The Main Characters That Only I Know

Chapter 226:

Chapter 226:

Chapter 226

Peoples pupils shrank to a point at the sudden appearance of the white whale.

The giant whale that swallowed No. 27 vanished like a fantasy, and in its place, only the corpse of Experiment No. 27, whose more than half of its body was torn apart, and a white harpoon remained.

As the white harpoon floated in the air as if rewinding time and flew somewhere, the collectors eyes all followed the harpoon.

The one who caught the returning harpoon was a handsome man in a black suit.

The collectors who recognized him widened their eyes.


Who, who is that person?

There was no one in this place who did not know the identity of the young man. 

They had heard of the rumor of the teller who fought better than the collectors even while running through the world of thought with them.

The other tellers who were floating in the air, or watching their own collectors fight from their managers rooms, also recognized Yu-hyun and opened their eyes wide.

The collectors faces brightened at the appearance of Kang Yu-hyun.

He had knocked down Experiment No. 27, which they thought no one could stop, in one shot.

With that much power, he looked at least Rank 4, and from the collectors point of view, it was as if a savior had come when such a person came to support them on the scene.

Everyone focus! Its not over yet!

The commander shouted with blood in his throat, and countless shadows poured out from the entrance of the world of thought almost at the same time.

Someone stepped back in surprise at the sight of countless bats.

Tha, thats Experiment No. 11!

Damn it! As expected, all the guys on the last floor have been released!

Experiment No. 11 was a fantasy creature that looked like a mix of a lizard and a bat. 

It was very small, only about 20cm in size, but its size did not become its weakness.

Their strength was their massive quantity.

Countless bats that filled the sight like swarming ants formed one experiment as a single swarm.

Their teeth were sharp, and they bit into their prey and sucked blood. 

They also used poison at the same time, so they were fantasy creatures that should never be confronted unless they could use wide-area attacks.

Everyone back off! Magicians use fire-based magic!

They dig into the gaps in your armor! Everyone focus on defending your joints!

If you miss even one, they will reproduce again! You have to catch them all at once!

How do you expect us to catch all those things at once!

The screams of the collectors who shouted what they had to do and those who protested that it was impossible got tangled up.

The difference of opinion caused a hitch in the formation.

As the collectors hesitated, Experiment No. 11 tried to spread throughout Seoul before they could react. 

Thousands of small wingbeats overlapped and made their ears hurt.

Stop them!

How do we stop them!

As the collectors panicked, Yu-hyun moved.



Before Experiment No. 11 could spread throughout Seoul, Yu-hyun stretched out his left hand.

Puhwahak! Baekryeon, which was on Yu-hyuns wrist as a bracelet, expanded explosively. 

It was a huge net with densely intertwined fibers.

The net made of thin but unbreakable threads swallowed up Experiment No. 11 like a giant hand.


Squeak! Squeak!

Subject 11 flapped its wings and tried to bite through the net with its teeth, but the white lotus was not even scratched. The more it struggled, the more the net tightened around it.

[Hahaha! You guys tickle me!]

The white lotus had undergone a breakthrough and its shape-shifting range had increased greatly. 

Now it could transform into something like this giant net.

It was a collective subject, and if even one of them escaped, it would reproduce quickly?

That didnt matter. It was enough to catch them all at once like this.

The collectors stared blankly at the scene, then one of them came to his senses and shouted.

We cant let our guard down yet! They have a trait that makes them fuse when they are in danger, so!


The warning became reality.

Subject 11s body merged together when it realized that it couldnt escape from the net.

Wings with membranes and a huge lizard head. 

The creature made of thousands of life forms was a giant dragon. 

It pushed away the white lotus made of net with its strength and tried to break free.

And that was the situation that Yu-hyun was waiting for.

White lotus. Release it at the right timing.

[Got it.]

Yu-hyun lifted his white whale bone spear.

The size of the fused subject 11 was, at the very least, bigger than subject 27 that he had knocked down earlier. And Yu-hyun was very glad of that.

[Kill The Whale]

This skill, which he obtained by defeating Moby Dick, was a killer move for monsters that inflicted more damage the bigger the opponent was. 

