The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 194 I Will Be Your Satan

Outside the mansion,

"Where are the guards who were stationed here?" One of the mages asked.

"Sir... we are trying to look for them, but somehow it seems they have disappeared," a guard replied.

"Hey, look here..." In an instant, one of the guys yelled, getting everyone's attention.

The guards and the mage moved quickly and purposefully in the direction of the sound.

As they reached the location, they saw the body of a dead guard with his throat slashed open. His eyes, frozen in terror, stared blankly into the distance.

"There is someone who has sneaked into the mansion, quickly report it to the superiors,"


A deafening explosion reverberated through the air, shattering the ceiling of the mansion and drawing the attention of everyone within.

Everyone looked up to see a person emerge from the mansion and soar far into the sky.

However, gravity eventually took hold, and the figure plummeted back down, crashing forcefully just outside the mansion gates, where the bustling streets of Darkholm unfolded.

Everyone in Darkholm, including the mansion's residents and guards, gasped in awe at what they saw.

It was the lifeless body of the same butler who had led Isabella and Aizel downstairs. A gaping, hole pierced his abdomen, revealing charred remnants within.

The shocked bystanders gasped and murmured their confusion as they sought to process the gruesome conclusion that had befallen the butler.

"Quickly see what the fuck is going on," the mage shouted.

The guards and hunters at Kingsley Territory jumped into action right away.

Meanwhile, inside the underground cellar,

As Aizel's anger exploded like a volcano, his eyes burned with a deadly glare. He went on a killing spree against the guards who were stupid enough to stand in his way.

Each blow he threw broke their bodies into pieces and sent a torrent of blood pouring through the underground tunnel.

The scene turned macabre as the air filled with the stench of death.

The men who had been tormenting the defenseless women and children now trembled with terror as they witnessed Aizel's unstoppable rage.

With just a gesture, their bodies started to grotesquely swell until they couldn't hold the pressure inside any longer and burst like fragile balloons, adding to the terrifying scene that was happening in front of them.

"I will show you the true hell in this town," Aizel slowly whispered.

Sekki, the spirit sword, made an angry humming sound, and its sharpness pulsed with power.

The bond between Aizel and his formidable weapon ran deep, and the surge of emotions coursing through Aizel's veins stirred Sekki's own spirit.

"If there are no demons in the world, then I will be your demon. I will gladly be your Satan."

With rage in his heart and his blade at the ready, Aizel strode up the stairs and into the mansion's hall.

As he climbed, guards rushed towards him, but he dispatched them without mercy, the sharpness of his sword cutting through them with ease.

When Aizel walked into the grand hall, he saw the same thing when he entered the mansion. Even as turmoil ensued within the estate, the partygoers, which included several wealthy nobility, continued to drink and enjoy themselves.

They seemed to think their authority would protect them from any possible consequences.

In the midst of the festivities, slaves were being tormented and humiliated in full view of the guests.

Some were even being forced to serve alcohol to their oppressors.

Suddenly, their eyes bulged out of their sockets, and their faces contorted in anguish as their bodies enlarged.

As their bodies began to burst, they let off a terrible cascade of blood and gore, filling the air with dreadful tension.

Aizel, unfazed by the gruesome scene, strolled steadily through the mayhem, leaving a trail of eerie footsteps behind him.

The bloody fountain in the center of the once-bustling hall was a grim reminder of the destruction and vengeance that had taken place there.

The slaves watched in horror, their eyes darting around in fear, uncertain of what would happen next.

The sudden arrival of mages only added to their terror, as they rushed to the scene and witnessed a sight that struck fear deep into their core.

Bloodied and slowly approaching them, Aizel's blade buzzed with such eagerness to cut anything in its path.

All eyes were on Aizel as a black liquid appeared in his hand and flowed and swirled around him. Slowly, it became solid and took the shape of a menacing black armor that gave off an eerie glow.

The sight of this formidable transformation sent shivers down the spines of onlookers, filling them with a sense of dread.

*psss* *psss* *psss*

A faint hiss echoed from Aizel's armor as three streams of jet-black smoke escaped from it.

Smoke engulfed the area, as blood on the floor slowly made its way towards the armor before dissolving inside of it.

Aizel's fan blades began to whirl faster and faster, a sign that tremendous energy was building up inside the armor.

Gradually, the open crevice area at the center of the armor began to emanate a soft blue light, casting a serene glow around Aizel.

Aizel blinked his eyes shut and drew a deep breath.


"COMEEEE!" Aizel shouted.

The mages' spells snapped in the air as they sprinted for Aizel.

In response, Sekki, the spirit sword, split into multiple blades that encircled Aizel in a whirlwind of deadly steel.

Aizel's will propelled him forward, and his motions were swift and accurate. In a tumultuous whirlwind of destruction, the spinning blades of Sekki slashed through the ranks of the mages.

Together, Aizel and Sekki carved their way through the enemy, leaving a trail of fallen mages in their wake.

As the mayhem escalated, backup arrived on the scene from all across town.

Guards, hunters, and mages swarmed around Aizel, their numbers increasing by the second.

Aizel, unfazed by the assault, allowed his wrath to overtake him and then released his raw might against his foes.

His hands, now deadly weapons, tore through flesh and bone with savage precision. Limbs were severed, heads were crushed, and spines were snapped under his relentless assault.

The air filled with the sickening sound of bodies being torn apart, a gruesome symphony of violence.

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