The Nebula's Civilization

Chapter 156: Predetermined Fate

Chapter 156: Predetermined Fate

Assuming control over Koprik’s body, Gordius quietly spent time inside the temple. Then, a priest came rushing in.

“Wejen, please save me!”

The priest wasn’t running to Gordius, but was rather running away. Gordius was puzzled at the name that it had never heard before and didn’t bother saving the priest.

Gordius had two main abilities. One was its theatrical talent, mainly derived from the art that Eldar had established through a high-level Small Area. The other was its intelligence based on its body created by Sung-Woon, which allowed it to make rapid inferences.

Gordius had nibbled away Koprik’s brain and thus killed Koprik, but that didn’t mean Gordius had obtained all of Koprik’s memories too. Gordius filled in the blanks with its inferences, figuring out what kind of relationships Koprik had with those around it, as well as what kind of existence Korpik was. According to its deduction, the Rakshasa priest was to Koprik nothing more nor less than a living snack that could move and talk.

The Rakshasas believed they were different from the Pangolins, but it was merely a false assumption born out of the fact that Koprik had never treated the Rakshasas that way in the past.

‘That thing chasing after the priest is annoying me.’

Eventually, the priest fell and rolled on the ground. Then a large crow appeared, grabbed the priest with its talons, and began to eat the screaming priest, starting with their head. Gordius speculated that this large crow was Wejen, a guardian with a similar position to Koprik.

-It’s been a while, Wejen.

Wejen briefly glanced at Gordius and swallowed the Rakshasa in one bite.

Wejen then said.

-I’m surprised to hear such friendly words from you.

Gordius then realized that there had been a mistake in its judgment. The black panther had never considered the Pangolins, Rakshasas, or even other guardians as its peers.

-This neighborhood has been quite noisy lately…

-It is indeed quite noisy…

While Wejen walked through the temple’s corridor lined with large pillars, it said.

-Seeing that you express the situation that way, I suppose you haven’t heard the news about the other regions.?

-Other regions??

Wejen replied.

-In addition to the north, the east and west are also in chaos. Not only are those fish moving, but the invaders seem to have appeared as well.


-Yes. It seems that they have come from across the sea…from another continent.


By fish, Wejen was probably referring to the Deep Ones. The other parts, though, Gordius knew were new information that not even Sung-Woon was aware of.

Wejen said.

-The Great Ashurada is worried and wishes to ask the guardian of each region about the situation on their end. Especially in the north, isn’t there a Pangolin guardian that needs to be sacrificed? The Great Ashurada is also looking forward to it.

Gordius replied.

-Tell the Great Ashurada not to worry. Those invaders did bring new weapons, but there aren’t many of them, and the Pangolins…are just Pangolins. We have a plan to capture them all at once, so…

-Wait, did you just say Great Ashurada?

Gordius became nervous because it made another slip of the tongue.

‘This damn black panther had no respect for its superiors or inferiors!’

Gordius then thought about whether it should attack and kill Wejen now, or get attacked and eaten by Wejen. Both options were fine for Gordius, but it wasn’t sure if the plan of the mortals, who believed in Night Sky, would get disrupted.

Wejen then laughed and said.

-It seems that you have finally developed loyalty as well.

Gordius felt relieved.

-I guess I would have to acknowledge…the difference in power.

-That’s more than enough, Koprik. Honestly, I like your change in attitude more than your confidence in stopping those invaders. I’ll stop by again.

-Do whatever you want.

Gordius looked at Wejen as it waddled out the corridor. And then it became curious about something.

‘Just what kind of existence is Ashurada?’


“You don’t want to fight anymore?”

“Well…that’s not what I meant exactly…”

The Pangolin, Margo, was hesitant in front of Vasen Lak Orazen.

After their great victory against the Rakshasas, there were smaller battles in the following days, and the Pangolins continued to win. However, the Rakshasas didn't even engage in proper fights as they simply fled at the news of the Pangolins’ approach. To Vasen, this seemed like a better form of victory.

