The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 132.1

Chapter 132.1


On the seventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year of the Lunar Calendar, the astrologer of the Grand Ceremony declared that it was an auspicious day for all matters.

On the night before the eighth day, the Lotus Terrace was bright. Xing Xun summoned the officials serving him to hold discussions all night long. He was sitting on the high platform, looking at the four seats underneath with delight. The officials were waiting for his orders, and everyone was smiling and waiting for news.

At that moment, Secretary Wei and Gao Zhun entered hurriedly, kneeling and offering a piece of yellow silk.

When he opened it, it was the imperial edict from the young emperor, Liu Tong, to ascend to the throne. He said that he was ashamed of his weak virtue and was willing to follow the example of the ancient sages by surrendering the throne to Xing Xun and sealing it with a jade seal.

Gao Zhun also reported that tomorrow, at an auspicious time, when all the officials and the Prime Minister ascended to the Hall of a Thousand Autumns, the young emperor would personally help him to ascend the throne and read the imperial edict of enthronement. When this was declared, a lot of joy in the Lotus Terrace sounded. The officials knelt and congratulated him.

Xing Xun was pleased to accept it. Amid all the praise and glory, he saw the councilor, Zhu Zeng, standing still, looking doubtful.

Zhu Zeng was Xing Xuns old advisor, supporting him from Henan to Luoyang, who has considerable seniority. At this moment, when everyone celebrates, only he does not kneel. Xing Xun was displeased, so he asked him a question.

Zhu Zeng said: It is not that the Prime Minister cannot claim the throne, but the time has not yet come! The Han dynasty is not tyrannical, and the Prime Minister is already in a position of great authority. If the Prime Minister took the throne, the world would be bad-mouthing it. All of this is nothing. I am worried about Wei Shao. The Prime Ministers hidden worries will remain as long as he lives. I know that the Prime Minister is also bent on attacking Wei Shao. We can issue a letter saying he is guilty of misconduct, and then we can call on the lords to attack him in the name of the Han emperor. If the Prime Minister attacked him in the name of the Han emperor, and Wei Shao responded, he would be openly rebelling and would lose a game before the war began. But, if the Prime Minister claimed the title of emperor and then raised the war, would this not permit Wei Shao openly encourage the world to fight against the Prime Minister?

Xing Xun was displeased: Why do you say this, to spoil my mood? One said that no virtue should give way to virtue. The Han emperor was ashamed of his lack of virtue and could not afford the honorable position, so why should I not take it? I have 500,000 soldiers and horses, dozens of fierce Generals who can break the river by throwing a whip. Why should I be afraid of that kid, Wei Shao? Last month, in the eastern suburbs of Luoyang, the sky prophesized the new master of the world, which fit my name. As the saying goes, if you dont take what heaven gives, a sinner you will be!

Zhu Zeng said, Its not that I am misleading, but the so-called auspicious sign from heaven in the eastern suburbs was suspicious. Miss Sus intentions are malicious. The Prime Minister must not fall under the spell of a woman. Otherwise, I am afraid it will be too late to regret!

Xing Xun has been a lord for half his life and is naturally unconvinced by these auspicious dreams. But he was bent on becoming the emperor. He suffered from the unfavorable chances before, hesitating and wavering in between. Coincidentally, Su E Huang dreams of what he wants, like giving a pillow to a thirsty sleeper.

Listening to Zhu Zengs words made him furious: Audacious! What is her intention? If not for the fact that you have been with me for many years and have little merit, I will severely punish you! I have made up my mind. If you say anything more, behead!

Once these words came out, all the officials turned pale and looked at Zhu Zeng with resentment.

Zhu Zeng pleaded guilty and retreated, discouraged.

Xing Xun had changed from the old days when he first entered Luoyang and used his talents. Now he was pompous, surrounded by only flatterers. He believed in Feng Yi, Zang Chang, Feng Zuo, and Ding Qu. All of them were villainous. Impatient to make Xing Xun abdicate the young emperor and take his throne, fighting a battle with Wei Shao.

Zhu Zeng returned to his house, his heart disturbed. At dawn, he received a secret report that Xing Xun had listened to Miss Sus advice and was coming to arrest and kill him, so he was terrified. Fortunately, Zhu Zheng did not have many family members in Luoyang. He immediately ran away from the south city gate. He wanted to go to Wei Shao, but the thought of Wei Shaos ruthless methods of dealing with his enemies made him shudder, so he turned around and ran to Hanzhong to join the Hanzhong Marquis, Le Zheng Gong, instead.

Xiao Qiao was now in her fourth month of pregnancy and kept vomiting. At its worst, she can hardly drink water and lies in bed most mornings and evenings. Fortunately, Chun Niang was there to take care of her, and half a month ago, Old Zhong also arrived at Xindu from Yuyang.

Old Zhong said Mrs. Xu was delighted to hear the good news. She specially sent her to attend alongside Chun Niang and reminded her to take good care of her body.

With both of them taking good care of her, Wei Shao was even more thoughtful. He held her in his hands for fear of dropping and in his mouth for fear of melting. Although he was busy with military affairs recently, he returned to accompany her whenever possible. Although her body was not feeling well, Xiao Qiao was happy. She sent a letter to Yanzhou to inform her father that she was pregnant.

In the daytime, a messenger arrived from Yanzhou and sent a letter back from her father. Qiao Ping was overjoyed and urged her to nurture her body. He said that Qiao Ci was busy with his military training. When Qiao Ci returned, he would tell him the good news. He also said that everything was fine at home and that she did not need to worry and told her to get along well with his son-in-law. Xiao Qiao read her fathers letter back and forth several times.

The letter did not explicitly say that, but from her brothers involvement in military training, she could see that her fathers side had never put down what they had discussed before. Her purpose when she advised her father to be strong was to avoid being a bird in the hall and not to be aware of the future disaster.

Even with Wei Shaos reassurance, Xiao Qiao not completely removed her defenses, but she was much more relaxed. But even so, Xiao Qiao still felt that Yanzhou should be strong. In such a chaotic world, only a strong army could turn around in case of an attack, no matter who was coming. It was better than asking for help every time. After she read her fathers words, which were probably unintentional, Xiao Qiao felt a sense of peace.

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