The Main Characters That Only I Know

Chapter 234:

Chapter 234:

Chapter 234

Nam Minhyuk ran around the cult headquarters, flashing his light.

Everyone, get out of here! Hurry! This is our chance to escape!

He had hardly ever raised his voice and shouted like this in his life. But he was so immersed in this situation that he didnt care about such things.

Park Moonchul had locked up those who opposed his will in solitary cells. 

There were almost 30 people who were trapped inside, unaware of what was happening outside. 

Nam Minhyuk used the key he found on the floor to free them all. 

His girlfriend Kim Yeeun helped him by his side.

As they opened the last cell door, Kim Yeeuns face brightened when she saw a middle-aged man sitting dejectedly in front of it.

Huh? Dad!


Nam Minhyuk realized that this man was his girlfriends father, whom she had been looking for desperately.

Ye, Yeeun?

Dad! What are you doing here? Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Look at your pale face. I told you not to come to places like this. Lets get out of here.

The agent, the agent of God, he abandoned me

Hes not an agent, hes a psycho and a cultist! Get up. Lets go.

I, I

Sir. Lets go.

Nam Minhyuk intervened when he couldnt stand it anymore. 

As the old man turned his empty eyes towards him, Nam Minhyuk shrank his shoulders involuntarily. 

Did he make a mistake by calling him sir?

Who are you?

Uh, Im, um. Well

My boyfriend.

Kim Yeeun stepped forward and cut him off. Kim Chulju, her father, widened his eyes in surprise. 

Nam Minhyuk did the same.

Before Kim Chulju could say anything with his trembling lips, Nam Minhyuk hurriedly cut him off again.

Anyway, lets get out of here as soon as possible! If we waste time here, more dangerous people might come after us.

Right. So move quickly, dad!

Let, lets do that.

The three of them finally escaped from the cult headquarters. 

Maybe it was because they had gotten far enough to be safe, but Kim Yeeun, who had been panting for breath, asked Nam Minhyuk cautiously.

What about that? You said someone came to help you earlier. Isnt it bad to leave him like this?

Hell be fine.

Nam Minhyuks voice was flat and calm, without any worry.

Kim Yeeun realized for the first time that her boyfriend of one year could make such an expression.

He was timid and couldnt speak well, always lacking motivation and energy.

Hes very strong.

But now, he felt much more reliable.


Cough! Cough!

Park Moonchul struggled with his arms and legs as he felt his breath being choked. 

He tried to hold his neck with both hands and endure it, but every time he did so, the wire around his neck tightened even more.

He wished he could faint or die from rolling his eyes back, but that devil didnt give him even a moment of rest.

You cant run away so soon.

Yu-hyun didnt intend to stop at simply killing Park Moonchul. Sometimes death was a relief from pain. Yu-hyun didnt allow that at all.

You have inflicted pain on many people. You had no qualms about trampling on others for your own vile desires. I cant sense any conviction in your actions, only a pursuit of momentary and base pleasures.

What would have happened if I had left him alone?

He would have used his newfound power to awaken his followers, and exploited their blind fanaticism for terror.

People would have died, and the public perception of the Collectors would have become even more dangerous.

Bak Moon-chul, who barely managed to breathe, coughed harshly and shouted desperately.

Cough, cough! Stop, stop! If you kill me, youll become the same as me!

How pathetic and predictable. Thats your argument?


This time, the thread turned into a needle and pierced his right wrist. 

Bak Moon-chul screamed in agony and drooled from his mouth.

Same as you? Is that what youre saying? Then tell me. How are we the same at all?


Tell me. How are we, the same?

This time, his left wrist was pierced. 

The room was filled with a tearing scream, and Bak Moon-chul writhed on the floor in pain.

Just as he was about to faint, a strange power seeped into his body. 

It was the power of the story called The Shape of Azure that Yu Hyun possessed.

As the blue vegetation-like vitality filled his flesh, the pain subsided and his sanity returned to normal.

But Bak Moon-chul knew that this was not to save him. 

Rather, it prevented him from losing consciousness, so he had no choice but to feel the next torture vividly.

Please, please

Oh. Now youre begging?

Pleasespare me. I beg you.

The arrogant fraud who had ruled this place like a god was gone. 

With just a few moments of pain, Park Moon-chuls spirit had completely broken.

He bowed his head and pleaded with Yu-hyun. 

Please spare his life. 

He would never do it again.

He would never do it again.

Yu-hyun watched him silently and clenched his fist.

How disgusting was this sight? 

Compared to the agony he had endured in the apocalypse, this was not even one percent of physical pain. 

And yet, he acted as if he had repented for everything.

Did you say you were Gods agent?

No, no. Thats not it.

Did you say I was a devil? Do you think Gods agent can beg a devil for mercy? Do you think you can kneel before a demon?

Im not, Im not Gods agent. Im sorry. I was, I was crazy for a moment. I was wrong. Im, Im the real bad guy.

He desperately tried to show remorse for his sins. Yu-hyun stroked his chin.

Did you really do wrong?

Yes, yes! Yes, I did. I was wrong. So please, please have mercy

Hmm. Really? Is that so?

Yu-hyun raised a finger as if he had a good idea.

Then, pay me.


You did it often, right? You said to give a generous donation to prove your faith. I agree with that. If you want to repent for your sins, and if you want to ask for mercy, you have to pay me. You know, right? Ill personally give you absolution.