The Pangolins had recaptured most of the northern regions and successfully driven the Rakshasas away. Now, if they could reclaim the largest city, Siol, they would have taken back all the villages that the Pangolins had called home in the past.

But of course, Vasen wasn't going to be satisfied with just that. The Rakshasas, or more specifically, the Rakshasas of the Ashurada tribe, did have a lower technology level, but they were establishing a large country, and the northern region where the Pangolins lived was only a small part of it.

‘But the Pangolins might think it’s excessive. They not only drove out the Rakshasas who oppressed them, but also gained the power to protect themselves from them.'

It wasn't just the matchlock guns. While Pangolin scales were hard and tough to chew on, the iron swords and spears used by the Rakshasas could still cause them injuries. However, by wearing steel armors custom-made to suit the Pangolins, they would become a difficult enemy for the Rakshasas to deal with.

The Rakshasas had already attempted ambushes against unarmed Pangolins, but they had also suffered a defeat at the hand of heavily armed Pangolin spearmen. Their difference in physique could be made up for through technology.

"You would continue to win if you kept fighting. Are the Pangolins having a hard time with the battles?”

"It's not that. It's just that continuing the fight doesn't seem as efficient..."

"Not efficient?"

Margo hesitated and said, "War is wasteful. If we can gain profits without fighting, it would be better not to engage in war."

Vasen could only nod in agreement. War was indeed wasteful.

"Then are you suggesting a peace settlement with the Rakshasas?"

"Yes. Not all Rakshasas are dull-headed, and behind them stands Ashurada and the large temple... It's difficult to expect the streak of victories to continue..."

Vasen then thought to himself.

‘They might be right. We've achieved great victories so far, but if the battles continue, the frontline will expand. With an expanding frontline, the importance of infrastructure like roads, supplies, and transportation vehicles will increase. However, there is hardly any such infrastructure in this land.’

And Vasen’s concerns didn’t end there. The majority of Pangolins had been slaves for a long time, so they lacked competent commanders, and if the forces increased, it would become difficult to maintain the current high quality of equipment. Even though they were making up for the power difference through technology and boosting the morale of the Pangolin army with victories, the situation was still precarious. And he was especially wary of Ashurada, or even Koprik, which he expected to run into the next time.

The white spider, Hillove, had for some reason said that there was nothing to worry about Koprik, but according to the Pangolins, the guardian was quite a notable existence.

‘Yes. Perhaps it's best to end the war here and let our expedition team return to their original mission. We've gathered some information during this time too. And with the message relayed by the communication ship, Black Scale would already be preparing for more warships. If Black Scale and the Rakshasas must go to war, it would be better to engage them directly rather than using the Pangolins.’

Vasen said, “You’re right, Margo. Let's see if a peace settlement would be accepted."

The Pangolin envoys traveled to Siol, the central city of the Rakshasas in the north, and they could sense the stark difference in how they were treated. The Rakshasas did not hide their discomfort, but still treated the envoys like Rakshasa nobles, and the ordinary Rakshasas they encountered in the town square were frightened upon seeing them.

The northern governor, Akulda, met them to listen to what they had to say. The Pangolins’ conditions were simple.

First, the Rakshasas would free all enslaved Pangolins in all the towns and cities, including Siol and the other towns and cities that the Pangolins hadn’t yet attacked. Second, they would leave Siol, which was a city that originally belonged to the Pangolins. And third, they would not return. And what Rakshasas would get in return was even simpler.

‘They won’t attack anymore? Did they suggest those conditions with only such a promise?’

Akulda felt anger rising inside. But Akulda was a competent Rakshasa noble who had risen to his current position through their political capacities.

"I accept your conditions. However..."

The envoys looked anxious as they waited for Akulda to finish.

Akulda smiled and said, "I'd like to build a good relationship with the Pangolins. Although the past can’t be completely forgotten, we’ll show our remorse. I would like it if you could give us a chance. And to that end, when we form the peace settlement, I wish to invite the people beyond the sea who helped you and hold a grand festival. What do you think?"

The envoys gladly accepted this proposal and returned with excitement.

Behind the temple, Koprik, or more accurately, Gordius, who had taken over Koprik's body, had listened in on the conversation between Akulda and the envoys.

