The Over-Break System

Chapter 475 Brance’s Relic-Totem

Tobs watched as Brance moved the parts into four different groupings and began fitting them into place like puzzle pieces. When the first set of parts was assembled, her eyes grew to the size of dinner plates in shock, and she looked at Brance as if he was a fool.

"Really…you really made a giant Rifle?" She asked incredulously.

"Not just any rifle Tobs, the M16A2, a rifle I carried for the better part of my time in the Marine Corps. If there was any object or item, I have memorized to the point that I can assemble and disassemble it in less than a minute with my eyes closed and underwater, it would be this very rifle." Smiling brightly and fitting the bolt carrier into place, Brance quickly assembled the over 700-meter-long rifle before adding on the minor attachments he favored.

Such as an extended open buttstock and regular grip; he had even opted for a specific type of scope and rail setup he liked back when he saw combat. The final touch was small yet massive compared to his body, a box-shaped lazer sight attached to the outside of the right face of the hand guard.

Once finished, the incredibly accurate to his memory rifle floated ominously in the air high above Brance and Tobs, leaving Brance's finger a little itchy as he wanted to try firing it. Fighting back the urge to do so, he gripped the air in the direction of the butt and spun the rifle barrel down before forcing it into the rocky terrain, erecting it like a pylon.

"And done, next I am supposed to touch it, and you'll take over from there, right Tobs?" Brance asked while turning around and catching sight of her weirded-out expression.

"What?" He asked curiously and scratched the back of his head with his right hand.

"You IDIOT! Geralt said to make a Tree or giant sword, but no, you made a MASSIVE FUCKING RIFLE!" Tobs said as she jumped to her feet and pointed at the scaled M16A2.

"Do you not realize the absurdity of this whole thing? Who goes and makes a rifle as their Relic-Totem? Let me guess, you plan on trying to use it as an actual weapon in your next Turning Point Quest, Don't you? Well, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Brancie. Once I link it, it becomes a giant hunk of Indestructible Mana Particles." Tobs said as she threw her hands into the air and stormed off toward the M16.

"Eh, I didn't think that far ahead, but it would have been cool to use it to blast away my next opponent; hehe, oh well, at least I don't have to worry about it breaking during my fight like the [Radient Tower]." Dismissing her aggressive tone, Brance followed behind Tobs like a puppy and got close to his new Relic-Totem.

In awe of his achievement, Brance took a second to look up toward the sky, where he could barely see the end of the M16 due to the clouds floating high above.

"You're right; that is something Cynrik would have thought about; oh lord, I hope he doesn't try making a giant robot or something, thinking he can pilot it." Tobs squeaked with sudden fear as the thought of the impending temper tantrum she would have to deal with later on came to mind.

"Nah, Cyn will likely go with Yggdrasil as his Relic-Totem. Not only does it technically fit his lore as a Norse Legacy Charge, but it seems like the kind of challenge he would go ape shit over." Stepping up beside Tobs as she crept forward, the two of them placed their left hand on the barrel of the rifle; while Brance corrected his AI's statement.

-It has been detected that you have created a Mana Construct, which can be identified as a Relic-Totem.-

-Would you like to assign it as your Essence Conversion Filter? (Y/N)-

-Warning, this choice can not be overwritten or changed once you select yes. Please put an appropriate amount of thought into your decision, as it could potentially be detrimental to your growth if your Relic-Totem doesn't suit you.-

Upon Tobs' contact with the rifle, a string of notifications bookended by a warning entered Brance's vision. After carefully reading through the notice, he still chose to assign the rifle as his Relic-Totem, or Essence Conversion Filter.

-You have chosen the Mana Construct, named M16A2, to be your permanent Essence Conversion Filter. This choice can not be changed.-

-You are now able to transfer your Essence from your Essence Pool directly into the Conversion Filter through physical contact.-

-The transfer process is instantaneous.-

-It has been detected that the Host has an SPN-XP Pool. Would you like to set your Essence Conversion Filter to its XP à SPN-XP conversion setting? (Y/N)-

Without hesitation, Brance once again selected the Yes option, triggering another strain of notifications.

-Conversion Filtration has been Set. The current conversion ratio is 100 XP to 1 SPN XP per second of concentrated meditation.-

-Current amount of Essence stored in the "M16A2" 0 points.-

Reading the final notification, Brance sighed heavily. With a conversion ratio of 100 XP into 1 SPN-XP a second, it would take him around 346 hours, or two weeks to convert all his XP into SPN-XP. Still, it was better than he anticipated, especially after seeing the abysmal conversion rate of his MP to HP ability.

"Hey Tobs, any idea on how to increase the conversion ratio? 100 to 1 will drive Cynrik nuts, so I may as well find out now to nip his anger ahead of time." Brance asked as he stepped back and looked down at the fully focused girl beside him.

"Un, there is, but from what I see in the acquired data, you must first refine your Relic-Totem, which is an annoyingly long process. There are Grades regarding Relic-Totems; yours is at Base or Grade 0. With each increase in grade, your ratio will increase by ten times its previous number." Looking away from the rifle barrel and up at Brance, Tobs nodded and answered his question.

"Well, it should keep him occupied for a little while, which isn't too bad. That means fewer annoying and dangerous opportunities Cynrik could get us into that could have disastrous outcomes. For now, 100 to 1 is fine, and I can use my free time working on the conversion." Brance said as he spun around and sat down with his back resting against the rifle.

"So says you! It's not you who's forced to hear his never-ending complaining when things don't go your brother's way." Releasing a snort similar to Cynrik, Tobs frowned before walking back over to the rock she had been resting on while Brance was making his Relic-Totem.

"I know, and I salute you in your continued efforts to contain my crazy brother. You are doing great; keep up the good work!" Holding up both thumbs and wearing an encouraging smile, Brance joked before transferring all 124,650,000 XP into the M16.

However, his joke only served to piss Tobs off, earning him another snort and glare.

"Ok, you win; I'll smack some sense into that dense head of his when he starts up; just let me know ahead of time so that I can be prepared. Reining Cyn in isn't a task one person alone can hope to do, so I got your back!"

"You better, or else I will start up some of that annoying Weeb music Cynrik loves in your head when you try to sleep at night." Issuing an ultimatum to Brance, Tobs hid a smirk behind her right hand and basked in the fear-filled expression Brance put on at her words.

With the banter coming to a close, Brance finally closed his eyes, emptied his mind, controlled his breathing, and began calming down his thoughts before quickly slipping into a meditative state.


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