The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 344 Lightning Vs Molten Lava

Lightning struck with a constant onslaught, crackling through the air like enraged serpents.

Each bolt slashed across the sky, streaking with ferocious intensity, while Dimitry stood undeterred, slowly moving towards the Sword Emperor. 

The sizzling arcs of lightning that converged upon him were met with a spectacular display of mastery – his hands, wreathed in flames, reached out to destroy each bolt, unleashing fiery explosions upon impact.

Dimitry's determination seemed to rush through his blood all at once, giving his punch more power. His arm shot forward like a catapult, with flames swirling around his fist.

The force of the hit was like a cannonball of fire hurtling through the storm. 

With an almost majestic ferocity, the fire punch tore through the onslaught of lightning bolts, obliterating them like fragile glass.

As if guided by an unspoken command, the fiery punch found its mark – Sword Emperor. 

The collision sent shockwaves through the battlefield. The fiery explosion briefly consumed the sword emperor's form, sending his body flying backward. 

The heat from their impact burned and blackened the ground under him.

Scratched ground and smoking embers provide a dramatic tale of the path the fire punch took through the landscape. 

Dimitry's foot hit the ground with a strong stomp. The ground quivered under the force, and the very foundation seemed to tremble in response.

A series of fractures radiated from the point of impact, spiderwebbing across the terrain like delicate veins.

As if nature had heard Dimitry's call, cracks in the ground let out a torrent of molten magma.

The magma poured out with the force of a tidal wave, sending its searing heat through the air and giving the battlefield a bizarre, fiery glow.

This molten torrent roared toward the Sword Emperor like a tsunami. 

Before the Sword Emperor stood a natural force, a wave of molten rage that devoured everything in its way. 

The Sword Emperor raised his sword.  As if in answer to his order, crackling bolts of lightning fell from the sky, each one charging the sword with lightning. 

With calculated patience, the Sword Emperor bided his time, his eyes fixed on the approaching wall of searing magma. 

As the molten torrent drew closer, the Sword Emperor's blade came to life with an ethereal radiance. 

His grip tightened, his knuckles white against the backdrop of chaos. And then, in a moment that defied the chaos around him, he struck.

The sword cut through the air with such accuracy that it was almost art.

The lightning it carried and the magma wave hit each other with a huge blast of energy.

The blade's curve cut through the molten mass, a divine cut that split the magma wave in two. His attack was so powerful that it stopped the once-unstoppable magma wave in its tracks.

The Sword Emperor stood untouched, his blade still crackling with the residual energy of the lightning he had harnessed. 

Yet, as the Sword Emperor's gaze turned skyward, a sight both mesmerizing and terrifying awaited him. The moon kept its ghostly watch, and its light gave the scene below an otherworldly glow. 

And within that celestial radiance, Dimitry hovered.

Around him danced an ensemble of fiery orbs,  each one a tiny world of blazing power. These molten globes had a strange similarity to celestial bodies. Their molten surfaces swirled with grace.

Waving his hands, one by one, like fallen stars, they descended from the sky. The impact of their descent was cataclysmic.

The fiery orbs hit the ground with apocalyptic force, breaking their molten hearts as they did so. The explosions that followed were devastating floods of fire and magma that wiped out everything in their path.

Buildings crumbled, streets disintegrated, and the cityscape was reduced to a canvas of chaos.

With a swiftness akin to a lightning bolt, the Sword Emperor embarked on a desperate escape from the cataclysmic chaos that surrounded him.

His movements were a blur of motion, a dance of survival amidst the decimated streets. 

His feet barely touched the ground as he weaved through the debris-strewn path, his form a fleeting shadow against the backdrop of ruin. 

Suddenly, the Sword Emperor's form fragmented into a multitude of lightning-imbued clones, each heading in different directions.

From his high vantage point, Dimitry had a hard time figuring out where the real version was in this electrified scene.

Hovering in the sky, Dimitry squinted, his eyes narrowing against the brilliance of the lightning clones.