And then it said.

-Surely, you won't actually consider coming to a peace settlement with the Pangolins, right?

Akulda looked at Gordius as if asking what it meant.

“Of course. It’s a chance to gather the chief executives of the enemy in the center of the city, so we can’t miss it.”

Gordius smiled and replied.

-That’s true. But aren't you worried that they won’t ever propose a conversation again after we attack their chief executives?

“There’s no conversation to be had with the Pangolins. A conversation only happens when the two sides have an equal standing. And besides, if you help, there will be no next time for them.”

-Yes, let’s put an end to this.

Gordius thought to itself.

'That’s right, a conversation only happens when the two sides are at an equal standing.’


The Pantheon’s second conference room, also known as the tactics conference room, was entirely occupied by a single table. And on the table, there were figurines that moved. They moved according to a player’s input and had similar abilities. Therefore, they could be used to conduct a mock war, or war game.

Sung-Woon pointed at the temple and said, "They'll probably have a battle in front of this temple. Of course, there won't be any armed Rakshasas so as to avoid provoking Vasen and the Pangolins that were invited. But on the other hand, the Pangolins will likely go with minimal armament too.”

Sitting across from him, Wisdom said, “Then here, an armed Rakshasa force will probably wait behind the temple, far enough that they could hide themselves, but close enough for an ambush. Do they roughly have…two thousand?"

“They probably barely gathered that much.”

"Hmm, wouldn't it be better to let Vasen attack from the outside? Didn’t you already tell him that it’s a trap?”

Sung-Woon replied, “No, if we do that, the Rakshasas will pursue an efficient defense by utilizing the city's outskirts, and then the number of casualties among the Pangolins will rise. On the other hand, if personnel are placed beforehand, they will believe that the Pangolins are tricked and thus deploy no forces on the outskirts, which would make it easier for our troops to enter.”

Wisdom said, "So I guess the problem lies here, with Vasen and the Pangolins playing the role of bait. Are you sure you can save them?”

“We have these guys, don’t we?”

“These guys?”

Sung-Woon took out two small figurines from his inner pocket. One was a white spider, and the other was a black panther. He placed the white spider on the outskirts and the black panther on the temple. And as he did so, Hillove’s consciousness connected with the white spider figurine, and Gordius with the black panther figurine.

-Hillove has come.

Then Hillove and Gordius, with their large round eyes, looked down at the great gods from above the second conference room.

Sung-Woon, who was big enough to overturn the world if he wanted to, marked out a distant foothill before pointing at Hillove and Gordius.

"We're doing this mock battle to see if they can successfully defend everyone. If the mock battle doesn't go well, we'll go with your plan."

On the opposite side, Wisdom rose like a second sun and agreed.

"Alright, shall we…give it a try?”

“Hillove, Gordius. Move.”

-As you wish.

-Please look forward to it.

A massive black panther silently approached the group of Rakshasas waiting behind the temple and swung its front foot.



The Rakshasas' bones shattered, and their flesh flew into the air. Their screams echoed through the air.

Then Akulda, who was waiting with other warriors to attack the Pangolins from behind the temple, shouted, "Wha…what's happening?"

Amidst the continuous screams, a Rakshasa warrior came running.

“K…Koprik has gone mad! It is attacking us Rakshasas!”


Akulda felt his mind go blank. He couldn't understand what was happening.

"Order the warriors to retreat for now. I’ll talk to Koprik..."

"Governor, we have a big problem!"

From a different direction came another warrior. They shouted to Akulda, "A giant white spider broke through our line of defense and is coming toward the temple!"

The warrior pointed at one side of the city. As they said, a giant white spider was slaughtering their comrades.

"Oh no, this can't be… No, it can’t be. This can’t be happening!”

Out of sheer superhuman will, Akulda urged and commanded the warriors that had been lost in chaos, but Hillove and Gordius knew that was useless. They both knew how this fight would end because of the mock battle.

To them, this wasn’t a fight, but rather them fulfilling the predetermined fate of the Rakshasas.

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