The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 342 The True Beginning Of Nightmare (2)

"May I know what kind of crisis we are going to prevent?" Basil asked with a sigh despite knowing the answer.

"Unfortunately, I don't know. Our father didn't say anything about it, probably because he doesn't want to cause a panic." Edward frowned lightly. "I am inclined to believe, however, it is something very detrimental to our Kingdom."

Edward was not wrong saying what Goap and Scylla were going to do would greatly put the Kingdom in danger; in fact, it would even put the world in danger. What Scylla was about to do, after all, would result in countless of death.

Her Spell that she was still preparing, after all, would allow her to use Charybdis as a gate that connected her to every river, lake, and sea that was big enough to host Charybdis, which was many in Braxtein Kingdom.

The gate, of course, wouldn't be used only by her. She would let the Aquatic Demons and Aquatic Magic Beasts living in the Southern Sea Region to enter it and evoke chaos in the area where Charybdis connected them to.

There would be basically tens of Charybdis appearing throughout Braxtein Kingdom, and they could also do things the real Charybdis could.

They could create a whirlpool that could easily swallow a battleship and also a tsunami that was big enough to kill tens of thousands people .

As much as it was desirable to prevent this from happening, it was unfortunately impossible. The Spell had been cast, and it was just a matter of time until it took effect.

Basil could guarantee the human army wouldn't arrive there before the Spell took effect. He was also very sure, given how sudden the order was given, no one would be completely ready to fight there.

Although the order wasn't given yet as of then, he knew Anthony would just basically tell everyone to rush to Southern Mountain Region as fast as they could. People would definitely follow his order immediately, uncaring to the lack of coordination.

Coordination was the most important thing in a battle, so without doubt, the upcoming battle would be another mass murder. Everyone would be looking for a leader to follow, but they would find none since all of them were doing the same.

No one would be bold enough to step up to become the leader, because they didn't want to be responsible for the deaths of many in the fierce battle. In the end, they would only care for themselves, leading to the absolute defeat of humanity.

"Head Commander?" Basil was awakened from his thought by Edward. "What is your answer? Don't worry, I am not going to boss you around. I just want you to fight alongside me as a partner and—"

Basil put his hand up, stopping Edward from talking. "Let us wait until the official order is sent."


His Transmission Talisman vibrated a second after his statement. As everyone checked theirs, he didn't bother to check his, and merely turned Edward.

"I am honestly quite spent, and I don't think I am ready to fight another battle yet. I will join the battle late to recuperate first."

Now that the battle where he was stationed in was already concluded, he had actually fulfilled his responsibility as the Head Commander. Meanings, he didn't have to lead the army any longer.

He had even taken off the Temporary Head Commander Badge, which made him no different from any other people who weren't a part of the Royal Army. Because of that, he was only required to participate in the battle, not come as soon as possible.

"... How long do you need?"

"A day and a half."

Humming to himself, Edward pondered deeply. He wanted to immediately rush to Southern Sea Region, but he really wanted to fight alongside Basil.

He had no right to drag Basil with him unless Basil clearly stated he didn't want to participate in the battle. In other words, he needed to wait for him.

He personally didn't think his late arrival would mean something since he was planning to let his army go first. He worried, however, that his brothers would steal all of the credits for themselves.

"Well, since when do I care about such things?" Smirking, he eventually nodded his head in agreement. "I will wait for you, and backup your excuse in case my father questions your lateness in the future."

"It is nice to work with someone who understands some basic courtesy."

Smiling softly, Basil extended his hand. Edward also smiled softly as he grasped Basil's hand, and shook it as if they had just made a big and extremely profitable deal.

Letting go of Basil's hand, he stepped aside to let Basil through. He immediately frowned, however, the moment he saw his half siblings and the Legion Commanders blocking Basil's way.

While his half siblings looked like they weren't very sure of what they were doing, the Legion Commanders looked like someone who had determined themselves to confess their love.

"Well... Am I so hated that all of you are going to gang up on me to teach me a lesson?" Basil said jokingly.

"Head Commander..."

Basil quirked his eyebrow as he saw Glenn step forward. He was already tired of reminding them that he was no longer their Head Commander, so he just ignored the fact that Glenn had addressed him that way.

