The Over-Break System

Chapter 529 The Storm’s Devastation (2)

**Sorry the chapter is mad late yall; apparently, this chapter didn't post like it was supposed to today; Wednesdays and Sundays are always rough on me, but as per the new usual, One Long Chapter is Coming up.**

Spinning around and clearing his throat, Cynrik held up his hands, causing the two clones to stand at attention.

"I apologize for the interruption, now then…" just as Cynrik was about to start up, Tobs stepped in, adding fuel to his insanity.

-Now playing "Angry Crowd."-

"ORDER, ORDER! THERE WILL BE ORDER IN THIS COURT!" Frowning at his AI's timely sound clip, Cynrik stomped his foot, signaling her to cut off the noise, to which she obliged.

"Hmph, we have heard the testimonies of both the defense and prosecution, and I must say, the evidence against the accused is highly speculative. However, as the judge, I must keep impartial." Scratching his chin like a wise old sage, Cynrik waited for a moment before motioning for the defense to begin their closing statements.

As per his order, Clone two walked over to Derrek and put on a dramatic pantomime, telling quite the story where it asked for forgiveness and leniency, but this was only in Cynrik's mind.

To the outside eye, they just saw an inky black silhouette moving around silently while pointing at Derrek and rubbing its hands under its eyes, giving the appearance it was crying.

Nodding his head and watching as if enthralled by the performance, Cynrik even wiped a fake tear from his eye before applauding the clone.

"What a rousing tale; from your point of view, I must say, I am almost swayed. But there are always two sides to a story. Thus, I ask you to return to your seat so we may hear the prosecution's closing statements.

Bowing gracefully to Cynrik, the clone tossed a final look back at Derrek, who was in rough shape after being slapped and whipped. Heaving its shoulders as if sighing sorrowfully, the clone returned opposite of clone one.

"Prosecution, you may begin your closing statements." Nodding to Clone One, Cynrik commanded the clone to menacingly saunter up to Derrek before jabbing its inky black finger into the gruesome wound left over from Cynrik's fire whip.

The sudden burning sensation caused by the Umbra Mana used to create the clone coming in contact with his fresh wound woke Derrek up from his daze, and he began thrashing about violently while coughing up mouthfuls of blood between his pained screams.

Seeing this reaction, Clone one reeled back and sucker-punched Derrek right in the stomach, just below the jagged wound, causing him even more pain and making Cynrik chuckle at the show.

In contrast to the show put on by Clone Two, Clone one tossed aside its role as a lawyer and began beating Derrek by peppering him with swift and light punches in the many open pressure points on the young man's body.

"Tsk, stop beating him; I get the point; you wish to say he is vile scum who deserves nothing short of merciless beatings and eventually death." Rolling his eyes, Cynrik clapped his hands loudly, freeing Derrek from the severe pressure point attacks.

"Now, since there is no jury in this trial, I must fill in for their role. Derrek Gislaine, For the first count of pissing off someone you shouldn't, I find you guilty and sentence you to death."

Raising his head weakly, Derrek shot Cynrik a fierce glare but stayed silent. He had already learned that this psycho reveled in his pain; Derrek's silence was meant not to give him any more ammunition.

"For the second count of offending my Girlfriend, the honorable Selene Nilsson, I sentence you to an unfathomable level of torture," Cynrik said with a cheerful smile.

"WHAT!!!!" Breaking his silence against his better judgment, Derrek blurted out.



Before the Captain of Team Romeoville could continue, Cynrik appeared in front of him and chopped down with his right hand into Derrek's collarbone, snapping it instantly and bringing about a howl of agony from Derrek.

"Ahh, much better. Tsk tsk, poor little Derrek, facing the accusor who put you in such a state, yet instead of fighting back, all you can do is swear at me with that potty mouth of yours. Didn't your mother teach you better." Shaking his head, Cynrik propped up his right arm around Derrek's neck and leaned on him for support.

"Do…m…mo…" Speaking in a barely audible tone with his head hanging and blood dripping from his mouth, Derrek hung limply.

"Hm? What was that? You should speak up if you wish to be heard here…let me help you." Smiling widely and looking at Derrek as if the young man was his best friend, Cynrik reached up with his left hand and pushed Derrek's chin before moving his lower jaw.

"My name's Derrek; I like to spout nonsense and kill my teammates." Cynrik mocked while using Derrek's face as if it were a puppet.

"You…mo…mother fucker." Glaring at Cynrik, Derrek spat a mouth full of blood onto Cynrik's face, causing him to close his eyes and smile sadistically.

"Mother fucker, you say…hehe, sigh, back at it again with the nonsense, your Virtual life is in my hands, and all you can do is try insulting me with grade school banter; you disappoint me more than you'll ever understand Derrek Boy."


