The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 230 New Technique

The enormous spear once propelled from the ballista with deadly intent, now embarks on a swift and relentless journey back to its origin. 

Its acceleration rose dramatically, and it slashed through the air with more speed, creating a wake of turbulence. 

The thunderous explosion reverberated through the air, obliterating the very spot from which the spear had been launched. The destructive force unleashed by its impact reduced the once-standing structure to a pile of rubble and sent shockwaves rippling through the surrounding area. 

Aizel's group didn't spend time sticking around to see the aftermath because they knew the threat still lurked even after they escaped. 

They were fully aware of the dangers of being trapped in seafolk territory, and therefore avoidance was their first concern.

Between the peaceful lake and the towering mountains, the group found a safe haven: a small cave that provided shelter from the threats that surrounded them. 

As the flickering flames of their campfire danced in the darkness, they diligently arranged their makeshift shelters within the sheltering walls of the cavern. 

Aizel and Daisy took care of the grilling and prepared some delicious cuts of meat for everyone to enjoy. 

Each bite was relished, the tastes dancing on their tongues as the enticing aroma drifted into the air and mixed with the cool night air.

Aizel could not contain his excitement as he sank his teeth into the delicate, juicy meat. The flesh melted in his mouth, producing a torrent of tasty liquid that ran down his chin and soaked his robe. 

Daisy giggled a little as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a soft handkerchief. With gentle care, she reached over to Aizel and softly dabbed at the savory juices that had escaped his mouth, staining his robe.

"That's some great informant you had, their princess," Aizel suddenly said.

Zareena snorted. 

"His family would have been abducted by them, I think. That's why he crossed us," she replied.

"What should we do now, princess? The cursed magi followers are already aware of our presence." Raven inquired.

"For now, we should stay hidden. Tomorrow I will head out with Soren to check on the situation.

"We will try to look for some information too," Zareena replied.

"What's there to check? Just lay a trap for the followers.

"Then we will beat their asses to get the information that we want from them," Aizel said.

"That's a good idea," Edumont commented.

"Good, then I will go and lure them," Soren said. 

He started to walk out of the cave, already preparing for the task.

"Not now, you idiot. Tomorrow, I will help you too." Zareena grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

Aizel, meanwhile, was quietly weaving his magic, creating a mystical barrier around himself and Daisy. An unseen energy shimmered across the barrier, masking their words from the others.

"So did you ask about the leaves from the princess," Aizel whispered.

"Are you sure you want me to speak now?" she asked.

"Yes, don't worry; they can't hear us," he replied.

Daisy nodded and started to describe what the princess had previously explained about her magic.

Aizel focused his gaze on Daisy, his brows furrowing slightly as he listened intently to her explanation.

He shook his head in agreement as he listened to her, his brain rapidly processing the information.

Thoughts swirled in his head, and he pondered the details again and again, weighing the implications of their situation.

"Thank you, Daisy. I think I have a small gist of the idea." Aizel said.

"Princess said that it took her at least 10 years of regular training to reach this stage," she further added.

"Hmmm...well I am going to sleep now. Don't go anywhere without me, even if someone asks. Wake me up if that happens." Aizel said.

"You are sleeping again?" Daisy asked.


"Oh, okay."

Aizel settled himself in the corner, finding a comfortable spot to rest.

For a few seconds, Daisy's gaze lingered on him. She hesitated for a second, but then she approached Seraphine, who was sitting alone. 

Meanwhile, Aizel created another loop for the training.

He held Sekki in his hand, feeling its familiar weight. They spent some quality time together, thinking deeply about Princess Leaf's magic.

"So she has basically created a small leaf with sharpness from her wind magic. Then she groups them and constructs them into one, multiplying their sharpness.

"I can probably do it now, but I think I should avoid wind magic. I won't be able to use it in front of anyone.

[So it's between lightning and fire]

"I think fire is better. But I want to do something else. 

"Sekki let's discuss every fire user ability, spell, and technique from all the anime, novels, and comics I have read so far."

[On it, master]

Aizel, who was sitting in deep meditation, let her eyelids slowly close to block out the surroundings.

In the realm of his mind, he embarked on a profound conversation with Sekki, delving into the depths of their shared knowledge and contemplating the possibilities that lay before them. 

As they talked, ideas sparked and entwined, creating a rich tapestry of mystical possibility. 

Aizel emerged from his meditation after what felt like an age, his body filled with renewed energy. He clenched Sekki, which transformed into a powerful sword, in his hands.

[fufu Master, what a great technique it is. I like it so much]

"Hehe, you only know how to slash. But let's add some spice to it."

[Master, please say that dialogue too while performing. It will sound badass]

"Hehe, let me imagine it properly first."

In the faint light, Aizel's outstretched arm trembled as he held Sekki above his head. His spells created a small, fiery orbs-like miniature bomb blast directly inside the sword. Sekki started to resonate with an ominous hum.

[Yes, Master I can feel the power building inside. Do it now]

Aizel's eyes snapped open, their intensity matching the fiery brilliance emanating from Sekki. The hum that had filled the air abruptly ceased, leaving behind an eerie silence that hung in anticipation. 

"Zanka no Tachi" 

With a deliberate and controlled motion, Aizel brought Sekki down, its razor-sharp edge connecting with the ground below.

As the blade made contact, a cataclysmic explosion of searing firepower erupted, engulfing the surroundings in a blinding inferno. 

The sheer force of the blast swept across the area, obliterating everything in its path and leaving behind a charred landscape and a profound chasm as if nature itself had been torn asunder. 

[SO BADASS Master, let's go and blast that bitch now fufu]

Note: Zanka no Tachi is a bankai name of Yamamoto from Bleach.

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