And fused subject 11 was undoubtedly a huge monster.

The white whale bone spear in his hand trembled.

It begged Yu-hyun desperately to swallow that thing up quickly.

Ill do that for you.

Yu-hyun took his stance and finished preparing his spear. At the same time, fused subject 11 glared at Yu-hyun with a murderous look in its eyes.

At the same time, Yu-hyun threw his harpoon.


The harpoon flew like an arrow, cutting through the air with a sonic boom and transforming into a huge beast as it did when it knocked down subject 27.


The devil of the sea, Moby Dick, bared its dense teeth and flew towards subject 11.

The bigger the opponent, the bigger Moby Dick became. 

And now Moby Dick was 1.5 times bigger than when it swallowed subject 27.

Moby Dick, which was almost 100m long, tore apart the body of the fused subject with its mouth.


Fused subject 11 couldnt even scream and became a handful of prey. 

It didnt have a chance to split again. 

Its flesh, which had merged into one, met death, which meant that all of subject 11 was dead.

The scene impressed all the spectators who watched it.

Wow. Unbelievable.

Was that even possible?

The collectors couldnt close their mouths as they saw Yu-hyun easily subdue subject 11, which looked gloomy just by looking at it.

And that was also true for Hanul Clan, who were watching from the scene.

Crazy. Wasnt he just a mediocre management until a while ago?

How can that teller be so strong?

Worried that Yu-hyun might recognize them and show hostility, Hanul Clans collectors shrank their shoulders and hid their bodies among the crowd of other collectors.

[The spirits admire your strengthened power.]

[Most of the spirits cheerfully shout to finish off the fantasy world as well.]

The viewers also cheered and sent points to Yu-hyuns overwhelming performance.

When no more fantasy beings popped out from inside the fantasy world, the collectors finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The person in charge, who had barely cleaned up the scene, approached Yu-hyun and extended his hand with gratitude.

Mr. Kang Yu-hyun, the teller. Thank you for your help. Thanks to you, we were able to stop them without much damage.

Dont mention it.

Yu-hyun answered, holding his hand.

As soon as Yu-hyun turned his back and tried to approach the fantasy world, the person in charge called him anxiously.

Wait a minute!


Are you going to enter the fantasy world now?

Yes, why? Is there any problem?

Well, no, not that. Its just that there are some fantasy beings that escaped the siege, and I was wondering if you could help us hunt them down if possible

He seemed worried about him going inside the fantasy world alone.

Rather than being jealous, Yu-hyun felt grateful for his caring attitude and smiled back.

Theres no need for that.


Yes. Because another person has already taken care of them all. Youll hear the news soon.

What do you mean

Before the person in charge could ask anything, his radio rang. He apologized to Yu-hyun and quickly answered.

Yeah. What is it? Did you catch all the escaped fantasy beings?

[Yes. We caught them all. But]


The person in charge glanced at Yu-hyun. 

It was really as he said, good news had arrived.

Is he some kind of prophet?

He thought so and asked the other person.

What do you mean, but? Did something else happen?

[No, nothing like that. Its just that we didnt catch them ourselves.]

What do you mean? Then who did?

[Well I didnt see it well because it was too fast.]

The collector on the other side of the radio hesitated for a moment and finally answered.

[A living blue lightning swept across the ground.]

What? What are you talking about? How can lightning move on the ground?

What kind of nonsense was that? Blue lightning swept away all the fantasy beings?

But he couldnt get a satisfying answer even if he urged him. The collector from the association who was explaining from the other side of the radio didnt know what he saw either.

[Im telling you, thats the only way I can say it.]

Huh, okay. Anyway, check the damage situation around and huh?

The person in charge didnt even finish his radio call when he realized that Yu-hyun had disappeared. 

He hurriedly turned his head and found Yu-hyun approaching the entrance of the fantasy world.

Hey, wait! Mr. Kang Yu-hyun!

Dont worry and wait there. Reinforcements will be here soon.


Yu-hyun did not answer. Instead, he turned his back and waved his hand, gesturing that he was fine.

