The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 239 Invisible Mage [R18+]

[Now please remember this is a fiction story. Don't take anything too seriously and enjoy. Warning R18+]

"Did you see what he did?"

"I think it was an illusion..."

"The guards are saying he has multiple cores…"

"Let's fight him together..."

The remaining six seafolk Grade II mages conjured their formidable weapons, their presence commanding, and their intentions clear.

They began to spread out, moving in a strategic arc toward Aizel, who held his ground with calm assurance.

Behind Aizel, in a burst of lightning, one of the mages appeared, crackling with electricity.

His rapier slashed through Aizel's back with pinpoint accuracy, sending a tidal wave of dazzling blue lightning in its wake.

However, in a breathtaking turn of events, Aizel erupted into fierce flames, the inferno attempting to consume the mage.

The mage's quick reflexes kicked in, and he backed away just in time to avoid being caught in the flames.

Two more seafolk mages charged together at Aizel with coordinated purpose.

But a strange thing happened in the midst of their advance.

In an instant, one of the mages suddenly vanished into thin air, leaving Aizel momentarily stunned by the unexpected turn of events.

"Damn it, he can turn invisible."

The other mage let out a volley of fireballs, flinging them with unrelenting power at Aizel.

Meanwhile, the remaining mages coordinated a unified frontal assault on Aizel with spells that converged from all directions. As the assault grew more intense, the air crackled with magical energy.

Aizel threw Sekki into the air, and the blade arced beautifully through the air as Aizel swapped his position with it in midair.

However, a sharp pain seared through his right shoulder, causing his brows to furrow beneath the mask, hinting at the surprise that lurked beneath his composed facade.

[Master, even his attacks are invisible.]

Incredible, these guys are definitely way stronger than the Grade II mages in Felgura Kingdom.

"Now let me create something special for them. Let's see how the invisible fish will hide now,"

With both hands raised high, Aizel unleashed a torrent of lightning that crackled with various vibrant hues.

Lightning struck the terrain with lethal accuracy as it burst from his fingertips. The powerful bolts found their targets, striking the ground, buildings, and the remaining guards with devastating force, instantly reducing them to mere ashes.

Aware of the risk, the Grade II mages dodged and weaved through Aizel's continuous bombardment, their agility only keeping them ahead of the electrified barrage.

"Let me know when you find him, Sekki."

[Yes, Master]

*BOOM* *Crackle*

Aizel's mental energy diminished slightly as he infused even more power and intensity into his lightning attack. Outside the mansion, the atmosphere mimicked the onset of a severe storm, and the air crackled with electric energy.

Unexpectedly, the invisible mage who had come into contact with the electrifying currents cried out in agony from a specific location.

[Matser there]

In a lightning-fast motion, Aizel's hand shot out and seized the invisible mage by the throat, lifting him effortlessly into the air.



The magic armor encasing Aizel emitted a burst of pressurized steam from the tiny holes, causing the blades in its fans to whir rapidly.

A vibrant blue glow emanated from the open crevices of its chest, casting an otherworldly light.

With one hand still gripping the mage's throat, his other hand grabbed his body. With the extra strength his armor gave him, he ripped through the mage's neck and spine, ripping them cleanly in two.

From the sky above, a torrent of blue-hued gore and blood cascaded down like a macabre rainfall.

The remaining Grade II mages just stood there, immobilized with dread and shock at the horrific scene before them.

Even the human captive who came with Aizel was in disbelief.

Where did this monster come from?" he thought.

"I have played enough with you; it's time for me to head inside the mansion," Aizel said.

Aizel burst into flames, and the fiery energy surged forward, hurtling toward the remaining mages.

They were getting ready to face him, and their expressions stiffened. Sekki transformed into a glowing katana, emitting a faint hum of power.

With a swift, precise slash, Aizel unleashed his newfound technique.

The resulting blast erupted with a force that obliterated every guard and Grade II mage in its path, shattering the front gate and reducing the mansion's entrance hall to ruins.

Aizel had controlled the power of the explosion, taking out his foes without destroying the whole building at once.

"Still, controlling this is hard; I need to do more practice and create some more variations."

[Fufu, look at how blasted the fishes hahahah]

"Oye you, follow me," he said, calling the human captive.

The human captive moved in silence, trailing behind Aizel as they made their way towards the entrance of the mansion.

As they approached, debris and rubble seemed to stir and shift on their own accord, clearing a path before Aizel's steady advance.

Aizel's perceptive eyes swept the area rapidly, taking account of the gathered injured and exhausted seafolk.

Some leaned on each other for support, while others tended to wounds with a sense of camaraderie.

As Aizel's mana sense permeated the entirety of the mansion, his brows furrowed with a mixture of revulsion and disdain when he sensed an underground hall.

He advanced towards the designated path; an eerie transformation befell the seafolk inhabitants.




Levitating in the air, their bodies contorted and limbs twisted grotesquely, eliciting pained cries that reverberated throughout the sprawling mansion.

Yet, Aizel, in a display of both power and restraint, refrained from dealing a fatal blow, leaving them suspended in their anguished state as he descended deeper into the underground labyrinth.

In the dimly lit underground chamber, Aizel's gaze fell upon two imposing seafolk figures donned in regal attire, their expressions etched with fear as they beheld his presence.

Among the gloomy surroundings was a horrible sight: a woman hanging from chains, deprived of her dignity, her body damaged by grievous wounds and bleeding from every hole.

The human captive's eyes welled up with tears at the sight, but he held firm, his sorrow conveyed without a sound.

Aizel's focus switched to a young child who appeared unaffected by the horrors surrounding them despite being held in a cell with barred windows.

"They both even raped her after she died.

"I really think I made the wrong promise to Daisy.

"You fuckers, get ready. I will make sure you don't get a single breath of relief tonight."

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