The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 233 Blue Fishes?

Soren and Zareena were in a faraway town on the southern coast, while Aizel and Daisy spent time with Grandmaster Gogo.

In the heart of the bustling town of Triton's, Soren and Zareena found themselves surrounded by a mesmerizing sight—the lively streets teeming with seafolk people.

The lively sounds of laughter and conversation meshed well with the faint scent of ocean air in the air.

Triton's was an enclave of the seafolk, their unique presence permeating every nook and cranny of the town.

Amidst the sea of graceful seafolk people, only a handful of humans and members of other races could be spotted, their presence acting as a bridge between the worlds of land and sea.

Under the concealment of their hoods, Soren and Zareena cautiously walk in the streets, their steps measured and wary. They purposefully avoided making eye contact or engaging in any unnecessary interactions with the bustling inhabitants of Triton's.

"What should we do now?" Soren asked.

"We should head for a tavern. That might be the best place for someone to spill the beans or even give us a hint," Zareena replied.

"That's good. I would even like to taste some liquor here."

"Stay focused, idiot. You can drink as much as you want when we return," she said.

The tantalizing aroma of alcohol and savory dishes wafted through the air, luring Soren and Zareena into the welcoming embrace of a nearby tavern.

Their awareness was heightened as they looked around for a place to settle that wasn't already in use.

They noticed an open table in a quiet corner and tiptoed their way there so as not to disturb the lively conversations going on around them.

They quickly claimed the empty seats and settled into their preferred corner, where they could blend into the crowd without calling undue attention to themselves.

"What do you want?" A seafolk waiter asked with a bored expression.

"Bring two drinks of any choice you like," Zareena replied.

"Hmm," The waiter left after that.

"It's been so long that we both are spending time like this with each other," Zareena said.

"Hmm, last time it was when I was beating your ass when you challenged me for practice," Soren replied.

This idiot only knows how to ruin the mood," Zareena thought as her brows twitched slightly.

"Even this is your first time in the kingdom, right?" She asked.

"Yes, I will come again after the tournament to travel the whole kingdom."

"Can I join you too?" Zareena asked, swirling her silver locks with her finger as she anticipated the answer.

"Absolutely not. Find someone else," Soren replied.

I want to kill this asshole,"

A waiter strolled over to the table, juggling the drinks they had ordered. He placed the drinks on the table nonchalantly, giving them barely a second's worth of his attention.

Soren swiftly raised the glass to his lips, downing the light brown liquor in one gulp.

Unfortunately, a flavor that was anything but pleasant greeted his taste buds. His face scrunched up in distaste as the liquid made its way down his gullet.

"Alocoberg town liquor is far better than this." He commented.

"Why do you think they will serve their best liquor to humans?

"We are in the Beast Kingdom. These races consider themselves superior to humans.

"Mostly everywhere, humans are also treated as slaves and their playful things," Zareena said.

"Oye did you hear? Some human pests have snuck into our kingdom from Felgura." One of the seafolk people spoke.

"Yeah, there are rumors going around that the princess of the Felgura Kingdom is also present..."

"The followers are even offering high rewards to those who will give away their location…"

Soren and Zareena who were sitting silently at the next table, heard the conversations and waited for them to give away some more information.

"Why is the princess here? Why is she wasting her time here instead of preparing for the tournament..."

"Who do you think is going to win this time?"

"Of course, it will be our kingdom, hahaha...."

"Let's find them..."

"Yeah, some of the followers are in the town. If we get lucky, we might earn quite a good reward..."

"Do you think if the princess gets caught, she will be sold as a slave?"

"Not openly, or it will ignite a war. I think they will declare her dead, and the king will keep her for his personal use hehehe..."

Soren rose from his seat at the table and walked towards them.

He approached the group slowly and gradually removed his hood to reveal a handsome face and long, lustrous green hair that hung down over his shoulders.

The local seadolks' attention shifted to him, and their growing disgust was obvious in their expressions and in the air.

"What do you want?" one of them asked.

Soren's eyes glowed with fury as he drew near, squeezing the person's elongated, blue face in a vice. He let loose a powerful blast in a fit of rage, sending his victim and the table they were sitting at plummeting to the ground with a resounding crash.

Soren's palm was stained with blood, and his attacker's skull was reduced to a pile of gruesome flesh and bone as a somber reminder of his might.

"I am the one from the Felgura Kingdom. What are you going to do now? Let me see you fucking blue fishes." Soren said.


"Did he just call us fish…"

"You trash human, how dare you..."

Meanwhile, Zareena simply shook her head and released a small sigh.

But a smile gradually appeared on her face when she remembered how pissed Soren was when he heard them talking about her.


There was a palpable sense of foreboding in the once-bustling bar. The bar had become a gloomy spectacle of death, with the bodies of the seafolk people strewn across the floor.

Soren and Zareena moved with stealth, their purpose fulfilled, and their quest for information complete.

Without leaving any sign of their presence, they quietly escaped the eerie scene.

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