The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 327 Tangled By Fate (End)


Charles screamed loudly before keeling over. He then squirmed on the ground as if a worm poured with salt.

Regardless of that, the process of his heart replacement remained ongoing. The Heart of Bahamut was floating above his chest, gradually disintegrating.

"Master!" Tristan immediately ran to Charles' side. "You Demon! What have you done to my Master?!"

Being glared with such vigour by Tristan, Goap frowned lightly. "What are you talking about, imbecile? Didn't you see that your Master inflicted it upon himself?"

"The heart—you must have put something in it!"

Amused, Goap muttered, "I didn't expect such a meticulous person like Charles had such a knobhead of a disciple." Shrugging lightly, he waved his hand nonchalantly. "Anyway, it is time for me to go. Take care of that lass well."

"Wait! What about my Master? What is happening to him?!"

Sighing lightly, Goap turned to Tristan. He looked at Charles who had his head on Tristan's lap, and could hardly find any problem on Charles.

He expected Charles to know how painful it was to integrate a Dragon's heart into one's heart. He was sure Charles knew the pain he was going to endure, so the spasm and the bulging veins Charles had shouldn't be that surprising.

"In case you don't know anything, that is a normal thing to happen when you are replacing your heart with a Dragon's. His body is just trying to adapt to the overwhelming amount of Mana, which is why it is spasming."

"What? He is going to explode by how things are going!"

"I don't care—that is not my problem." Goap waved his hand nonchalantly. "I just promised him to give him a thousand years worth of progress. I have fulfilled my promise, and the rest is up to him."

"You lied to him, bastard! You are going to—"

"Shut your bloody hole, you insignificant bug!" Goap glared at Tristan coldly. "There is no such thing as a free power. Your Master is definitely aware about it—that is why he dares to take the risk."

Sweating coldly as he trembled in fear, Tristan didn't dare to open his mouth. Goap, on the other hand, merely turned around, then prepared his [Teleportation] Spell.

"Remember, you nitwit, you have to have that lass use her Clan's Art. I give you three days to summon the Seven Princes, so use them well," was Goap's message before disappearing.

Heaving a sigh of relief the moment after Goap teleported himself away to wherever he was going to settle his matters, Tristan looked down at his Master, who was on his lap.

Charles was still spasming, however he didn't look like he was in as much pain as before. His teeth were still gritted and his eyes were still wide open, however seemed to have already gotten used to the pain.

Nodding his head reluctantly as Charles kept focusing his glare on him, Tristan slowly put Charles down from his lap. He then stood up and walked towards Iliana, leaving Charles to his own devices.

Tap. Tap.

By the time he arrived in front of Iliana, he could only stare at her silently as he didn't know what he should do. He ended up engraving Iliana's look into his mind, and he couldn't help but be amazed.

Stripped of her Vanadium armour, Iliana was only dressed in a tight fitting black T-shirt and a pair of pants that Randalvine Magic Institute provided to all of its students. Half of her T-shirt was ripped apart, revealing her abdomen.

On her abdomen, Tristan could see many scars that looked like they were a decade old. All of these scars were the scars that Goap had mentioned, which represented how many times he had disemboweled her.

Looking at her face, he couldn't see any tear stain on it. Her eyes were also clear and cold, which indicated she wasn't bothered by her gruesome experience.

Because of that, Tristan was amazed; it was his first time seeing someone like Iliana directly. She was really the epitome of a tough person.

"You can stop admiring, and just confess, so I can immediately reject you," Iliana disdainfully remarked.

Awakened from his thought, Tristan blinked his eyes in mild amusement. "I do indeed find you extremely attractive, however I don't think I will be able to stand you. You are too domineering for my taste."

"Hmph! Pussy," Iliana sneered.

"I've been called that a lot by the people around me before." Tristan nodded his head calmly. "They were right—I was a pussy—but they still begged for my mercy when I slowly cut them."

Tristan smirked coldly as he recalled the day he tortured all of the people in his village to death. Iliana snorted disdainfully at that, and turned her gaze to Charles, who was still spasming pn the ground.

"No no, I need you to keep looking at me, Miss... Pacifer." Tristan abruptly turned Iliana's head his way. "You don't have to look at my Master's embarrassing display. We have some matters to settle here."

"You can keep dreaming if you are still expecting me to do what you want." Iliana glared at Tristan fiercely. "You can't kill me, can you? You can torture me for how long as you want, and you will only waste your time."


