The Over-Break System

Chapter 501 Wave Twenty Boss Fight (1)

In the Swarm event, Cynrik and Brance hadn't moved for a full 25 minutes, causing many uneducated people to spam the message boards and chats with troll comments; however, the Commentators and experienced fighters all understood what the brothers were doing.

Upon reaching 25 minutes in his countdown, Cynrik's eyes snapped open, and he took a deep breath.

[That's all the time we get, Brancie. Everything should be replenished.] Slow to get back on his feet, Cynrik resheathed his Kodachi and performed some quick exercises and was soon joined by Brance.

[What's the plan here, Cyn? I don't know how long I'll be able to fend off an enraged mutated Chimera.] With hesitation in his eyes, Brance bent down, swiped his CS Tears, and fitted them into place on his bracers.

[Not going to lie, I don't have a good plan this time, Brance. I tried finding footage on the Wave Twenty Bosses seen in past events, and there is nothing. Not a single ounce of video, so I have no idea what we will be against, but using the Wave Ten Boss as an example, we can assume two things…]

Taking a deep breath and channeling Mana of all four varieties from his Codex into his body, Cynrik stared intently at the Egress gate.

[My first assumption is that the creature that Gate spits out will be far from an average Initial Tier-4. Considering it is a natural Tier-5, it's only because of Vinestra's Will Suppression that it falls down to Tier-4. Even so, it should still have access to higher purity Mana and High Tier Skills.]

[So far, the Chimera has presented three Affinities, Water, Fire, and Wind. And aside from the Wave Ten Boss, each creature comes stock with a single Affinity, while the Boss had two, Wind and Fire.]

[The Second assumption is that this thing will come out ready for battle, meaning we won't be able to get the drop on it and score an easy kill. To make matters worse, the Mutated tag attached indicates a vast increase in stats.]

[So what it boils down to is, if we stay with your restraints in place, it will be a tough battle…great, I am SO looking forward to it~.] Rolling his eyes, Brance smirked.

[What's the worst that can happen, Cyn, we die? Haven't we done that a bunch of times by now, if you count the HBTC?] Chuckling to himself and looking at his brother, Brance saw Cynrik's usually expressionless face crack as he fought back laughter.

[Indeed, what is death to a reincarnator? Hehe. Let's get on with it then; any input on a battle theme?]Cynrik asked as he rolled out his shoulders, channeled an inky pitch-black fireball on the tip of his finger, and pointed it at the downed Chimera in the form of a finger gun.

[I mean, something Hype, I guess, also Fusion Affinity?] Raising an eyebrow at Cynrik, Brance questioned his brother's act of revealing that he could fuse Elements.

[Why not? I'm about to use a Quad-Affinity Skill in Susanoo; those asshats can view this as a sneak peek. Hm, something hype, ok, Choose A or B.]

[Hm…A or B…how about we go with B since it's the first letter in all three of my names, haha.] Brance's smirk turned into an adventurous smile as he turned away and monitored the Egress gate over 300 meters away.

[Always the comedian, tsk, fine, fine…B it is.] Holding up his fireball-tipped finger gun, Cynrik shook his head and spoke for everyone to hear.

"Bang," the single word flipped the Commentator's opinion of him on end as the fireball transformed into a black beam of light and vaporized the unsuspecting Chimera's head.

-You have Killed Eighteen Level 49 Peak-Tier-3 Chimera (Wolf/Avian).-

-You have received 17,640,000 XP.-

-Your Faction Member Brance Jetlensr has Killed Eighteen Level 49 Peak-Tier-3 Chimera (Wolf/Avian).-

-You have received 17,640,000 XP.-

-You have completed Wave Nineteen of the Egress Break.-

-Wave Twenty is now beginning; A Mutated Creature Is spawning.-

-An Initial Tier-4 Mutated Chimera (Wolf/Avian) has breached the Egress Barrier.-

In an instant, the entire atmosphere changed as the storm above swirled and boomed with thunder. The Mana forming the Egress Gate churned like the ocean amid a hurricane, and a colossal paw swung out of the Gate before slamming down with a loud and explosive BOOM!

"Oh? It's a big boi, ain't it, Brancie?" Cynrik commented as he watched an incredible three heads emerge from the Mana Portal, followed by a hulking body that appeared too large to fit through the already huge Egress Gate.


First came the three heads, shoulders, six pairs of wings, and four tails; from beaks to tails, the Mutated Tier-4 Chimera was the largest creature they had ever seen, standing at over 55 meters tall and reaching almost 80 meters in length.

The force generated by the creature's massive lungs created a shockwave that reached the brother's over 300 meters away, blowing back their hair with a powerful gust of wind.

[Brancie, you just had to pick B, sigh, you know, I don't mind, but like, it's an option tailor-made for you; I feel like I stacked the deck against myself.] Pushing down the nerves he was experiencing after seeing how incredible the Chimera's Mana Signature was, Cynrik cracked a joke.

[Man, I really hope so because I am not feeling this one, Cyn. That bastard is fucking massive.] Shifting beside him nervously as the Chimera's entire body was attacked by Red Lightning, Brance released an awkward laugh.

'Tobs, gimmie the best version you find, in any fucking universe, parallel or whatever, burn the rest of my Skill points; Brancie needs that courage for his ears, and if there's a song that can do it, it's that one.'


Appearing in both their vision, by some strange power, Tobs danced around between Cynrik and Brance like a small invisible fairy, only able to be seen thanks to the brothers having [Mana Sight] Active.

Their eyes followed Tobs as she flew around, stopping a meter ahead of them with her arms outstretched like a conductor. With a bright and cheery smile, she pointed at Brance first, then Cynrik, and dropped her left arm while clearing her tiny throat and pressing against her diaphragm with her right hand.

- ♪So…Baby…Now… you…♫-

Fairy Tobs wore a massive smile as she sang the opening lyrics to one of Brance's all-time favorite Anime Songs. And the four words were enough to brighten his mood as a fierce expression instantly spread across his face, and he joined her, along with Cynrik.


-Now Playing " Number One- Bankai" By Shiro SAGISU featuring Hazel Fernandes.-

The music kicked in after Brance sang the word "Feel," giving him and Cynrik background accompaniment.






Mana gushed off Cynrik's body in an instant as a multi-colored translucent Skeletal Spine appeared behind him, and four rib bones wrapped around his body on each side. At the same time, Brance kicked the ground so hard a shockwave crushed the terrain underfoot, and he rushed forward to greet the Boss.


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