That, that is

Park Moon-chul rolled his eyes. 

He didnt really think he had done anything wrong in the first place. 

He just pretended to be pitiful and hoped to get out of this situation somehow.

Yu-hyun had seen through his ugly intentions from the start.

Of course, someone who had been doing this for decades wouldnt suddenly regret everything because of a moment of pain. 

If that were the case, the world wouldnt have become like this.

Why? Cant you do it?

Ho, how much?

That depends on how much you think your sins are worth.

Park Moon-chul broke into a cold sweat. He seemed to be racking his brain hard. He had to protect his hidden fortune without offending the other party.

I, I dont know.

You dont know? You dont even know how many sins youve committed?

That, that is

Fine. Then Ill help you. With your sin price.


Yu-hyun got up from his seat. 

He walked over to the bookshelf where religious books were stacked.

Why over there? No, no way. That cant be it? Park Moon-chuls anxious gaze never left Yu-hyun.

As he did so, Yu-hyun tapped on a few books on the shelf.


Then something surprising happened. 

The bookshelf suddenly moved sideways, revealing a safe hidden behind it.

Park Moon-chuls eyes widened. 

That was his secret wealth that he had accumulated over his long career. 

He had deliberately kept it in cash and valuables to avoid tax scrutiny and bank records, but he didnt expect it to be exposed so easily.

Ho, how did you?

He had never told anyone the location of that secret safe. 

It was his and his alone. But this man who suddenly appeared knew about his dark past, and even the location of the safe that he could never let anyone find out.

It was no surprise that he also knew the password for the digital safe.

Yu-hyun grabbed a handful of the contents of the open safe and showed it to Park Mooncheol.

Youve taken quite a lot. This amount should be enough. You can pay back all the people youve been exploiting, with interest.


Park Mooncheols reason snapped at that moment. 

He was pathologically obsessed with his wealth, which had become distorted by his greed.

But Yu-hyun touched it and even said he would give it all back to those pathetic believers. 

He couldnt keep his sanity.

Thats mine! Its my property! No one can take it away from me!

Park Mooncheol screamed like a madman and lunged at Yu-hyun. 

He had completely forgotten the pain of having his arms pierced by spikes. 

He was overcome by the urge to strangle that damned devil.

Yu-hyun flicked his hand lightly. 

Then, the white lotus that turned into a thin thread bound his body again. 

Park Mooncheol glared like a wild beast.

Aaaahhh!! No! No! Ill kill you! Ill kill you all!!!

If he lost that too, he would become a penniless beggar with nothing left.

Park Mooncheol hated Yu-hyun. 

He felt that he was being tormented by him for some reason.

Why me! Why are you doing this to me! What did I do wrong! What did I do so wrong!

[Youre really disgusting.]

Its because this is his true nature.

Yu-hyun knew that was his real self. 

He didnt know that he was sinning even when he did wrong. Instead, he had the audacity to ask why not.

He didnt even try to learn when he taught him. 

The heads of those kinds of people had already hardened and refused to change.

He enjoyed it even more.

The sight of a person who was wronged and exploded with rage, and who eventually fell into despair of this reality where he could do nothing.

It was the best.

Ugh. Ugh. Why, why are you doing this to me.

Yu-hyun flashed a red gleam in his eyes as he looked at Park Mooncheol, who was gasping for breath after struggling by himself.

Theres no need to waste my words on someone who wont listen.

I am

So, just know this. I will dispose of all your former assets and return them to other people. Your solid fortress here will soon be trampled by the heretics boots and taken away by the association. Your believers who trust and follow you? They will curse and mock you. They will claim that you were not an agent of God, but a mere cult.

I am, I am

Park Mooncheol, the human, will be forgotten as he loses everything, without anyones sympathy, and as he becomes the talk of the town. In this country and in this world. Having no one to remember you means the eternal death of your existence.


The thread that wrapped around Park Mooncheols body had turned into a rope and tightened around his neck. His legs lifted off the ground and hung in the air.

Park Mooncheol had a hallucination.

He saw himself flying endlessly toward the light of heaven, then his golden wings behind him breaking and tearing, and falling down to the depths of the abyss below.

Below the people he had stepped on to climb up.

Much lower than that.



And his feet stopped in mid-air before they touched the ground.

Park Mooncheols body, fixed in the air, was supported by only a single rope and swung like a pendulum.

Its over.

Yu-hyun didnt even spare a glance at Park Mooncheols dead body. 

He scraped up all the loot in the secret safe. 

He planned to convert them into money later and ask Sung Yu-chan to send them to the victims.

The death of a cult leader would be a hot topic for a while, but then it would fade away.

He had taken all the evidence of Park Mooncheols corruption, and it was time to leave.



He felt a faint golden light coming from somewhere. 

He turned his head toward the source of the light.

It was Park Mooncheols corpse. 

The light came out of his body that had fallen to the floor after the rope disappeared. 

Then, it slowly formed into a shape and floated in the air.

That is

Yu-hyun felt a huge sense of awe from that light.

It was not just what he saw with his eyes. 

All his senses told him that the light was extraordinary and had a great connection to him.

Yu-hyun could immediately recall what that golden light was.


Surely, that something of golden light that he had seen at the end of the apocalypse before he died, was the same as what he saw in front of him.

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