The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 990 Proposition of Ice and Snow

Chapter 990 Proposition of Ice and Snow

"What is it, Flunra? What have you realized?" Prof. K asked in question.

His eyes were fixed on the construct that was being activated.

After several attempts which ended up in total failure, the two were finally able to ignite a reaction from the construct. The tiara at the center was finally reacting, it reacted to the black moonlight energy from Flunra and lit up.

Slowly, the black color was corrupted by the Ice and Snow Moon energy.

It was gleaming beautifully, showing the true nature of the tiara.

Flunra backed away a couple of steps before he was overwhelmed, falling to his knees.

A sense of reverence swayed his body at the sight of the bluish energy.

Such a sight made Prof. K and the other onlookers inside the room surprised, the fact that Flunra went on his knees willingly despite it not being Rex speaks volumes. A work of an abnormal entity.

"We have been given a proposition," Flunra said, lowering his head in respect.

Upon hearing this, Prof. K frowned.

'A proposition? What proposition? And from who?' He pondered.

Never crosses his mind that this construct turns out to be a proposition. Only an entity above their reality could possibly adopt such a method to offer a proposition, it simply exceeds the grandeur of a mortal.

Even the fact that Kyran has woken up from his deep slumber is still surreal for them.

Before Prof. K could make a guess, Flunra continued, "It was the Lunirich Goddess of the Ice and Snow Full Moon, her name is Iseldra. Only she has the power to wake Kyran up from the deep slumber induced by the Ice and Snow Full Moon, and the construct, it's her seal that belongs to her to contact us in the mortal world"

Prof. K was absolutely shocked when he heard this.

Naturally, ever since he knew about Rex's real identity, he has researched about Werewolves.

In his research, he stumbled across the Lunirich Gods.

Just like the other Gods that the Supernatural races worshipped, the Lunirich Gods were the ones responsible for giving power to the Werewolves through the full moon. So realizing that it was one of the Lunirich Gods that did this came as a shock.

Knowing this, he now understands why Flunra expressed such respect in this situation.

Even Naela on the back decided to also go on her knees.

For her, the Lunirich Gods were Gods that were higher than the Gods she worshipped.

Soon enough, the radiance emanating from the tiara permeated the entire construct and turned into a blinding brilliance. Within this luminous spectacle, myriad azure dots merged, coalescing into an object of radiant light.

When the blinding light receded, they could see a floating blue piece of parchment.

It hovered over to Flunra with a light melodic sound.

Flunra bowed once again before he stood up and grabbed the piece of parchment.

As Flunra clutched the parchment, the sanctified aura, and luminosity swiftly receded once again, restoring the room to its ambient light. Glancing at the contents, he discovered that it was a map, an actual map that led to a destination marked with a crystalline blue tiara.

Prof. K stood up and asked, "What does she want?"

"I think she's asking us to awaken her Princess in exchange for Kyran" Flunra replied firmly.

Judging from the map alone, he was quite sure that this was what Iseldra wanted. She wants them to go and awaken the Princess of Ice and Snow in exchange for awakening Kyran from his deep slumber faster than the designated time.

Realizing this, Flunra's frown deepens.

From the scale of the matter, he doesn't have the authority to act upon it.

"I will be heading out. Inform Lady Evelyn that I will be leaving. With this urgent matter, I need to inform Lord Rex about this" Flunra declared before he rushed out of the room, this matter definitely needs Rex's attention as soon as possible.

A short moment later, Flunra was intercepted.

Evelyn was the one who intercepted him, knowing that he was going out to meet with Rex.

Standing across each other, Flunra could tell that she had something to say.

It was obvious that she was trying to desperately hold herself back, and eventually, she only managed to force out a couple of words instead of her true feelings, "Tell Rex... Tell Rex that I will keep the city safe and functioning. Tell him that I want him to end the Executor for good, and I'm rooting for him"

"Yes, I understand. I will relay that message to him" Flunra nodded and walked past her.

Flunra left with a loud thudding sound from the entrance's door.

On the other hand, Evelyn stood rooted on her spot before she raised her gaze to look at the empty throne at the end of the hall. Her eyes became tender while she looked at the empty throne, the thoughts inside her mind were unknown.


Meanwhile, Rex didn't know what had transpired inside Dargena City.

He had been fighting against the fear manifestation that Mavenna created for almost half an hour already, and it was hazardous as he was forced to sustain hit after hit. Dodging attacks have become something beyond his capabilities.

With the restraints on his body, dodging the Werewolf Rex was quite impossible.

Rex would need immense luck to do that.


Eating another hit to the face, Rex was sent hurtled away and crashed onto the wall.

It was a powerful hit as it managed to draw blood from his mouth.

At the sight of this Calidora giggled as she was enjoying every second of this show.

Likewise, Mavenna was also amused but she was trying very hard to suppress her chuckle right now as that would be an inappropriate thing to do to her savior. But even then, her chuckles were on the verge of breaking out.

Coughing a couple of times, Rex fell to one knee and wiped the blood on his lips.

He was panting heavily and on the verge of exhaustion.

