The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 221 To The Beast Kingdom

"Instead of judging others, look at yourself first," Soren commented.

As the carriage coasted along the path, Edumont's eyes locked on Soren, creating a tense atmosphere. 

"Don't act like kids, both of you and be quiet." Raven interrupted them.

"Now let me tell a few more things about the tournament to Aziel and Daisy," Zareena continued.

"The final battle tournament between kingdoms will be between eight teams. 

"Two teams from a single kingdom will participate."

"Who is the other team from our kingdom," Aizel asked after hearing that.

"Kingsley family mages will participate as a second team from our kingdom," Zareena replied.

Suddenly, all eyes were on Aizel, who had a devilish smile on his face after hearing that.

"I hope we can face them in the first round," Aizel said.

"I can see now why the 'War Goddess' accepted him as her student," Raven commented.

"I heard you really went out of control, sparring partner. Take me next time when you do something exciting like that," Soren commented.

"What are you spouting? Do you want to fight against each other, Soren?" Zareena said, glaring daggers at him.

"Where are we even going to train?" Seraphine asked.

"Oh, I have a surprise for everyone. You consider this a life experience too," Zareena replied with a sly smile.

The carriage kept on going through the day and into the night through the meandering routes. There was a cacophony of voices in the carriage, everyone sharing jokes and telling stories. Even with all the commotion going on around them, Aizel and Seraphine kept a low profile

Daisy, on the other hand, got into the mood of friendship and engaged with the group in some light conversations.

As the sun's rays painted the sky anew, their destination became visible before their tired eyes as the carriage's wheels carried them.

  It was a picturesque town nestled in the northwest harbor, near the deep valley.

The doors of the carriages opened, and one by one, the group stepped out into the bustling streets of the city.

There was a call to adventure about the town, with its vibrant life and rich tapestry of sights and sounds. The community's veins, made of cobblestone, led them right through its center. 

The aroma of freshly baked goods mingled with the salty breeze from the nearby harbor, creating a sensory symphony that danced upon their senses. 

"Why are we here in the west harbor town, princess?" Edumont asked.

"You all will know it soon," Zareena replied.

A spectacular view awaited the group as they followed Zareena along the twisting road that followed the coastline. 

In front of them, the ocean spread out in all directions, its waves pounding the rocky coasts. 

The fleet of ships, like majestic beasts at rest in the ocean's embrace, drew their attention. 

Images from movies and games flickered through his mind as he recognized the intricate craftsmanship and iconic designs of the ships.

Among them was a massive ship that waved the flag of the flying griffin, a mark of its fealty to the royal family, and added to its already commanding presence.


"We are going to the Beast Kingdom for training," the princess replied.

The announcement was met with a wide range of reactions from the group.

Both Raven and Daisy furrowed their brows, worry written in fine lines over their faces.

Edumont and Seraphine, on the other hand, kept their composure.

Soren's and Aizel's eyes, however, conveyed an entirely different story. Their eyes betrayed an evident gleam of eagerness and wonder, a spark that had been lit within them.

Finally, another kingdom." Aizel thought.

[Fufu, can't wait to cut some beast there]

"Our training is like a mission. We are going to hunt down a notorious rogue group of mages who fled toward the Beast Kingdom many years ago.

"Sword Emperor sources have finally found where they are hiding and operating. We are going for a hunt," Zareena announced as she turned around and started to walk toward her ship.

The deck greeted them with open arms, its thick oak planks bearing their weight as they set out on the hunt. 

Aizel felt a rush of exhilaration and spread his arms wide, soaking up the sun on the open deck. His eyes traveled across the expanse of the ocean, taking in its vastness that went on as far as the human eye could see. 

"I wish we could all travel together like this one day," Daisy suddenly said. 

She stood right beside him while trying to sense the vast ocean.

"Don't worry, we will do it soon, and you will see the ocean with your eyes," Aizel replied, making Daisy blush.

[Yes Master, the time is right now. Dominate her today, Fufu]

Shut up; don't spout nonsense in my head."

In a sudden shift, Seraphine moved closer to Aizel and Daisy.

Her eyes reflected a tremendous depth of feeling as she gazed out over the ocean in deep calmness.

"Why are you here?" Aizle asked with cold eyes.

"War Goddess told me to stay closer to you. That will help me grow stronger," she replied.

This hag is always making life difficult," he thought.

"I don't care about you getting strong or not. Stay away from me," Aizel said. 

He was losing his patience a little.

"Let her stay with us, Aizel. Remember, we are a team." Daisy replied.

[This girl is too innocent, master]

I know,"

"Sparring partner, have you visited the Beast Kingdom before?" Suddenly, Soren appeared.

Aizel just shook his head right and left.

"Great, even though this is my first time too. I think I should let them know there that the real king has arrived," Soren replied as he glanced far away at where the Beast Kingdom was.

As if stirred by an invisible force, the sails of the grand ship gracefully unfurled, catching the gentle caress of the wind.

In a trembling response to the sea's call, the ship set sail for the Beast Kingdom. 

A melodious passage through the vast waters was orchestrated by the symphony of waves and the rhythmic cracking of the hull and the quiet murmurs of the crew. 

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