"Shut up, you harlot!" Tristan slapped Iliana. "I didn't ask for your input. Stop twaddling, and speak only when you are ready to do what I say."

"This insufferable twat... You know that I could kill you ten times with a thrust of my spear if I wasn't shackled to this bloody cross, don't you?" Iliana said murderously.

"The case is, you are shackled. Because of that, you can't do anything to me." Grinning as Iliana's gaze became even more murderous, Tristan picked up her Sinister Piercer and showed it to her. "Is this your spear? Well, actually, I don't need your answer."

Even before Iliana opened her mouth, Tristan thrust Sinister Piercer into her stomach. It successfully pierced through her stomach, making Iliana throw a mouthful of blood in the next second.

"Wow. Your spear is a good spear," Tristan remarked. "I just thrust it sloppily due to how heavy it is, but it still managed to pierce you regardless ... Do I happen to have a hidden talent for wielding a spear?"

Shaking his head with a laugh in the next moment, Tristan pulled Iliana's head by her hair to make her face him. She still had her fierce glare, and he couldn't help smiling at it.

"You know what? I have found a direct way to shut your mouth," Tristan sneered. "I don't want to hear you make any comment about whatever I do, so I hope it won't frustrate you much. [Mouthless]!"

Covering Iliana's mouth with his palm, Tristan cast a Dark Spell which he had learnt from Charles a few years ago. It was a Spell that allowed the caster to sew the mouth of the person the Spell was cast on shut.

It also prevented the victim to cast any Spell that could help them to speak, so it was definitely way better than sewing their mouth directly.

"You were already pretty before, and now you are even prettier," Tristan remarked with a smile.

Iliana's mouth was stitched tightly together by a black thread. She could feel the biting pain on her lips, yet she couldn't move them.

She tried to let out her voice, yet she couldn't even utilize her vocal cords. She couldn't even grunt no matter how much she vibrated her larynx.

Seeing that his Spell worked splendidly, Tristan finally moved on to the next phase, which was taking control over her Mind. He cast a Dark Spell specified to mentally torture people, and began to invade her Mindscape.

Just as Goap said, it was hard to breach through her mental defense. As a fellow human however, he knew what to do to make Iliana bend.

Smirking cruelly as he thought of what he would do to ruin Iliana's mental state, the torture began.


An hour had passed since Tristan started mentally torturing Iliana. He was already sweating coldly due to the amount of mental power he had exhausted, and he still couldn't invade Iliana's Mindscape yet.

Iliana was way tougher than he had expected, and he respected her for that. Still, he knew his success was already right in front of his eyes.

Iliana had began shedding tears, which means the torture had significantly hurt her psyche. He didn't know what she was seeing due to his Spell, however he was sure it was something she didn't want to see.

Tristan was correct on his guess. Iliana was indeed seeing things she didn't want to see—things she had been trying hard not to recall, but always remember.

"No, let's save her! We can still save her!"

"Leave it, Iliana! We have to go!"

"No, what about Lady Maya?!"

"She has told us to leave, and we shall!"

It was the day when her village, the Pacifer Clan's village was ransacked by the Paladins of the Church. She could see many brave Pacifer women getting butchered by the Paladins while protecting their children.

She could see Maya being dragged by her hair by a Paladin after she faced all of the Paladins by herself and told everyone to leave her behind.

"You... Lied to me, Iliana. I—I can't believe it."

"No, Basil... I didn't mean to—"

"Look at what you've done."

She had also been seeing Basil having his chest impaled by 3 swords and 1 spear while kneeling in front of her with a forlorn gaze. She didn't know how and why it happened, however it still saddened her greatly as she knew it was her fault.

She was immune to pain, however she wasn't immune to sadness. It caused her to slowly breakdown, which was also lowering her mental defense.

Tristan could gradually see the gap in Iliana's mental defense which he could use to invade her Mindscape. He instantly smirked excitedly as his one hour long of effort had finally borne result.

"Let us see what this tough harlot—keuk!"

Just as he was about to invade Iliana's Mindscape however, he could feel an unbearable pressure behind him. In the next moment, his neck was grasped tightly, causing him to suffocate.


He was smashed to the ground before being lifted once again. He could finally see the person who was holding him; his pupils immediately dilated in absolute fear the moment he looked into the person's extremely murderous eyes.

It was Basil who was by no means amused at Iliana's state, and his sooner than expected reunion with Charles. It made him feel like they were tangled by fate, and that further encouraged him to immediately kill Charles.

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