The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 145 The Commonist Strikes Again!

Goldwyn Mansion...

The guards stationed at Goldwyn Mansion went about their regular routines, some conversing and passing time in a leisurely manner. It appeared to be another regular day.

The Grade II mage was busy in his room looking over some papers as the head of security for the Goldwyn mansion and town.

All the noble families were preoccupied with the royal gala, and many had taken their family mages with them.

He was the only Grade II mage present at the time. He was deep in his work when he became aware of an uncommon sensation that caused him to pause and pay attention.

"What is this feeling? The Mana! It disappeared."

The Grade II mage's heart raced as he leaped to his feet, the chair he had been sitting on crashing to the ground.

Despite his efforts to gather mana, he was unable to detect anything around him.

It was as if he had been transformed into a regular person with no magical abilities.

Alarmed, he burst out of his room to find other hunters and mages in the same perplexed state.

They stared at each other, silently acknowledging the same bewildering phenomenon.

"Are you guys also unable to sense mana?"

"Yes sir…"

"Even I can't use it; what's going on?"

"Sir Kingston! There are some people gathered outside the mansion. At least 50 people."

"What are they here for?" Kingston asked.

"I don't know sir, but I don't think they come with good intentions,"

"Go take a look everyone and report the situation back to me."


As chaos ensued outside, Kingston rushed back to his room, his mind racing with thoughts and questions.

He anxiously searched his desk for something, eventually discovering what he was looking for - a crystal ball.

"Damn it, even this is not working."

Meanwhile Outside…

"I am asking you guys one last time. Why are you all here?" The guard at the main gate warned.

David stepped out of the group, surveying the area as he noticed more guards assembling. He raised his hand slowly in the air and roared an order, his voice echoing through the air.



"Burn them…"

"For the common man..."

"For the common man..."

David and his band of ferocious hunters, all skilled in close combat and menacing in appearance, charged towards the gate, where two startled guards stood.

The hunters began a furious attack on the guards, who dropped to the ground lifeless, unable to fathom what had just occurred.

At least 50 hunters had descended on the grounds, their sights set on their next prey as they prepared to strike again.

As the brawl erupted within the Goldwyn residence, swords clashed and blood spilled. The guards rushed to stop the threatening group led by David.

Despite the guards' best attempts, the group appeared to gain momentum and an advantage, their expertise in close combat overwhelming others who were not accustomed to it.

No one was spared as they moved farther into the home, and the death toll continued to mount.

As Kingston emerged from his room, he was met with a gruesome sight - the mansion's guards and members lay slain on the ground, and 30 formidable warriors stood in their place, their bodies covered in blood and wounds.

They locked their gaze on him, ready to strike at any moment.

"Do you even know what you have done?" He shouted.

Kingston felt a shudder run down his spine as he watched the bloodied warriors and David, the attack's commander, approaching him with a staff in hand.

"We know and we don't care. You on the other will work quite well for us."


Kingston staggered backward as thirty blood-stained soldiers and David raced at him at the same time, their weapons gleaming menacingly.

He had always wielded power and authority as a respected Grade II wizard, but now he found himself in a life-threatening predicament he never imagined he could be in.

"Don't kill him..."

The group of hunters and warriors paused their attack and dragged Kingston out of the mansion by his hair.

As they made their way outside, several of them set fire to the furniture and draperies, relishing in the devastation they created. They dug a hole in the ground and tied Kingston to a pole, leaving him unprotected and exposed.

The flames engulfed the mansion, their intensity increasing with each passing second. Smoke billowed into the sky, creating a dark cloud visible from miles away.

The townspeople stared in horror and disbelief, unable to fathom the devastation happening before their eyes.

All other sounds were drowned out by the sound of crackling flames and the scent of burning wood. The once-beautiful Goldwyn estate was now nothing more than a raging blaze, a symbol of the town's destruction and violence.

"NOW… we may have lost 20 brave men in this fight, but we demolished a noble mansion all by ourselves, along with a Grade II mage.

"This is only the start and rise of our group.

"The Commonist shall rule and burn every noble household to the ground...…"

"For the Commonist…"

"For the common man…"

The hunters erupted into cheers as David finished his speech and was handed a torch, which burned brightly.

One of the hunters carried a container of liquid forward and began dousing Kingston, who was naked and tied to a pole. David approached him with a frightening expression on his face.

He tossed the torch onto Kingston, and as the liquid ignited, flames surrounded him and he began to burn alive.


As the scent of burning flesh filled the air and the flames from the mansion behind them lighted the scene, his screams resonated in the surroundings, and the group cheered in delight.

"You guys handle the rest. I am going back," David said to one of the hunters.

"Don't worry, we will burn every establishment in this town."

David mounted his horse and galloped out of town, leaving his group to complete their duty.

"You guys heard the boss, let's go."

"Yeah, let's go…"

"We can fuck some women of theirs, right?"

"Let's start at the restaurant where we just ate hihihih….."

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