me to keep up the façade we built throughout our childhood—a couple of brothers who were only slightly stronger than the other kids. But Guess what? I am tired of playing with the other puppies at the pound.'

'Thus, I changed my carefully crafted plan conceived when I first arrived in Vinestra because it has been proven that the best way to hide is in plain sight.'

'Doing things from the shadows can only be successful for so long; just look at what happened back at VSFA. Geralt had us under lock and key, yet somehow, the academy was still infiltrated, and spies were coming after us left and right.'

-Cyn, you aren't looking at things from your brother's point of view. From the outside, all they see is your usual emotionless personality, going off and breaking kids' minds while acting crazy for the cameras. Sure, you've already explained things to them before, but you said in that interview that you are the bad guy, and what is Brance, if not the living embodiment of the Good guy protagonist?-

'I never expected Brance to step aside and allow me to do what I want; I expected some kind of kickback in one form or another, but what I didn't expect was that he would go off the deep end on me the moment I stepped out of that VR Capsule.' Crossing his arms, Cynrik noticed nothing was attacking him anymore, and he paused to observe his surroundings before a frown crept onto his lips.

"Tsk, fucking sloppy craftsmanship, Computer, start the Grav Machine and increase the load to 15.5g." Unhappy with how easy killing the droids was, Cynrik felt the need to raise the bar, and for that, he chose to strain his body by raising the Training Room's gravity passed his limit.

"Command Acknowledged, Gravity Condenser is beginning its initialization process." A pleasant voice responded to Cynrik, as a soft hum could be heard from every angle of the room, indicating multiple devices were hidden in the walls, floor, and ceiling.

Around a minute later, a hazy optical illusion caught Cynrik's attention as he felt the steady strain slowly weighing him down.

Looking around at the collection of bent metal and spare parts, formerly the droids, Cynrik smirked and straightened his back while allowing the pressure to wash over his body.

'4g….5…7…10…12…15,' Feeling the increased pressure on his body, Cynrik counted off each increase as he recognized the feeling until he reached 15. By this point, the room looked no different than a blacktop street in the dead of summer, as the air shimmered visibly due to the increase in Gravitational force.

That was when the counter ticked up to 15.5g, causing Cynrik's knees to forcefully bend as if he were carrying massive weight on his back.

"ffffuuuu, damn, even half-a-g is rough; I am glad I didn't push it up to 20 immediately." Slowly righting his body, Cynrik took several deep breaths and stood completely still as he adjusted to the new pressure level.

Once he felt good enough to move around, only then did Cynrik begin shadowboxing the air.


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