The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 192 Ezio Style

In the evening, At Felgura City...

Vespara made her way to the potion shop as soon as she arrived in the city, while Daisy headed to her room at the inn.

After unlocking the shop, Vespara went inside and waited for a few minutes until someone wearing a deep hood and an old, torn robe came in, hiding their identity.

"Follow me," Vespara said.

Vespara led the hooded figure up to the second floor of the potion shop, where her private desk and various books and equipment were stored.

She pulled out a chair and sat down, then motioned for the figure to do the same. The figure agreed and sat down next to her.

"So, what brings you here to the lion's den?" Vespara said.

"The time has come. I hope you will keep your word," the person said.

"How are you going to accomplish this?"

"I will do what I need to do; I hope you can stall them and give me enough time."

"Well, I have to say that till now you have done far better than I thought; let's see what you can do this time.

"I hope you won't disappoint me."

Vespara noticed the person getting up to leave and quickly spoke up to stop them. "Wait," she said, causing the person to turn back and look at her.

"Go through the magic circle."

Vespara went with the person in the hood to the magic circle and watched as he used it and then vanished into thin air.

After he was gone, Vespara retrieved a crystal and set about establishing a connection with it.

"It's Time,"


*Knock* *Knock*

As Aizel stirred from his slumber, a knock on the door signaled the arrival of Isabella. He got to his feet and opened the door for her.

"I have the information about where the slaves are kept."

"Let's go then."


Quick to act, Aizel called for his loyal pals Sekki and Dragongfang dagger.

In a single motion, he tucked them back into their sheath and fastened the belt that held them around his waist.

"Why are you taking out your weapons already?" Isabella asked.

"You should do it too, what happens if they have something that can erase mana?"

Isabella's eyes widened with realization.

She had heard rumors that the common man, David, possessed an artifact capable of erasing mana completely from its surroundings. She swiftly summoned her staff and a small dagger as well.

"Let's move then; follow my instructions carefully once we reach there."

Isabella nodded. "But how are we going to do this?" She further asked.

Aizel's lips curled into an arrogant smirk as he fluently fixed his assassin's cloak.

"In Ezio style,"

Aizel and Isabella stealthily left the inn and began to navigate through the narrow alleys and corners, carefully scanning their surroundings with their mana senses to ensure that they weren't being followed.

They climbed expertly over the roofs of adjacent homes and restaurants, making their way toward their destination.

Isabella ran after Aizel as he jumped from one roof to the next, trying to keep up with his quick moves. She was confused as she watched him do all sorts of parkour moves with ease, using the buildings around him to his benefit.

"What are you doing?"

"Loosening up my body,"

Maybe this is some type of exercise or training that the War Goddess taught him," Isabella thought.

When Aizel and Isabella got to their location, they were on top of a tall building that looked like a watchtower. From there, they could see the whole town below. From this spot, they could easily see what was happening around them.

"There is the mansion," she said while raising her finger, gesturing towards the grand mansion ahead.

Aizel's sharp eyes scanned the grand mansion and its surroundings, taking note of the guards stationed at every corner.

A few sizable windows could have served as entrances, and there were lush gardens and tall bushes all around the Greek-style building.

Aizel's mind was going fast as he thought of a way for them to get into the house without the guards noticing.

"Follow me closely and be ready for anything,"

Isabella nodded.

Aizel's eyes caught sight of the bushes and grasses growing beside the watchtower, and a grin stretched across his face.

His heart quickened with excitement and adrenaline as he began to formulate a plan.

"Believe me and jump,"


Aizel didn't waste any time and jumped off the watchtower with a confident grin on his face, spreading his arms wide as he fell through the air.

His heart raced with excitement as he executed a perfect landing on the ground next to the tall bushes, using a bit of wind magic to soften the impact.

Isabella was left speechless as she watched Aizel's display of skill.

"AWESOOMMEEE..." Aizel thought.

Aizel saw Isabella take the same leap of faith with her eyes closed. So, he moved quickly to catch her before she fell.

As Isabella's eyes opened, she saw the sparkle of excitement in Aizel's black eyes.

"Isn't that awesome?" He asked.

"Y-yeah, that was fun," Isabella replied.

Does he like this type of thing," she thought.

Then she realized that Aizel was holding her like a princess, and her heart started to race as she realized how close they were. Her embarrassed face turned bright red as she blurted out, "Put me down."

"Oh sorry,"

Aizel quickly let go of her, and she fell to the ground with a thud.

"Idiot, this doesn't mean you let a lady fall like that."

"Grow up, we are mages," Aizel replied.

Aizel shifted his attention back to the mission at hand, which was to break into the mansion and save the kids.

Though he felt a simmering anger building within him, he knew he had to keep it in check.

Losing control was not an option, as the stakes were high and failure was not an option.

"it's time to get serious Isabella and let's rescue the children quickly and get out of this place," Aizel said.


Note: Ezio is a character from the Assassin's Creed game, The leap of faith is a jump assassins do from the vantage point and it's fucking awesome...

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