The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 56 This Corpse Is Mine

Lockwood Town....

It was evening, and the sun had already set; the town was relatively quiet. There were corpses of hunters, mages, and goblins all over the place.

With a hammer on his shoulder, the Goblin King walked proudly toward his last group of prey. Meanwhile, Aizel was doing the same thing, while Thomas was a little further away.

They came face to face as Aizel looked up into the Goblin King's deep red eyes. The monster stood 4 meters tall, and in front of his thick muscles, Aizel looked like a 2-3-year-old child looking at the adult.

The Goblin King stared at Aizel intently in order to instill fear in him, while Aizel stared back blankly. The monster roared loudly in an attempt to bulge him, while Aizel simply yawned in front of him in an attempt to piss him off even more.

The Goblin King swung his massive hammer at Aizel.

Aizel imagined his "Sekki" to be as heavy and strong as his opponent's hammer, while he also manipulated mana to increase his strength.

Aizel's sword and the Goblin King's weapon clashed, generating a small wind force around them. Neither of them shifted from their positions. The goblin king was taken aback by his opponent, while Aizel only smirked.

"What kind of weapon is that, and how can his strength be compared to that of the goblin king?" Nathan spoke as if he were in disbelief. He would have never thought that anyone could rival a Grade II monster in strength

"How can an uncommon-grade spirit sword be that powerful?" Alisha thought in her mind, she was aware of the sword of Aizel.

Aizel quickly backed away after that clash and used his lightning and speed enhancements to increase his speed.

He slashed his sword in the air two times in a cross shape, sending two lightning-fast crescent-shaped cross slashes toward the goblin king.

The Goblin King offered no defense and remained motionless. He burst into flames just as the slashes were about to hit him because the slashes cut nothing but flames.

Aizel dashed towards where the flames were attempting to reform.

"Idiot, do you think I don't know this move?" Aizel said as the Goblin King reformed in front of him while Thomas used the water spell at the same place.

Water started appearing like a bubble around the Goblin King, holding him in a water prison while Aizel poured the lightning into it again and again.


The lightning buzzed and electrified the goblin king continuously.

The Goblin King roared in pain inside the water prison. He tried using a fire spell, but the lightning was stunning him again and again, and the water was not giving any way for the fire to ignite.

They kept doing this for 15-20 minutes continuously stunning Goblin King with lightning inside of the water prison again and again.

After continuous torture on the Goblin King, Aizel raised his sword in the air while it started humming. The mana started to gather around it as the air became dense, and it also increased its sharpness.

Aizel used a little heat ray on it as it started to glow and lightning started to gather around it.

He slashed it down towards the water prison. The slash not only cut the water prison in half but the great Goblin King, who has installed fear in everyone today in the raid, was also cut in half.

Thomas stared in shock as he saw the goblin king's dead body drop on the ground while Aizel quickly stored it in his ring.

"What are you all staring at me for?" I killed him, so his corpse belongs to me. You guys can take the rest of the corpses." Aizel said.

"That's not the point," Thomas replied while Alisha quickly covered for him.

"Leave him; he is like that."

Meanwhile, David quickly ran towards Aizel with a happy face.

"You are awesome; thank you for saving me. Just tell me what you want. I will give you everything: money, women, heck, I will ask my mother to offer you a position in my family."

"Calm down; the job is not over yet. We have to reach each Chester Town first safely."

"Yes, what you were attempting...

"Well, well, well, David Rosewell actually survived this. I still can't believe it" A young man's voice interrupted everyone.

Everyone looked towards the roof of the small restaurant that survived the aftermath of the battle.

Four men stood there wearing blue robes with hoods bearing a castle symbol. A 6-and-a-half-foot-tall man with red hair stood in the center, dressed in red leather armor.

"Tintin, what are you doing here?" David shouted while everyone finally understood what Aziel was trying to tell them.

"Why are you acting dumb? Do you think your family will get away after what you guys pulled at that village by killing our men?" Tintin spoke.

"Hahahaha... I can't take it anymore; the dude's name is Tintin; how the fuck are you all not laughing?" Aizel started laughing madly while everyone stared at him. His group especially looks at him in disbelief, while Tintin was making strange angry faces at him.

"How dare you? My name is Tintin Paul. I am the oldest son of the Paul family, and yet you dare to laugh in front of me." He said this while fuming with anger.

"Tintin Paul...hahahahhaa...." Aizel continued to laugh.

"Y..You might be a Grade II mage, but it doesn't matter; you will all die here today."

"Oh, so you are saying you, whose name is "Tintin," is going to kill us?" Aizel said, while the rest of the guys also chuckled a little after hearing him.

"I am not an idiot that I can fight against so many of you, but don't worry. I have also brought someone who can give you a nice little competition.

"Meet the elder of our family, Mr. Tristian Paul. He is a Grade II mage like you." Tintin introduced a man, who stood forward and removed his hood.

He looked like he was in his 40s, with a little beard on his face, a well-built body, black hair, and a plain-looking face.

"I really wanted to fight against a Grade II mage. It seems like you will be the first one to die by my hands." He said in a deep voice.

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