The Over-Break System

Chapter 492 Chasing The Swarm Event National Record (2)

For a moment, the only sound which could be heard aside from the chorus of strange noises made by the Chimeras was a peculiar bubbling, one akin to a geyser preparing to spout. The bubbling sound was followed up by a trembling originating from deep underground…then…BOOM!

The explosion, although fleeting and only lasting a second or two, was so loud that the six Chimeras Cynrik was facing whipped their heads around, and blood spewed from the small flaps behind their eyes, which were where their ears were.

Frozen in fear and deaf from the loud Boom, the six Chimera could do nothing but watch their fellow creatures get vaporized in a bright and Blinding Light.

Meanwhile, Cynrik, who thought he was prepared for anything, was frantically trying to find cover from the blast.

[FUCKING HELL, BRANCIE, YOU SAID YOU WERE TOSSING A COUPLE OF WHITE DWARFS, NOT NUKING THE PLACE!) Cynrik complained as he weaved in and out of his remaining opponents, using their bodies as meatshields to protect himself from the harmful effects of his brother's attack.

Even though there was well over half a kilometer between himself and the explosion, Cynrik could feel the energy leaving his body. More importantly, he refused to turn and look at the devastation behind him for fear of receiving a (Blind) Status effect or something worse.

[Ok, that one is my bad. I still haven't gotten the hang of my Wds power since my evolution. To be honest, I only put 2k MP into each one; originally, it wasn't supposed to cause that big of an explosion…] Brance's voice carried an apologetic tone as it trailed off along with the flash of white light.

Popping out of the ground head first, like a groundhog, Brance looked around at the aftereffects of his attack and whistled loudly in awe. The previously lush and beautiful prairie now looked like the site of a massive plane crash. But that didn't fully or adequately describe the sight. After the plane crashed and exploded, an enormous meteor storm hit the same spot.

Round craters formed from the impact site of the explosion, dotting the landscape with twelve fresh 20x20 meter pits.

[Bullshit! There is no conceivable way you did THAT much damage with twelve Wds' filled with only 2k MP. To achieve that much destruction, you would need to offload a minimum of 5-7k Mana Points.]

Using the grapple shot attachment on his Assassins Tool, Cynrik zipped around a Chimera's meaty calf like a tether ball and swung to its front, where he wrapped the cable around its neck and pulled with all his strength causing it to go taught, strangling his opponent.

"SASAGEYO, MOTHER FUCKER!" Cynrik spat through a sinister grin while finishing his loop around its neck, landing on its back, and braced his feet on both the creature's shoulders.

Between superheating the cable with Fire Mana, the corrosive properties of his Umbra Mana, and the force behind his movements, Cynrik cleanly took the creature's head off, like a knife through butter.

With the enemy defeated, Cynrik then retracted the cable, sprinted down the corpse's back, jumped into the air and propelled himself forward by latching on to a blinded flying creature with his grap-shot and dragging it down, replacing the Chimera in the air. By launching himself into the sky, Cynrik felt the thrill of flying as his mind was stuck on SnK.

[Hit me with the SnK Op 2, Tobs.] Looking back over his shoulder at the beheaded Chimera, Cynrik couldn't resist dropping an SnK (AoT for you fake weebs) reference as he moved to continue his attack.

-Now playing "Jiyuu no Tsubasa!" By Linked Horizon.-

"Hmph," extending out his left arm while rotating 30-meters in the air, Cynrik launched a grapple from his Assassins tool right through another creature's wing, and with a flick of his wrist and a tug of his arm, his direction changed as his next assault began.

However, Cynrik's eyes narrowed as he watched the wounds on the creature's eyes, in the form of cataracts, clear up from their milky white blinded state and return to their aggressive, healthy condition. In pain due to the attack on the soft wings, it flapped the ground with both pairs and screeched up at Cynrik.

"Hehe, come on up, birdy," chuckling to himself and waving at the screeching Wolfbird with his right Kodachi in a welcoming gesture, Cynrik slowed his rotation,

Angling himself downward, Cynrik then expelled a jet of fire from the soles of his boots, giving him control of his fall. Racing to meet the incoming Chimera, when he was close enough to smell the creature's stench, Cynrik kicked out his left leg, extended his right arm, and fired his grap-shot directly into the left flank of the Chimera.

The sudden attack caused it to emit a strange combination of a chirp, screech, and roar, all in pain as the Mana-coated barb pierced its body between the third and fourth rib.

Seeing the reaction his attack caused, Cynrik snorted and let off the jets to allow himself to be carried higher into the air by the frantic Chimera as it shook its body in an attempt to rid itself of the barb.

"You…fucking…THOUGHT!" Wrapping the cable around his wrist, Cynrik reeled it back into the Assassin's tool while making a downward pulling motion and slingshotted his body forward.

The radical directional change nearly yanked the Chimera out of the sky, but before it could turn its neck to bite at Cynrik, the young man thrust his Mana Clad Kodachis into the creature's flank.

After burying the weapons in the Chimera's body with enough force, Cynrik unleashed a powerful burst of BlackFire using the swords as a medium, cooking the creature from the inside out.

With one final, agonizingly loud cry, the Chimera died, and Cynrik released his grasp on the Mana particles. From the outside, no one could see what he had done, but the more competent people watching the fight knew the VSFA Tier-3 Captain had used some kind of devastating technique.

It was just they had no idea what it was. One moment Cynrik had stabbed his swords into the Chimera; the next, it was dead, with blood pouring out of every orifice.

Now that the Chimera was dead, it didn't immediately turn to particles, allowing Cynrik a moment to retrieve his weapons and climb onto its back as the corpse plummeted to the ground. Sniffling slightly and propping both Kodachi on his shoulders, Cynrik walked across the corpse's back, uncaring of his situation, and looked up toward the sky.

Through [Mana Sight], he could see the ordinarily unseen, and in this case, he had zeroed in on the hundreds of camera drones monitoring the battle.


In the commentary booth, Roni and Cesar stoically spoke one sentence after another. By constantly talking, they could mask their extreme shock at how easily the brothers appeared to be handling their opponents.

That is until Cynrik turned and looked directly at them, causing the two commentators to flinch in their seats.

Wearing his trademark Cocky and confident smirk, Cynrik flourished his kodachis and pointed the left one at them. The action had startled the commentators enough to make them flinch because although it wasn't uncommon for a Competitor to stumble on a drone accidentally, no one had ever addressed them directly.

"Are you not entertained?" Using a chilling tone that enthralled those watching, Cynrik tilted his head arrogantly, took two steps to the right, and flipped off the falling corpse just as it smashed into the ground and into particles.


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