Without warning or holding back anything, Cynrik headbutted Derrek so hard the Romeoville Captain's nose broke and caved in, causing blood to gush out of the disfigured appendage.

But he didn't stop there; reeling back, Cynrik spun around and unsheathed both of his Kodachis before unleashing a flurry of shallow cuts all over Derrek's body, causing the young man to cry out each time the Mana-infused blades bit into his flesh.

"Time for me to have fun with you; don't die too quickly; I want to savor your pain and suffering." Cynrik spat while cauterizing the wounds his swords inflicted to prevent Derrek from losing too much blood.


The audience of peers sitting and watching Cynrik's battle in the arena seating had mixed expressions. Some were petrified by the scene Cynrik presented, while others cheered and jeered because of the violence.

In so many ways, what the VSFA Captain did was twisted and even sick; however, how he portrayed it made it seem unreal as if they were watching a comedy where the anti-hero was getting revenge against his girlfriend's enemy.

Overall, there were five different opinions created by watching Cynrik's Battle with Team Romeoville.

The first was the numerous girls who practically had hearts in their eyes upon hearing Cynrik's declaration. These crazies viewed his actions as a sign of love which drove Cynrik, all because Derrek had upset his girlfriend. They wished a dark knight bathed in flames would sweep them off their feet and defeat their enemies.

However, these types of women were few and far between, and the overall consensus, especially between women watching, was that Cynrik was a psychopath who couldn't be fixed.

Second, there were the sane competitors, who felt nothing but a bone-chilling fear while watching Cynrik ruthlessly slaughter a whole team single-handedly before torturing their Captain, all because of what they viewed as trivial.

The third was the vocal majority, the people watching who cheered loudly every time Cynrik attacked or spat some abusive and often vulgar dialog between his torture session. Like the crazy fangirls, this group was slightly demented, if not disconnected from reality.

To them, Cynrik was an entertaining person who would have new things to show them at every twist and turn. These people inadvertently turned him from the underdog into an instant celebrity.

From this group, several abhorrent fandoms were created, and hundreds of websites dedicated to the cool anti-hero known as Cynrik Jetlensr appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

Up next were the most dangerous of the people watching; here, we find the few people who were, in a sense, similar to Cynrik. The Villain types who wore twisted smiles and lived vicariously through Cynrik's actions.

To this group, Cynrik's actions were justified by the principle of the Strong Prevail. Funny enough, this group had a high population of Beastpeople since they abided by the law of the jungle.

And lastly, were those who understood just how dangerous of a person Cynrik was. It didn't take a psychologist to understand there had to be a laundry list of psychological disorders in play here.

Between talking to himself, holding a mock trial with his clones playing an active role, or how he taunted, tortured, and insulted his opponents to mental breakdown, Cynrik thoroughly enjoyed dismantling his opponents physically and mentally.

He was not the type of person who could be reasoned with; if anything, many swore they wouldn't try anything dirty or even look at Cynrik. But then there were people in this group who felt no fear; to them, it was almost as if they looked down on Cynrik, viewing him as nothing more than a sadistic child throwing a temper tantrum.

Watching the horrors unfolding on screen, Jason Opurn swallowed loudly and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Having spent the entire day analyzing Cynrik's actions, he now felt that he and Leeland were in over their heads.

Jason already knew that Cynrik and his group were way stronger than their Tier and Level alluded to, but he never imagined the gap would be so vast.

'His every movement is overly calculated to the point of reducing any imperfections. Then there is the wide array of Affinity skills and elements he wields. With his random and frankly wild fighting style, Cynrik is like a wild beast that suddenly gained a high IQ. Smart, fierce, and most of all, a total nutcase.' Jason thought while looking across the stadium, where he saw Leeland watching his cousin's showcase without blinking.


Inside the VR Room, Brance watched as the members of Team Romeoville were escorted out on stretchers. Between the brutal deaths they were dealt, and the state of their minds, most of them were a babbling or screaming mess when they woke up. Thus multiple support staff was brought in, and they took every member of Team Romeoville out one by one.

Brance had long since known things were going to end badly; between how pissed his brother was upon finding out Romeoville had won the SRD event to the subtle telltale signs in his body language, Cynrik was bound to go apeshit on these guys.

But he didn't know things would be this bad. This was unacceptable, and the instant he could, Brance would beat the ever-living shit out of his older brother, come hell or high water.

There was making a statement, and then there was whatever the fuck Cynrik was doing; either way, none of it was going to fly, and Brance couldn't stand to see anything like this happen again.

Clenching his fists so tightly that his nails drew blood, Brance struggled not to rip open the VR Capsule and drag his brother out. None of this was ok.


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