The Nebula's Civilization

Chapter 217: The Inventor of Pollivia

Chapter 217: The Inventor of Pollivia

Ramin asked back, "The western continent?"


What Sarcho referred to as the western continent was the first continent.

Ramin tried to recall information about the western continent. The largest country on the western continent was the Ronante-Oroban Alliance. The two giants that once divided the western continent had united to stand against the Union Kingdom. Apart from that, many large and small countries were under the influence of the Ronante-Oroban Alliance.

Compared to the completely unified third continent under the rule of the Emperor of Black Scale, the second continent where the lords still had disputes but couldn't move under the name of the Emperor of the Union Kingdom, and the fourth continent which was relatively stable politically except for being a battleground between the Empire and the Union Kingdom, the first continent still had its unstable areas.

Although the Ronante-Oroban Alliance practically ruled the first continent, their control wasn't as strong as that in the second or third continent. Therefore, from time to time, they had to deploy troops within the continent to suppress rebellion, preventing them from projecting their forces outside the continent.

'It might still be a better place to live compared to the Empire or the Union Kingdom. Even if a war breaks out, it won't be as big as the ones between the Empire and the Union Kingdom.'

The Ronante-Oroban Alliance wasn't on good terms with either the Empire or the Union Kingdom. They were currently at war with the Empire, but not as intensely as with the Union Kingdom. This war had recently begun and was not full-scale, and there had been a long period of peace before it. They had once gone to war against the Union Kingdom, but were not at war now.

Ramin asked, "Why did Teacher go to the western continent?"

"I'm not sure. But he mentioned he has a friend there."

"So he hasn't stepped foot into the Empire for such a long time, but he was active in the western continent?"

"...That's what he said, but I really don't know much about it."

Ramin awkwardly replied, "I'm sorry... Do you have any other information?"

"I’m not sure. I've been in the reformation facility until recently, and I've only spoken to Owen once in the last six months."

Ramin looked back at Gorgota.

"Is this information enough?"

"The gods are helping us, so wouldn’t it be fine? Moreover, the Empire's intelligence agency is working in the Ronante-Oroban Alliance. Recently, influenced by the Union Kingdom, revolutionary factions have also emerged."

"Then let's move."

As Ramin and Gorgota were about to leave, Sarcho asked, "Is that really all?"

Ramin turned around. "Pardon?"

"...I thought that if someone from the Empire met me, they wouldn't leave me alone."

"Well, there must be people who think unfavorably. Secularism? Not following the will of the gods? In the old days, it was even said that it was more sinful than being a simple apostate.” Ramin added, "But not me. Nor this person."


"Our master wasn't like that either, was he?"

Without waiting for Sarcho's reply, the two walked out.


Hegemonia glared at the system window.

Inside were two players. At first glance, the one on the left looked like a Garuda, but it wasn't a Garuda because they didn't have wings.

Actually, it wasn’t necessary to look at their back to figure out the player wasn’t a Garuda; their appearance differed clearly enough. They had a yellow beak, and an elongated comb of a hue similar to red plumage. It was a rooster.

On the other hand, the player on the right did not resemble a living creature. Where their head should have been, there was a round mono-eye emitting a red light. With pistons in place of muscles, circular motors that smoothly connected the joints, and exposed hoses covered by steel plates, they took the shape of a robot.

"So, what do you say about our proposal, Hegemonia?"

Hegemonia replied, "Don't rush me, chicken head."

"I'm not a chicken head, I'm Male Chicken."

"That's even weirder. Change your player ID."

"I've been Male Chicken since forever. If I had to change it, I'd change my appearance."

"Just keep it then."

The mono-eye said, "Do you not like our proposal?"

Hegemonia responded, "Of course I don't, robot head."

"My player ID is Vladimir."

"That's too long."

"...’Robot head’ has the same number of syllables though."

"Shut up."

Hegemonia let out flames from within their steel helmet. "Think about it. Why should I ally with you? If it’s not for the Empire, you guys would be wiped out in 3 years."

Male Chicken replied, "We don’t feel great about it either, but both our Ronante-Oroban Alliance and your Union Kingdom aren't in good positions. To prevent the Empire from winning as it is, we need to join forces."

"No, I feel even worse about this."

"Are you a grade schooler or what?"

Vladimir said, "Hegemonia, despite what you said, we know you're neither foolish nor easily swayed by emotions. That's why we’re suggesting this. Besides, the alliance we propose is just a temporary one, not a true alliance."

Hegemonia thought for a moment.

'What would Nebula think about this?’

The Ronante-Oroban Alliance had been one country for decades; its name remained a combination of two nations due to the internal conflict that persisted between them.

'Most importantly, they're weak.'

After a prolonged war, the two countries, Ronante and Oroban, formed an alliance and became the dominating nation of the first Continent.

However, the Molsa Kingdom and Sordem Kingdom were still countries ruled by players, and due to the countless small nations in between their territories, they couldn't properly strategize and conquer the two kingdoms.

"Even though we’ve reached the midpoint, you haven't secured your own continent."

As Hegemonia mumbled, Vladimir countered, "...Usually, players find it difficult to conquer a continent even by the game's end, let alone its midpoint. The presence of non-player nations, unaffected by players' influence, scattered all around is a typical scenario."

"An average player means a player who's not good."

