The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 253 Not My Enemy

Ready Sekki?"

[Let's goooo]

Aizel suddenly appeared in front of Rayla, his movements as swift as a bolt of lightning.

Yet, before he could execute his intended strike, Rayla's katana descended with lightning-swift precision. In an instant, the blade cut through the air, heading straight for Aizel's defenses.

Aizel's pupils dilated in response, his instincts kicking into overdrive. 

He deftly shifted to the side, his left side going to the back, and he avoided the oncoming blow. 

As Rayla's grip shifted, her relentless assault persisted. 

She executed a rapid horizontal slash from her new angle of attack, aiming to test Aizel's defenses once again. 

Aizel quickly reacted, lifting Sekki to deflect the blow. But Rayla's attack resonated with devastating power, and it affected him on every level. The force of the collision was amplified by the reverberation it created in his palms. 

"You won't mind this much strength, right? I am just using half of my strength against you," she said with a smug smile.

"Ha...haha I am all right; this is nothing," Aizel replied with a weak laugh.

Damn, my hands are going to break in this way; the strength gap is too much."

Aizel and Rayla's blades collided in a flurry of quick and accurate moves as the fierce combat progressed.

However, with each exchange, Aizel couldn't help but notice the overwhelming strength behind Rayla's seemingly ordinary slashes. 

Despite his best efforts to parry and counter, he found himself struggling to match the sheer power behind her every strike. 

Aizel made a quick choice as the fight between him and Rayla heated up.

He took a few steps back and changed Sekki's form, which manifested as a bow and quiver in a flash of energy.

With lightning coursing through his arrows, he swiftly notched one and let it fly, aimed directly at Rayla. The arrow shot through the air at incredible speed, emitting a crackling sound as it did so.

Rayla deftly deflected the arrow with her dual-handed grip on the katana.

But then, out of nowhere, a dark figure appeared to her right. A shining dagger, illuminated only by the dim light of the moon, hung at her throat, threateningly.

With a swift and graceful motion, Rayla leaped into the air, defying gravity with her nimble athleticism.

In a matter of seconds, she gracefully descended behind the shadowy figure, evading the imminent attack with apparent ease.

In a sudden turn of events, a medium-sized blade attached to a chain descended from above, precisely where Rayla had been positioned moments ago.

The blade glowed brightly, radiating a surge of energy and mana. Rayla's keen perceptions made her aware of the lethality and danger of this weapon.

With the agility and grace of a feline, Rayla swiftly evaded the descending blade, leaping backward just in time.


The impact of the blade hitting the ground created a deep crater, accompanied by a powerful explosion that resonated through the area. 

My Lord's instincts are slowly recovering; I will let him practice more for the tournament," she thought.

The blade, seemingly possessed by a serpent of fire, morphed into flaming chains and slithered through the air, intent on snaring Rayla.

The chains glowed with ferocious flames, their heat emanating a terrifying aura as they drew nearer to her with surgical precision.

Rayla's cool composure and unbreakable combat skills were on full display as she avoided and slashed through chain after chain and assault after assault.

However, in the midst of the chaos, Aizel charged forward, wielding a medium-sized hammer.

He swung swiftly and powerfully, intending to smack Rayla in the face with all his might.

With graceful precision, Rayla skillfully deflected the incoming hammer strike with her katana, as if it were a mere droplet of water landing on a leaf. 


Aizel's disbelief hung heavy in the air as he witnessed Rayla's effortless deflection of his strike, leaving him vulnerable and exposed.

While Sekki was still undergoing transformation, Aizel was at Rayla's mercy as her katana dangled dangerously close to his neck. 

In that tense moment, Rayla gazed at Aizel with a smile.

"It's my win. Do you want to spar more?" Rayla said.

Why do I feel disgusted with myself? I know I won't be able to beat her, but still," Aizel thought.

[We will get her next time, Master]

Aizel remained silent and focused as he launched a barrage of blows, his weapons crashing against Rayla's katana.

With the aid of the adaptable Sekki, he engaged his opponent in a series of quick exchanges using his lightning and fire magic. 

However, with each clash, he found himself on the losing end, his attacks effortlessly deflected by Rayla's skillful maneuvers. 

It became increasingly apparent that Rayla hadn't even tapped into her magical core or used a magic spell throughout the entire fight.


Aizel collapsed on the ground, his chest heaving as he tried to recover his breath. 

Like him, Rayla lay on the ground on her back, her ruby eyes sparkling in the dim light of the moon.

Both combatants lay there, their bodies exhausted from the intense battle, immersed in a moment of quiet contemplation under the watchful gaze of the celestial orb above.

"You were letting me train...Why?" Aizel asked.

"You knew?"

"I am not that dumb. I know what it feels like; I have done this before," he replied.

A minute passed in stillness, punctuated only by the rhythmic expansion and contraction of Aizel's chest. 

Rayla remained still, her attention fixated on the radiant moon, her thoughts hidden behind a veil of contemplation. 

"You know, you might hate this world and people, but there is also good in it.

"And some of them are already close to you," she said.

"Who are you?" Aizel asked.

"This is not the right time for you to know," Rayla replied.

"Fuck you and this bullshit. I am going back." Aizel stood up and started to head back.

Did I say something wrong?" Rayla thought.

[Master, will you let her go like this? She knows about you]

What can I even do now? I can't beat her, and I don't know why but I feel like she is not my enemy."

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