The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 83 Assassins Hood

As the first rays of sunlight crept over the horizon to announce the beginning of a new day, the noble families of the kingdom busied themselves with preparations for the impending royal gathering.

Meanwhile, Aizel found himself sitting at the breakfast table with the kids and Daisy.

Today was a big day for him because it was his long-awaited trip to the magical institute. Never before had he felt such a tidal wave of excitement, with the idea of learning about magic, artifacts, and all kinds of mystical things driving his every thought throughout the night.

After finishing breakfast and saying his goodbyes to Daisy and the kids, Aizel left the Pearl Inn and made his way to the bustling markets.

Perhaps he'll find some valuable goods to buy, items that will come in handy in the coming days.

Aizel's eye was drawn to a certain shop as he explored the marketplace—the potion shop. With the idea of getting a mind potion on his mind, he entered the store to begin his quest.

Aizel saw the shop's sparsely filled interior upon entering, with only a few mages scattered about the area examining the various potions on offer.

As he approached the counter, the woman standing behind it quickly drew his attention. Her big bosom was prominently exposed in a tight, purple dress, and she donned a cap evocative of witches' hats.

Her long, flowing purple hair cascaded down to her waist, framing her dark eyes as she flipped through a book.

The woman's gaze flickered up to Aizel as he approached the counter and lingered for a moment. His deep red robes set him apart from the other customers, as did his athletic form and handsome face.

But it was his eyes—a deep, midnight black—that truly captured her, drawing her in like a vortex, as if she were about to be swallowed by their depths.

"In the name of Xelgar, I haven't seen such a fine species."

As Aizel's eyes flicked toward the woman's ample cleavage, she leaned forward, drawing closer to him.

"What's your name, boy?"

"Aizel." He gulped while answering.

"Now what would you like to buy? I might give you a discount for showing me such a lovely face." She said this while winking at him.

"Oh, thank you for the generosity; then I will not shy from it. I would like to know if you have the mind potion." He asked.

"Of course, I have everything from the common grade all the way to the rare grade of mind potion."

When Aizel's eyes were drawn to the potion he had been looking for, he couldn't help but clench his fist in excitement. Even while he knew it wouldn't hasten the healing of his mental core, he knew it would offer him important protection in times of danger.

Furthermore, he was aware that the potion's relaxing effects would aid him in maintaining concentration, which was critical for enhancing his imagination and perfecting his magical skills. He felt confident in his capacity to overcome any challenge that lay ahead with the potion in his grasp.

"So are you a noble, a student at the magic institute, or do you work for the royals?"

Aizel's excitement came crashing down as soon as he heard the woman speak.

"Can't you just let me buy it? I won't say anything to anyone, and I will also offer you a good deal for it." Aizel quickly whispered.

"As much as I like to help you with that, I don't want my head to roll on the ground, pretty boy."

Dejection weighed heavily on Aizel as he let out a sigh. However, a sudden realization dawned upon him—he would soon be joining the magic institute.

"I am going to join the magic institute soon; what about then? Will the discount still be there?"

"Oh, have you passed the test?"

"No, but I am sure I will easily pass it."

"Okay, then, if you passed, the offer stands."

"Then, I will see you later."

"Wait a minute, here, take this." The woman tossed a small card towards Aizel, its deep purple color adorned with a skull mark.

"What's this?" Aizel asked.

"Show this to your examiner when you pass the test. Make sure not to lose it or let anyone take it from you."

"Okay...Thank You."

"It's not for free. In the future, I can request your service anytime, and you can't deny it." She said it with a grin.

Aizel simply nodded and left the shop.

"What this card's gonna do, might put me in the mage's good books in the academy." As he made his way toward the magic institute, Aizel rubbed his chin in thought.

As he was about to leave the market, Aizel's gaze was drawn to a garment store in the corner.

"No freaking way." Aizel's attention was drawn to a particular hooded robe displayed at the shop.

"I have to buy this at any cost." He whispered as he entered the shop as fast as he could.

The shop was deserted, with only an old man sitting behind the counter, engrossed in a book.

"How much for that robe, which is on display?" Aizel quickly shouted.

The old man's gaze shifted from his book toward Aizel and then to the hooded robe.

"8 wait, 10 gold coins."

Aizel swiftly retrieved ten coins from his ring and extended his hand toward the old man, offering them as payment for the hooded robe that had caught his eye.

"Tsk, I could have asked more." The old man thought.

Aizel left the shop with a huge grin on his face and the new hooded robe safely stored in his ring.

"I can't believe I found the same robe from that assassin's game I used to play. And the best part is, it's black in color." He thought while grinning from ear to ear.

Aizel set off towards the path that led to the magic institute.

A short walk brought him to the grand gate, towering over fifteen feet in height. Two mages stood guard, chatting amongst themselves.

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