"That's a bit harsh. We're just a bit unlucky in this game, but that doesn't mean we're at a level to be spoken down to..."

Then Male Chicken said to Vladimir, "Enough. Forget the alliance negotiations. Didn't I tell you? We can't form an alliance with Hegemonia."

"...I knew that much, but..."

Hegemonia laughed and said, "Enough with the act. Are you planning to say that you should propose an alliance to Nebula next? If you try to act that out or even simply request a Whisper Conversation, the Empire will have taken over the 1st continent in a few years.”

Male Chicken and Vladimir didn’t say anything because Hegemonia had hit the nail on the head. They had hoped to make Hegemonia anxious any way possible, but Hegemonia remained calm.

"I don't need an alliance, but you guys could be useful."

Vladimir asked, "What does that mean?"

"I mean I’ll use you as subordinates."

Male Chicken raged. "Do we look like sitting ducks to you?"

Hegemonia almost laughed at the unexpected pun, but held back given the serious situation.

"Don't you think the concept of an alliance is unreasonable? That I should have an equal say with you? But it’s different if I give commands, and you unconditionally follow them. I'd accept that."

Male Chicken replied, "Forget it. Just drop it."

However, Vladimir stood still and stayed silent.

Vladimir then said, "Then? Do you think we can win?"


"I asked if we can beat the Empire, Nebula, if we join you as subordinates rather than allies."

Hegemonia replied, "I don't know."

"You don't know?"

Hegemonia coldly said, "The Union Kingdom is in a significant crisis. The primary front, the fourth continent, is gradually being pushed back. An apostle has died, and there's not enough Faith resources for resurrection. There's a continuous power vacuum. Moreover, there's internal hardships due to the revolutionaries. There's likely going to be significant turmoil as we transition to a parliamentary system, all due to the established hierarchy from way back. We're falling behind the Empire in every aspect."

Hegemonia added, "Plus, I have to consider the possibility that you might stab me in the back. Alliances tend to fall apart that way."

Vladimir looked at Male Chicken.

"We should accept this alliance."

"It's not an alliance, it's you being subordinates..."

Male Chicken interrupted Hegemonia and said, "Why, when Hegemonia hasn't even assured us victory?"

"If Hegemonia had said we could win, we would have naturally thought they were just bluffing. We would have believed that this prideful person is putting on a show for one last time. But they’re being realistic about their situation, aren’t they?"


"It feels like a gamble worth taking."

Hegemonia was annoyed. "Who are you to judge me?"

Male Chicken closed their eyes briefly and then opened them.

"Alright. Rather than handing Nebula the victory, it's worth a shot."

Vladimir said, "There, that's our decision. We'll join as your subordinates."

Hegemonia laughed. "Good. Round 2 begins."


Pollivia, a city-state located in the southwest of the first continent, was one of the leading port cities on the continent. It was built over an ancient city half-submerged in the sea, and it was the final destination for ships from the second continent and the Empire west of the continent.

Naturally commercial, the city benefitted from rich fisheries and was connected by roads and recently by trains, making it a transport hub. But Pollivia’s key feature was its neutrality.

It bordered the Ronante-Oroban Alliance, but its mayors were elected through parliamentary votes. Additionally, despite the recent winds of revolution sweeping the continent and the world, Pollivia had long been electing its mayors and representatives through votes, so they were mostly unaffected.

And it was the same with secularism. People could freely choose their religion, and though very rare, there were those who did not have any.

For a long time, Pollivia, which mediated conflicts between the first and second continents, was a city where many wanted to settle down. If they had the money, that was.

"Get lost, beggar."

After being kicked, the Xolotl named Simo rolled on the ground.

Simo murmured, "The's scorching."

While they were momentarily lost in thoughts, an Orc passing by kicked them again. As they were an Xolotl with a small body, Simo rolled again.

The Orc glanced back and said, "Sorry about that!"

Having just been evicted from their room for not paying rent, Simo hurriedly collected their belongings and got up. It wasn't the time to feel sad. If Simo stayed down in the middle of the street, Simo could get run over by a car.

The Xolotl species was categorized as distant relatives of the Frogmen. However, because of their different appearances, no one thought there was any relation. Compared to the Frogmen who had medium sized bodies, Xolotls were small, and they had white skin with exposed pinkish gills on either side of their heads. Xolotls were essentially bipedal axolotls.

Of course, there were fiercer looking black Xolotls, but Simo wasn't one of them.

Simo dusted themself off and reapplied the Delluba ointment on their head. This ointment, which helped aquatic species live outside water, was essential for both Frogmen and Xolotls.

But the ointment was running out.

"...I'm doomed."

If needed, Simo could potentially return to their homeland, the swamp, but Simo didn’t really want to do that.

As with many aquatic creatures, their homeland seemed untouched by the influences of civilization.

"I can never go back."

Simo was an inventor. Their bag was filled with all sorts of inventions and prototypes, so much so that from behind, it looked like the bag was walking by itself.

"Even if I die here...!"

Trying to minimize their exposure to the sun, Simo walked with their head down until they saw a shadow and stopped to look up. Simo wondered if they had hit a wall. However, when Simo raised their head, what they saw was a Lizardman with black scales.

"It's been a while, little inventor."

Simo blinked and said, "...Teacher Owen?"

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