"Please, become our Head Commander once again." Glenn took out the Temporary Head Commander Badge that Basil had taken off, and presented it to him. "We want you to lead us in this battle."

"You do know that I have to immediately go to the battlefield if I put that back on again, don't you?"

"You don't have to, Head Commander. We will wait for you until you have fully recuperated, and fight alongside you!"

At Glenn's heated declaration, the other Legion Commanders exclaimed, "Please, Head Commander!"

Basil blinked his eyes, and smiled wryly as he found his situation as annoying as it was amusing. "You are going to be punished for that, you know? All of you."

"That is not a concern." Cameron stepped up, and stood beside Glenn. "I will guarantee you that our father won't blame us for our tardiness. In case something goes wrong, I will take the blame for you!"

Edward widened his eyes in surprise at Cameron's declaration. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect Cameron to say something like that.

Basil also couldn't help blinking his eyes. His relationship with Braxtein's Royalties in his past life had also been passive aggressive, especially with Cameron, so he couldn't help finding the development absurd.

Looking at the green haired duo—Glenn and Cameron—he eventually sighed lightly. "Alright, just don't whine when things are not as you expected." He walked towards Glenn, and took the Temporary Head Commander Badge.

He saw Glenn's eyes light up, and couldn't help shaking his head faintly. Nodding his head lightly at Cameron, he moved past them and left the camp to join Iliana and the others.

The people who were nearby—who had heard the conversation—despite not being a part of the Royal Army, made a consensus to also follow him. They had tasted how great his leadership was—they felt more optimistic fighting alongside him.


Unaware of the amount of people who had decided to join him in the upcoming battle, Basil found Iliana and friends sitting under a big tree that wasn't far from the camp. He walked towards them silently as he didn't want to suddenly interrupt their conversation.

Other than the students of Rehearsal Class and Ione, he could also see Darius, Annabeth, Xiu Li, Diana, and Karan. He was quite surprised when he saw Xiu Li there as he didn't know Xiu Li had participated in the clearance of Goap's Obelisk.

Xiu Li was, after all, just a Third Circle Mage. Regardless of the fact that he had three Grand Circles, it was quite a surprise that he had managed to survive.

As far as he knew, Karan had never been a friend with Iliana. He knew Karan however, so he assumed Karan was there because of him or simply because Xiu Li had invited him.

"Am I welcome?"

The conversation abruptly ceased as they turned their head at Basil. Aside from Iliana, all of them looked at him with deep respect; Ione, like usual, looked at him in reverence.

He quirked his eyebrow at how the people looked at him. He felt like an exotic Magic Beast that no one had ever seen being looked that way.

"You are welcome, of course." Diana took the initiative to respond him. She stood up and went to hug him tightly. "I can't believe that the young man who had just won the Regional Tournament has now won two great battles!"

Diana was burying her face in Basil's chest. He was a little bit surprised by her intimate gesture, but still returned her hug.

Iliana, on the other hand, looked at Diana coldly as if she could kill Diana with her eyes. That made the others uncomfortable, prompting them to cough loudly to remind him of his girlfriend.

Deacon, who was in his small form, was nervous when Basil didn't get the cue, whereas Ione merely smirked in amusement.

She quickly lost her smile as soon as she put Chibi Deacon on her lap however; she wanted to maintain her image of being a serious person.

Letting go of his hug, Basil said, "I am glad you could survive the battle, Diana."

"Fu-fu-fu. Fighting is not my specialty in the very first place. I merely led people; in other words, I had them fight for me." Diana giggled as she covered her mouth.

Although she wanted to downplay her contribution, he knew how good of a job she had done, which was why he nodded his head with a small smile.

Walking past Diana, he sat himself beside Iliana, and found her on his lap in the next moment. Not even asking why she did that, he took out his supply of delicacies.

In the blink of an eye, the casual gathering had turned into a picnic.

"Woah... It looks and smells as heavenly as the food I ate back then at the Regional Tournament!" Xiu Li exclaimed. "As expected, Brother is an amazing cook."

"It is good to see that you are alive, Xiu Li. Be proud of yourself, for many people with more competence than you died in this battle," Basil remarked. "Ah, please, enjoy the food."

Although everyone was urprised by Basil's words that slightly ruined the mood, they started digging in nonetheless. Caressing Iliana's hair, like a father, he watched as all of them looked at him in curiosity.

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