Yu-hyuns figure disappeared into the inner world of the fantasy, and the manager licked his lips nervously.

Reinforcements are coming? Who are they?

His question was cut short. 

At the edge of his sight, a flash of light burst out, and a woman appeared in front of his nose.

He startled and shuddered, feeling his heart almost jump out of his mouth.

He was a fairly experienced collector among the mid-level ones, but he could not read the movement of the other party at all.

What was more surprising was the sight of Kang Hye-rim, who had blue currents wrapped around her body in real time.

Her hair color was not black as he had seen before, but a bluish silver, but he could still recognize who she was.

Th-the Swordmaster? Are you really the Swordmaster?

Yes. I came to help.

Y-yes? Did you clear all the fantasy creatures outside?

Kang Hye-rim nodded with a blank face.

I took care of all the fantasy creatures that were nearby. The only thing left is this inner world of fantasy, but I dont need to interfere. He went in there.

He? You mean Teller Kang Yu-hyun? Is he really okay?

What do you mean?

He went into that dangerous place alone, no matter what.

Kang Hye-rim smiled faintly, as if she found his worry amusing. 

The manager wondered if he had said something wrong, and carefully reviewed his words.

Kang Hye-rim did not bother to correct his misunderstanding. 

He would soon find out why she reacted like this anyway.

She just had to wait quietly for Yu-hyun to clear the inner world of fantasy and come out.


As soon as he entered the inner world of fantasy [Geladric Secret Laboratory], Yu-hyun was greeted by strangely shaped fantasy creatures.

Are you already welcoming me?

There was no answer.

Five experimental subjects that were much stronger than Experiment No. 11 that came out earlier glared at Yu-hyun.

They were all solo numbering experimental subjects that had been locked up in the deepest underground of the secret laboratory. The creatures that were mixed with various monsters and beasts drooled as they looked at Yu-hyun.

Yu-hyun looked back slightly.

It was hard to run away like this, and even if he did, they would soon break out into the outside world and slaughter everyone.

I have no choice.

Yu-hyun shrugged his shoulders and swept his right hand over his face.

And then.

Black texts gathered along the path where Yu-hyuns hand passed, forming a mask.

[Incomplete s Mask.]

Red light burst out from inside the empty eyes of the devils mask.

Yu-hyun held Baekgyeongoljak in his right hand and Baekryeon in the shape of a sword in his left hand.

The experimental subjects who read his intention from this tiny life form bared their teeth and exuded their killing intent. 

The dense killing intent emitted by the huge experimental subjects filled the space and made it hard to breathe.

Yu-hyun smiled under the mask at the tingling sensation on his skin.

Come on.

The experimental subjects charged at me at the same time as Yu-hyuns provocation.


After the battle was over, I wore the sword I had drawn on my waist.

I was standing at the entrance of the fantasy world, far away from the airport.

I had arrived here after fighting my way through the phantasms from the airport.

Thanks to the collectors from Greece who joined me along the way, I wasnt injured, but I was a bit out of breath from fighting non-stop.

Are you okay?

Im fine.

I answered the collector who asked me with a worried look.

Most of the collectors around me looked at me with friendly eyes. If it werent for me, many people would have died because of this fantasy world rampage.

Despite being a collector from another country, I couldnt stand the injustice and stepped up. My actions were enough to inspire everyone.

What made them more in awe of me was my martial prowess.

I had defeated more phantasms than anyone else on my way here. 

The fight I showed was enough to make even the collectors who fought alongside me forget about the battle for a moment.

A goddess descended on the battlefield.

That was how they looked at me.

Ive raised their expectations too much.

My original goal was to visit the fantasy world quietly, grab the hidden piece, and get out quickly, but now that seemed impossible.

But since Ive cleared this far, I should be able to retreat.

Thats what I thought when it happened.


A coin-like sound rang out, and a silver coin fell from the sky.

I caught it without thinking.

What is this?

My eyes widened.

The coin I got was the hidden piece I had been aiming for.

Why did this suddenly happen?

I was confused by getting the hidden piece without even clearing the fantasy world.

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