The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 206 Bloodmoon Family Past

"What do you mean the prince died?"

"And why did you help someone kill the prince?"

After hearing the news, Aizel and Isabella barraged Vespara with questions, their voices blending together as they asked for clarification.

"Calm down; I will tell you everything.

"First, it was David who killed the prince. I just helped him to stall the time that he needed." Vespara replied.

"But why, Goddess, you swear to protect the royal family and the kingdom," Isabella said.

"Do you think I care anything about the kingdom or the royal family? Did you forget who I am?"

Isabella's voice trailed off suddenly as the truth hit her. She recognized that the wounds of the past couldn't be mended so easily, and it was clear that Vespara hadn't forgotten the pain and grievances that had plagued them.

"What happened in the past? Why do you have a beef with them?" Aizel asked.

"Remember the ruined castle from where you watched the Grade V mage duel? That was my family castle, 'The Bloodmoon Castle'

As Vespara's words registered in Aizel's mind, his eyes widened in shock, and he stared at her. He was momentarily unable to express himself due to the shock of the revelation.

"Bloodmoon family was the first major family, along with the Felgura.

"My grandfather didn't contest for the throne of the kingdom and decided to leave it for Felgura. He decided that our family would become a shield and spear for the kingdom.

"Many years pass in peace, but the talent and mages we have in the family and in our blood kept surpassing everyone in the kingdom.

"Felgura, along with the other major families, started to worry that we might become an enemy or stage a coup for the throne.

"When my grandfather left with Cedric Felgura towards the Northern Kingdom, everyone saw the chance and.....

Vespara's eyes began to fill with tears. Her voice shook with emotion as recollections from her past filled her consciousness. Her voice shook as she spoke, clearly showing that she was struggling to control the intensity of her feelings.

"They banded together and butchered everyone who was Bloodmoon,"

"The current king at that time was a young warrior, and I was just a child. He promised me that if I swore my loyalty to him, he would make sure that nothing would happen to me.

"Now tell me Isabella, after witnessing my family members getting killed ruthlessly and women getting rapped while we did everything for this kingdom to get what exactly?

"Do you think I can forget everything? I have lost everything and everyone."

Both Isabella and Aizel remained silent, their hearts heavy with empathy and a shared sense of helplessness.

It was difficult for Aizel to say anything to Vespara that might ease her anguish.

In the midst of this tense silence, Daisy swiftly closed the distance between herself and Vespara, enveloping her in a tender embrace. With gentle hands, Daisy brushed away the tears that cascaded down Vespara's cheeks.

"You have not lost everything, Vespara. You have us with you," Daisy said with a smile.

Aizel's emotional torment subsided in a profound moment of connection with Vespara and Daisy. He wrapped his arms around them and said, "Yes, you have us. I know why you need my help. I swear I will kill every single one of them for you. You are precious to me,"

Suddenly, Isabella rushed in and joined the embrace.

"Just leave my mother out of it and do whatever you want to do," she said.

"Haha... thank you, everyone; I love every one of you, though you are new to the group darling," Vespara replied with a smile.

"Now I think we should head back; there will be a lot of turmoil in the coming days."


As the first rays of sunlight pierced through the horizon, casting a warm glow across the land, the sleepy-eyed children began to stir.

They emerged from their tents one by one, yawning and stretching in preparation for the day.

The crackling sound of a small fire filled the air as they prepared their morning meal.

After everyone had eaten to their hearts' content and their spirits were rejuvenated, they packed up and left the peaceful serenity of the waterfall valley. Their trek continued as they made their way across the forest toward Felgura City.

The news of the prince's death swept throughout the kingdom like a tsunami.

The public reacted to the news with shock, bewilderment, and interest. The shock of realizing that an average person had killed both the prince and the revered leader of Eudora was visible on everyone's faces.

It wasn't your typical tale of the common man taking on the establishment.

Broad grins and raucous cheers indicated that some people were ecstatic about the news. They took it as a symbol of the common man's triumph over the aristocracy.

However, for some, an overwhelming heaviness settled on their chests. The passing of David, who had come to represent their cause, dampened their spirits.

The prominent major noble families came under intense strain, frustration, and rage. Once again, David administered a terrible blow, this time taking the life of their esteemed prince and the head of a Eudora noble family.

Inside the Felgura Castle,




The queen's anguished shouts and heartbreaking cries resonated through the walls of her rooms, bearing witness to the turbulent scene outside.

"We can't do that, Mother; it will only make our kingdom a joke. We are already a joke to the others.

"In a time like this, we should keep calm.

"Sword Emperor, my mother is not in stable condition; you come with me, and I will give orders about what should be done now."

Sword Emperor nodded.


"It's not like I don't care, Mother, but we should look at what we have now and what is going to come.

"And besides, I only have a sister."

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