The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 279 Suffering But Still Going

"I am trying hard, mother and father. It will only take a few months, and I will be able to do it." The kid replied. 


In a heart-wrenching scene, the mother's hand swiftly met the cheek of her child, leaving a stinging imprint behind. 

The boy's eyes welled up with tears, but he battled fiercely to keep them in check, not allowing even one to escape. 

"You are not our child anymore. Your belongings are already stored in a storage ring by the maid. Take it and leave the mansion by tonight." The Father said.

"W-What are you saying, father? I-I will do it. Give me one more chance, ple...


After Few Years...

The young child had grown into an independent individual after years of hard work, commitment, and never-ending persistence.

And now, as a grown man, he stood tall, having overcome countless challenges and obstacles along the way.

His stubbornness finally paid off, and he was able to make his own magic core, even though it was too late compared to everyone else.

He knew that if he went home in the way he was, his parents would be more disappointed with him.

Deep down, he clung to the hope that perhaps, if he could accomplish something remarkable, they might finally accept him for who he was. 

But it seemed like fate was out to stop him at every turn. It was as if Xelgar, the prankster who liked to mess with people, liked to play cruel jokes on him. 

Despite his arduous efforts to join the clan, he found himself unjustly accused of wrongdoing he had not committed. 

The clan he had hoped would give him comfort and a place to join had instead kicked him out, breaking his hopes into a million pieces.

But he still kept going...

After many years of trying, he was finally able to find a safe place in another clan. His constant dedication and hard work helped him reach the prestigious rank of Grade II mage.

However, despite his remarkable progress and achievements, he couldn't seem to accomplish anything that would make his parents truly proud. 

Time and again, he dared to enter interkingdom tournaments, hoping to prove his worth. However, each time he was unsuccessful in the qualifying rounds due to superior mages outperforming him. 

But fate had something else in store for him. In the middle of his struggles, he met a mage who was just as driven as he was. 

This woman would soon claim his heart. Even though she was only a Grade I mage, they were able to get through life's many challenges because they were both determined and always there for each other.

Together, they braved every hardship, never faltering in their pursuit of success. And then, after a year filled with both triumphs and tribulations, the woman gave birth to a beautiful daughter.

It was a moment of pure joy and the only respite from the challenges that had beset the man's path. 

But he still knew he couldn't take both of them to meet his parents. 

In the midst of their shared journey to attain strength, his wife made the difficult choice to step away and devote herself to the care of their daughter. 

With each passing day, her frustration grew, fueled by his perceived lack of progress. 

And one day he experienced the most brutal thing he could in his life.

He caught his wife in his home with another young, promising mage from another clan. 

His heart, which had been cut by unseen blades, bled with a pain that couldn't be put into words. 

On that terrible night, he made a choice that would change their lives forever. He gathered his broken willpower, took his daughter in his arms, and set out into the unknown, leaving behind the wreckage of a broken love.

Without knowing where they were going, their steps took them to a small village, where they looked for peace and a chance to start over.

Bound by his unyielding love for his daughter, he toiled tirelessly, embracing any task that could secure their meager existence and offer a glimmer of hope. Every day was a struggle, but he was determined to build a life worthy of his child's future.

Time flowed swiftly, carrying them through the years, and his daughter blossomed into a remarkable young woman.

Her natural skills were clear because she was very good at magic and formed her own magic core at a young age. 

Whispers of her extraordinary abilities echoed through the halls of the clan, and she became the subject of both admiration and envy among her peers. 

As a storm of jealousy blew up, dark clouds gathered over her daughter's trip. 

Trusted friends turned their backs, their hearts tainted with envy and malice. On a perilous mission, she was grievously wounded, teetering on the precipice of death. 

Still, an elder from their group came out of the shadows as a ray of hope and stepped in to save her fragile life from the jaws of death.

Fury ignited within the man's heart, seeking justice for his daughter's suffering.

However, he knew that his adversaries enjoyed the protection of powerful allies, while he stood alone, bereft of support. 

Undeterred, he scoured far and wide, venturing to the depths of forbidden realms in his quest for a cure. 

In a last act of desperation, he put aside his pride and kneeled in front of his parents, begging them to help him. His plea rang through their hearts.

Yet, their cold apathy hurt him like a thousand icy needles. 

The fact that they didn't care about his daughter's situation was a brutal sign of how little they cared. They sent him away and didn't care that he was their own family member.

"Ha..haha...hahaa.... He chugged another glass.

"I wonder how the situation this time around is going to be.

"Xelgar, what are you planning this time? An end-time replacement for or a strong opponent?

"It doesn't matter; my drive will never end. 

As he left the dimly lit tavern, he said goodbye to the empty glass that had temporarily satisfied his thirst. 

He took a firm step onto the cobblestone path, and the sound of his boots rang through the quiet streets. Outside, the moon cast a ghostly glow that lit up the silhouette of his trusty horse, which was calmly tied to a nearby post.

Mounting his majestic companion, the man and his equine companion set forth on their journey, leaving the village behind.

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