"Kishin, you are making it hard for me," He murmured.

Dimitry quickly reacted to the lightning-clad clones darting in different directions by sending powerful fire orbs in all directions. 

As Dimitry concentrated on launching his fiery orbs in an attempt to vanquish the lightning-tinged clones that scattered about, unnoticed darkness began to coalesce overhead, gradually forming into a brooding cloud.

In a sudden and unforeseeable flash, lightning lanced through Dimitry's form. The attack came so quickly that he had no time to plan or get away.

His body froze, muscles immobilized, eyes locked, and features stilled as if a spell had turned him into an enchanted statue.

One after another, thin bolts of lightning rained down from above, finding their place on Dimitry's body.

It looked like he was caught in a brilliant dance of light, held there by these lightning chains that wrapped around him and stopped him from making any move.

As the Sword Emperor stood on the ground, a huge figure made of lightning started to form behind him.

The lightning energy grew bigger and bigger until it took the shape of a giant made of lightning.

The colossal lightning entity raised his hand in a dominant way, just like the Sword Emperor did. As his blade reached upward, a surge of electric energy formed in the hands of the giant, gradually transforming into the distinct outline of a massive sword made entirely of crackling lightning.

The lightning sword kept getting bigger and bigger until it seemed to reach the sky. 

The Giant brought his lightning sword down with a strong swing, matching the movement of the Sword Emperor.

In response, the huge lightning sword fell from the sky like an angry celestial force, eating the air around it with its electric aura towards Dimitry.


When the lightning sword hit Dimitry, it was like a song of electricity going through his body.

In the dark, velvety night, he turned into a live lightning rod. The bright arcs of energy left intricate patterns on his skin. His cries of pain went well with the crackling of the lightning, painting a grim duet on the dark canvas of the sky.

"Kishin... YOU FUCKERRRRR...."

Dimitry's cries of pain seemed to echo through the earth itself. It was like a symphony of pain that caused a deep reaction. 

As if in answer to his call, the ground beneath them shook and trembled, and the Sword Emperor's sharp eyes caught molten lava rising quickly.

The fire river rushed up from the depths of the ground towards the sky. 

From the sea of molten lava, shapes started to form, bending and blending together to make forms that were fearsome and magnificent.

A dragon of fire and magma took shape, its eyes blazing with fire.

The majestic creature flew toward the Sword Emperor, leaving a trail of scorched ground and crackling embers behind it with each step. Its wings were made of molten heat.

Emerging from the liquid inferno, one by one, more legions of molten dragons materialized, each born from the searing lava and taking to the skies.

Flaming bodies illuminating their shapes, they ascended like a deluge of raging fire towards the Sword Emperor.

As a reaction, the Sword Emperor turned into a blur of movement, his sword becoming an extension of his will as he cut through the molten enemies.

Meanwhile, Dimitry broke free of the lightning chains that had been holding him hostage. Rising from the midst of crackling energy, he surged forth like a celestial fireball, streaking across the night sky toward the Sword Emperor.

In an instant, he bridged the distance between them, his fiery form hurtling through the air like a shooting star. His fist met the sword emperor with a resounding thud, setting off a bright burst of flames.

Even with the molten dragons dancing wildly about him, the Sword Emperor managed to block the blow, but the explosion sent him flying backward toward the ground, which was now churning with molten fury.

In the middle of the chaos, the Sword Emperor quickly took charge, stopping his fall and steadying himself in mid-air. 

"This is it for you, Kishin!" Dimitry yelled.

Dimitry surged forward, propelled by blazing fire. His right hand blazed with intense fire, forging into the form of a fierce dragon's maw, poised to unleash its fiery fury.

With each beat of his heart, he got closer to the Sword Emperor, and his fist turned into a fiery comet of death. 

The colossal impact birthed a deafening explosion, with flames roaring in tandem with the shockwave, as the draconic punch surged toward the Sword Emperor in an instant.

"I was waiting for this moment," The Sword Emperor murmured.


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