The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 159 Celestial Judgement

Alexander gazed at the overwhelming number of earthen metal spikes hurtling toward him.

"Are you trying to kill me or just playing around?" he asked.

Alexander twisted his fingers and began to channel his power. His fingers began to glow a brilliant golden color, illuminating the sky.

Suddenly, ten thin golden light strings shot out from his fingertips, quickly destroying the earthen metal spikes. Alexander's eyes moved rapidly as he masterfully manipulated the golden strings, clearing the sky in seconds.

The institute mages were taken aback by his spectacular demonstration of magic.

"Did you see that, Lysandra? Try to learn from Alexander; you both have the same power."

The headmaster said this while Lysandra nodded and focused all her attention on Alexander.

Harold crouched down; his legs coiled like a spring ready to launch.

As he held his axe tightly, he pushed off the ground with all his might and shot upwards like a rocket.

The impact of his jump left a deep crater on the ground, marking the spot where he had been moments ago.

Harold's body rocketed through the air at amazing speed and force, creating a platform beneath his feet. Another platform appeared in the sky a few meters to Alexander's left.

As Harold flew through the air, he quickly pivoted on the platform and propelled himself towards Alexander on the opposite side.

His motions were so fluid and quick that it appeared he was defying gravity. Harold aimed a powerful swing of his axe at Alexander, but the mage was too swift and dodged to the side.

Alexander shot a beam of golden light at Harold's face, but the seasoned warrior was prepared for the attack. A metal shield appeared in front of him in an instant, diverting the dangerous beam.

"Radiant burst," Alexander murmured softly.

In an instant, his entire body was enveloped in a brilliant golden aura, and the light spread out in all directions, illuminating the previously dark sky.

Harold was momentarily blinded, but when his vision cleared, he saw Alexander standing directly behind him, his staff transformed into a beam of radiant energy.

The bright light temporarily blinded Aizel and the others. When they were able to see again, they saw Harold standing safely on the ground, and an earthen golem had been destroyed by Alexander's attack.


"This golem substitute," Alexander said,

Suddenly, a pair of pure light wings sprouted from his back, glowing with a radiant golden hue. Alexander lifted into the air and hovered smoothly as the wings beat continuously.

The wings trailed a path of shimmering golden sparks behind him, lighting the dark sky with their brilliance.


He raised a hand, and a spark of golden light flickered from his palm, gradually growing brighter and brighter until it formed a dazzling sphere of radiant energy.

The sphere's light was so bright that it covered the entire area in a dazzling, warm glow, throwing long shadows behind every object in its path.

It grew until it was the size of a small sun, pulsing with golden energy and dazzling its surroundings with its bright radiance.

"Solar Flare,"

The golden orb of energy above Alexander exploded into a web of radiant beams that showered down on Harold from all sides.

As Harold looked up into the sky, a torrent of dazzling beams descended on him, hurtling towards him at breakneck speed.

"Verdant Blessing!" Harold shouted.


The sound of Harold's roar shook the desolate land, and the earth began to tremble.

Towering trees began to shoot up at an alarming rate, shattering everything in their path along with the monster's remains as they shot skyward.

The bleak wasteland had been converted into a verdant woodland in seconds.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

The golden light beams showered down on the forest, leaving deep craters and destroying everything in their path.

The trees were no match for the immense energy, yet they continued to grow, sprouting deep roots and vines to build a protective barrier around Harold.

Woodland was rapidly changing into a living fortress, protecting Harold from the continuous bombardment.

"You won't be able to hide forever in that forest, Harold.


The sky immediately lit up with thick beams of golden light as Harold let out a furious roar, symbolic of a divine onslaught from beyond the stars.


The beams poured down with amazing force on the woodland below, obliterating everything in their path. With each impact, trees were uprooted and shattered into splinters, and the ground shook. It was as if the heavens themselves were wreaking havoc on Xthar.

"This... Is this only a Grade V mage?" Aizel was shocked to the core.

He was completely taken aback by what he was witnessing. He had always expected the combat between Grade V mages to be fierce, but he had never anticipated that it would be of this magnitude.

The sheer power and intensity of the battle left him wondering what would happen if even more high-level mages engaged in combat.

Would they be able to wipe out an entire kingdom in a single attack?

A shiver ran down Aizel's spine as he remembered how he treated Vespara.

"I should be more careful next time."

Alexander surveyed the devastated forest, extending his magical senses in search of Harold.

His devastating attack had almost entirely obliterated the land.

Suddenly, two gigantic wooden hands emerge from the destroyed forest, palms facing upward in a peaceful gesture.

The hands were enormous, resembling those of a giant.

As Alexander watched, large red flowers began to bloom all over their wooden arms and palms, adding a splash of color to the grim scene.

The red flowers on the giant wooden hands released a burst of gas, filling the sky with a red mist that spread quickly and covered everything in sight. The mist looked like red clouds that blanketed the whole area.

"Those flowers are Red Mist Azalea," Hazel commented.

"What are those?" Aizel asked.

"It's a flower that releases poisonous gas. It is so poisonous that a single whiff of it can kill anyone under Grade V."

"Then it's good we are all standing and watching far away from it."

"I have never seen such large red mist azaleas; their toxicity must be highly potent."

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