But it was then his eyes sparkled in realization before his entire demeanor changed, the glint in his eyes turned stern and sharp as he stood on his feet again. He gazed at his own double before the tendrils from the red portal detached from his body.

All of them went back to the red portal before the red portal closed.

"Calidora, I'm done" Rex turned towards her and said.

Upon hearing this, Calidora paused before she nodded her head in understanding.

Since the plan was to make him exhausted, weakening his body's spirit, which was now completed, there was no need for him to continue fighting his demonic double again. He could now move on to the next step.

However, the Werewolf Rex didn't stop and lunged in for an attack again.

Unknown to him, Rex was completely different than he was five minutes ago.

In the very second the Werewolf Rex initiated his assault, a cascade of potential counter raced through his mind. Out of all of the options his mind created, he picked the one he wanted and executed it with remarkable speed.

Not even knowing what happened, the Werewolf Rex found his body suddenly stiffened.

He didn't see what happened that made his body like this.

On the other hand, Calidora, through her Eyes of Terror could see that Rex side-stepped the attack and sent a perfect punch that hits the Werewolf Rex's sternum. It paralyzed his body for a brief second, he stunned like a statue.

Rex cracked his neck before he placed his hand over the Werewolf Rex's shoulder.

"I understand you're not real and likely devoid of emotions, but your enjoyment in pummeling me didn't sit well," He declared, locking eyes with the Werewolf Rex. "It irked me, so I'm going to return the favor with a punch, alright?"

Upon hearing this, the Werewolf Rex raised his eyebrows in confusion.

But it was then that Rex got into his position.

He pulled his arm back as his red force, mana, and moonlight energy gathered at his fist, his aura was climbing higher as he did that. It came to a point where the energies created a light vacuuming sound and eventually cloaked his entire fist.

Smiling wickedly, Rex's eyes then flashed before he punched the Werewolf Rex strongly.

Using his entire body in that punch, he drives his fist into the Werewolf Rex's stomach. His punch was so strong that it forced Werewolf Rex's body to curve backward, the devastating explosion of force then sent him crashing away to the other side of the courtyard.


Now that he was not restrained, Rex easily defeated the Werewolf Rex.

It's not that the Werewolf Rex is weak, but it was because his close combat was way better.

Mavenna and Calidora looked to the other side and found the Werewolf Rex planted into the walls, he was unmoving after receiving that punch. But surprisingly enough, his body didn't dissipate into demonic energy, meaning that he tanked that punch and survived.

After delivering that punch, Rex looked at his fist and frowned a little.

He disappeared from his spot and reappeared in front of the Werewolf Rex with his hand placed on the Werewolf Rex's shoulder again. While loosening his hand, he said, "The angle of that punch was off, I didn't punch you properly. Let me do it again"

Leisurely, Rex wanted to do the punch again, he didn't feel satisfied with the previous one.

Reloading a punch again, he intends to do the exact same thing.

However, this time, Rex's body started to make cracking noises, he turned into his Werewolf form. A devilish smile was plastered on his lips as this time, he would be using more power than the previous punch.

Even the Werewolf Rex realizes that he won't survive this punch.

"Force Beam..."


Rex delivered another punch that landed at the center of the Werewolf Rex's chest, and this one didn't only create an explosion of force, but it also pierced through the Werewolf Rex's body, jutting out from the back.

It was so strong that the attack even created a hole in the walls behind the Werewolf Rex.

Nothing seems to be able to obstruct this punch.

Then again, his Werewolf form amplified 150% of his physical stats thanks to the Sovereign of the Night passive skill. His punch naturally becomes even stronger. And upon eating that punch, the Werewolf Rex's body instantly puffed into demonic energy.

Seeing this, Rex nodded in satisfaction, "Now that's better"

After finishing his own demonic double, Rex turned his gaze to look at Mavenna.

Mavenna instantly averted her eyes away when she saw him looking at her, the gaze alone made a bead of sweat seep out of the side of her face. Obviously, Rex was annoyed at the fact that she didn't cancel her spell even though he was shouting at her earlier.

But even then, he couldn't be angry as that spell works, he was physically exhausted.

Panting heavily, he turned towards Calidora.

"So, what now? My body's spirit is definitely very weak right now" Rex asked through gasps.

Upon hearing this, Calidora gracefully shifted into a meditative posture. "Now, take a seat and close your eyes. We'll start cultivating your cursed source and reach your desired realm, but be warned—the pain can be quite extraordinary"

"Pain?" Rex chuckled. "Out of all things, that's the only thing I'm completely used to"

Following that, the two started to meditate.

Oblivious to the two of them, a shadowy presence leaped out of Rex's body into the sky.

It was the Countess of the Dark Lunirich.

Suddenly, she came out of Rex's body and hovered in the sky above the castle, her eyes were looking in a particular direction to the west. Judging from her expression, she seemed to sense something which was able to pique her interest.

"Odd... the divine ambiance, why did it tremble slightly?" She mused inwardly.

For a very brief second, she sensed the change.

But it only happened for a fraction of a second before returning to normal again. Despite her worry, there doesn't seem to be anything that could further her suspicion so she decided to go back inside Rex's body again.

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