The Marquis Is Innocent

Chapter 106.2

Chapter 106.2

A few days later, Yuan, who had recovered her strength, was escorted by Mr. Jia to the territory of the Huanzhong where the Beihe people lived.

During these few days, Mr. Jia mapped out the waterway in the backyard pond and then blocked it tightly. He led his men to thoroughly check all the places near the Ladys residence in the backyard where there might still be loopholes in the defenses. After making sure that the area was safe, he stopped.

After Yuan set off on the road back to his hometown, Xiao Qiao slowly recovered from the illness she suffered from that night of excessive fright. But she was always afraid to sleep at night. Although the weather got warmer, she no longer dared to open the windows and always locked them tightly. Chun Niang also always slept with her.

In a letter she sent to Wei Shao, she did not mention Chen Ruis night break-in at the government office nor that she was sick. She only told him that she had coincidentally saved the grandson of the Beihe leader, Yuan, and sent him on his way now. She would be happy if it could help Gongsun Yangs mission of recruiting Beihe people.

After a long journey, Gongsun Yang finally arrived at the territory of the Beihe tribe in Huanzhong a few days ago.

This area was a lush forest with many birds and animals. The Qiang flourished in this area, living by animal rearing and hunting in no fixed place. Later, with the increase in population and frequent exchanges with the Han Chinese, they gradually became farmers.

The Beihe tribes leader was Yuan Wang. After decades, they settled in this area with a population of nearly 200,000, becoming the second-largest Qiang tribe after the Shaodang tribe. Half of them were young and vigorous. They usually farmed but became soldiers in times of war.

Yuan Wang received Wei Shaos emissary in person three days ago and offered him hospitality. Gongsun Yang conveyed Wei Shaos proposal. He promised not to impose taxes, not forcibly recruit soldiers into the army, and not plunder the population. They would follow the old agreement and take a blood oath. Although Yuan Wang received Gongsun Yang personally and respectfully, he had some reservations about the recruitment and did not agree.

Gongsun Yang knew the task would be difficult because of decades of separation. It was not a days work. How could he dispel the doubts easily? So there was no hurry. After delivering Wei Shaos gift to express his respect to Yuan Wang, he stayed and continued to persuade patiently.

After a long talk by candlelight last night, Yuan Wang was finally impressed by Gongsun Yangs sincerity and said he would consider the matter overnight. He will give a reply tomorrow morning.

Today Gongsun Yang got up early and waited for the meeting with Yuan Wang. Although Yuan Wang had not yet made his attitude clear last night, Gongsun Yang felt the success of the matter was fixed, nine out of ten.

He was very confident. But when the appointed time came, Yuan Wang did not appear as scheduled.

Gongsun Yang was about to go when someone entered his tent and said: Master, its not good! Early in the morning came to a messenger from the Shaodang tribe. I dont know what he said to Yuan Wang, but Yuan Wang fainted. The situation is not good. It seems that they intend to harm you. You should leave here quickly!

In addition to lobbying Yuan Wang, Gongsun Yang had not been idle during the past few days and had secretly befriended a person close to Yuan Wang. This message came from that person urgently. The two lieutenants who escorted Gongsun Yang alerted and looked at him.

Gongsun Yang pondered and said, We cant avoid the disaster. Since we have arrived here, how can we avoid disaster just because we fear it? Ill go over and see whats going on! He went to Yuan Wangs tent and asked someone to inform him. A few moments later, he invited Gongsun Yang inside. After he stepped inside, two big men pointed their swords at him and forbade him to approach.

Gongsun Yang glanced inside the room.

Yuan Wang sat on the main seat covered with a magnificent wool mattress. His face was ashen, and his eyes seemed to contain traces of tears. Next to him was an unfamiliar Qiang man, who looked at him suspiciously. The rest of the Beihe people all looked at each other angrily.

Gongsun Yang was secretly surprised, but his face was calm. He only said: I got up early today and have been waiting for the Elders good news, yet it took a long time to arrive. Therefore, I came to ask about it.

He raised his hand and pushed away a blade pointing at his face.

Last night, when I talked with the Elder, I put my heart and soul together. That scene seemed to be just before my eyes. But I dont know why, early this morning, we are suddenly facing each other with swords? He looked at Yuan Wang.

Yuan Wang looked gloomy and did not say a word. One of the clan elders near him shouted. You have the face to pretend! I knew you had bad intentions from the first day you came here! You Han Chinese always said one thing but did another! Putting honey on your lips but stabbing people in the back! Come on, no need to talk to him! Just kill him!

Immediately, there were men with swords approaching. The two lieutenants behind Gongsun Yang were furious and stood before him with their swords drawn, saying: Who dares to do it? If you hurt one hair on his head, you are the enemy of my lord! Chen Xiang of Bingzhou is an example of those who dare to fight against him! Ask yourselves, are you stronger than Chen Xiang?

The other side was silent for a while.

Gongsun Yang looked at Yuan Wang, whose face had become even paler, and took a step forward, saying with concern: Elder, what happened, or what did you hear? As I said, its not that my lord is afraid of war. Its because of the stability of the border, the welfare of the people, and fixing the injustice of the former lords of Bingzhou. Im here to convey the intention of appeasement. I hope Elder will be honest with me. Say what you have to say! No need to be afraid!

Yuan Wang slowly stood up, waved his hand, and several men withdrew their swords.

Mr. Gongsun, my grandson, has lost his life in the hands of you, Han! How can I face my poor grandson if I dont avenge him? Dont blame me! The truth is that you Han Chinese are all the same, and you have repeatedly broken your word! My death alone is a small matter, but I wont leave the future of my whole family in your hands! I should never have kept you as a guest! I wont make things difficult for you, so go! I didnt dare to accept the kindness of the Marquis of Yan!

Gongsun Yang was shocked, pondered, and said: I understand the Elders feelings. I should have mourned with you. But Im afraid someone with ulterior motives will exploit your love for your grandson. I wonder if the Elder can tell me who killed your grandson? Is the information accurate? If there is anything I can do to help, I will do my best!

Yuan Wang said, You dont have to say much. I cant trust the Han Chinese! I have made up my mind! If you dont leave, I will not be polite!

The matter was about to succeed, but suddenly there was a change of heart. Gongsun Yang knew the sudden arrival of the unfamiliar Qiang man was the cause of everything. He was reluctant to leave like this and hesitated. Suddenly, he heard a rush of footsteps from outside the tent, and a voice shouted from afar: Leader! Young Master is back! Young Master is back!

Gongsun Yang turned around and saw a boy dressed in Chinese clothes walking over this way quickly.

On the side of the boy, there was a Han Chinese. It was Mr. Jia!

Gongsun Yang was incomparably surprised. He immediately guessed that this boy should be Yuan Wangs grandson, who he thought was dead a few moments ago.

It was a coincidence that he had returned at this moment, which was a naturally good thing. But how could Mr. Jia be with him?

Gongsun Yang was full of doubts and dumbfounded. Yuan Wang, on the other hand, was shocked. His eyes opened wide, showing his unbelievable joy, rushing out and hugging the boy tightly, bursting into tears.

The nearby Beihe people all cheered and laughed. Some kneeled on the ground and worshiped the gods.

When his emotions stabilized, the boy said a few words. Gongsun Yang saw Yuan Wang suddenly let go of him and darted back in front of him. Yuan Wang bowed and said respectfully: Mr. Gongsun, I have offended you! Marquis of Yans wife has shown great kindness to my grandson in saving his life. I accept the Marquis of Yans proposal and lead my tribe to join him! I will take a blood oath! If I break this oath, Gods will punish me!

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