The Over-Break System

Chapter 513 The Second Event: SRD- Search, Retrieve, Destroy (7)

**Here's the last Bonus Chapter I owe you all; better late than never,**


As expected, after about two hours on the road, Cynrik and company arrived some distance from the mountain range and slowed to a halt half a kilometer from the cave entrance.

Calling the pets to a stop and unhooking them from the sled, Cynrik shrouded everyone under cover of his stealth skill and brought them together to ensure everyone knew their job.

Once everyone confirmed their task, Brance paused and looked over at Milo, who had shrunk back down. He was supposed to leave immediately with Benny and Selene, but he had an idea of his own, so he pulled Cynrik aside and spoke to him.

[Cyn, I have an idea, but I want to run it past you before I do anything.] Brance said as he looked away from Milo and at his brother.

[Hm? Oh…that isn't a bad idea, to be honest.] Noticing Brance paying a lot of attention to the cat resting in Gabby's arms, Cynrik caught on to his brother's train of thought.

[Let me guess, you want to do what we did to get here on a smaller scale, with you, Benny, and Milo pulling a platform. As I said, it's not a terrible idea, but I've got a better one.] Tapping his chin like his father, Cynrik formulated a plan on the fly before explaining it to Brance.

[From what I observed in the cave, the walls, ceiling, and floor are all made of similar stone to what you used to make the sled. Meaning your Terra Affinity should allow you to manipulate those particles. There is, however, a heavy presence of Water Mana and Ice Mana in that rock, unlike near the spawn location.] Wiggling his nose and sniffling, Cynrik continued explaining.

[Get in there first, and double-check that you can even mold that rock, and if you can, mold the stone into a makeshift platform and go Earth Bender on it, like how you skate. That way, you can use Benny and Selene as guardians or vanguards. The only downside is the noise you will create; it's not like rock sliding on rock will be quiet, and you will draw a lot of attention.]

[Also, don't forget, Milo is already tired from dragging all our heavy asses here in the first place, so I'm not comfortable throwing him into the fray without sufficient rest. If he was the same Tier as us, sure, go for it, but right now, he can only provide support and movement for Gabby during our battle.]

[Don't get me wrong, Brancie, that was a good idea, and under different circumstances, I'd give you the go-ahead, but there are too many factors against it.]

[Not to mention, I plan to have the majority of the Yetis wiped out before you guys return; that way, we can cruise through the end stages of the event.] Patting Brance on the shoulder, Cynrik looked over at Benny and nodded toward Selene.

[Got it; I will give it a shot once we enter the cave…if I can't manipulate the stone, then we have to go with your plan, which means we will be in for a tedious and long task.] Unperturbed that his plan was shut down before manifesting, Brance accepted the assignment and walked over to the other two to confirm everyone was up for the task.

Only then did Selene, Brance, and Benny peel off from the group and begin flanking around to the right side of the cave, with Benny erasing their tracks in the snow while they moved.

Using [Mana Sight], Cynrik monitored the approach of what he labeled B-Squad *Brance, Selene, Benny* and had C-Squad *Cyn, Gabby, Melody, and Kurza* move around to the left side of the cave, leaving the sled behind.

'Everyone, hold up here; wait until I give you the signal, and then I want Gabby and Mel to bomb the mouth of the cave. You don't have any specific target, but be sure you don't collapse the ceiling and block the entrance.' Speaking through the psychic link established by Gabby, Cynrik had everyone hide behind a snow bank and use the snowstorm as cover while watching B-Squad get closer to the cave.

[[Brance, stall for a second; we will shell the cave and draw out the enemies lying in wait.]] Cynrik stated while targeting the fourteen or so Yetis meandering close to the mouth of the cave.

[[Copy,]] reaching forward and tapping Benny on the shoulder, B-squad slowed to a halt around 40 meters from the cave and waited.


They didn't have to wait long because about 10 seconds later, hundreds of ranged attacks exploded loudly. A combination of [Psy-Bomb], [Air Missle], and [Fireball] rained down on the area directly in front of the cave sending tremors through the ground and causing a loud chorus of primal grunts and hoots from inside the cave.

Seconds later, over a dozen hulking Yetis charged out of the cave with their head on a swivel as the second wave of attacks fell from the sky directly on their heads.

Seeing the second volley land, Brance squeezed Selene and Benny's shoulders, a sign to move, and B-Squad ran forward, brushing past the injured and confused Yetis unnoticed before entering the cave.

Cynrik watched as B-Squad cleanly infiltrated the cave and gave the command to unleash the third volley of attacks, which chipped away at the Yetis' health upon making contact with their target.

The second volley had only done around 15% damage to each creature, and the third chipped off even less since, this time around, the Yetis were prepared and blocked themselves using an unknown type of Ice Shield skill the likes Cynrik had never seen before.

Clicking his tongue, Cynrik signaled for Melody to move right and Gabby to the left before slowly walking forward. Wearing a cocky smirk, he dropped his hood and began executing ninja hand signs again, opting to go for a different Jutsu.

"Katon: Fukusū no Kakyū no Jutsu!" Using a crystal clear and emotionless tone, Cynrik made a ring with his thumb and index finger, brought it to his lips, and began rapidly spitting out baseball-sized balls of fire. It wasn't just a couple either; in less than a minute, Cynrik surrounded himself with over a thousand purple fireballs.

The immense heat of which parted the snowstorm, revealing himself and the bright glowing purple orbs of fire floating around his body like a demonic omen.

Then, raising his hand and swiping in the direction of the dozen or so Yeti's Cynrik uttered a single word…

"Burn." And at that moment, Hell itself descended on the arctic tundra stunningly.


Roni and Cesar were stunned silent as Cynrik pulled another amazingly flashy move out of his bag of tricks.

Cesar: "Cynrik is using yet another one of his unknown Fire Affinity Skills under what we have dubbed the "Katon Series." This time, manifesting hundreds, if not thousands, of fist-sized purple fireballs.

Roni: "I have never heard of the Katon Series of Fire Skills or Techniques before, but so far, from the two he has shown, it must be an impressive skillset, potentially a Legacy Series Skill Set passed down to him. I can only imagine how potent these skills will be once he grows in strength and Tier."


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