The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 977 Concealed Beauty

Chapter 977 Concealed Beauty

Rex settled inside a bed chamber that was surprisingly tidy and clean.

Inside was dominated by the somber hues of black and crimson, embodying the perfect imagery of a Vampire's castle. He first made his way to a glazed window, and manipulated his Lunar element to conjure a curtain that shielded him from direct exposure to the glow of the Hare Moon hanging in the night sky.

After, he felt way better and took a seat on the edge of the bed with a light groan.

Nothing seemed to be working.

For a solid five minutes, he attempted to access various features of the System— the Shop, Inventory, and even the stats window to no avail. He was completely suspended from using any of them, all because of the System Relaying Bet Quest.

Right now, he could only lean on his own abilities to actually get out of this situation.

And that is perhaps the purpose of this quest.

How did it come to this? Am I not being careful enough? Is the Executor smarter than me?

No, that can't be right, he didn't even realize my plan.

Or is it best for me to assume that he knew and pretend to not know?

In contemplative silence, a myriad of questions plagued his mind, the setback prompting deep introspection of what caused him to be in this situation. He realized, in hindsight, that the Executor had anticipated Gistella's loyalty, even though she needed his help.

Knowing this, he managed to make a move around it.

Gistella doesn't know about the System, and she wouldn't suspect his weird request.

Had she known about Rex's possession of the System, she might've suspected that this weird request was an attempt to sabotage him. However, at that time, it only raised a faint alarm, and Gistella remained oblivious to the devastating aftermath that would follow.

Deep inside his pompous arrogance, the Executor is also a master trickster.

No need to contemplate this too much, my plan is already set, and the System Relaying Bet Quest changed nothing. All I need to do is defeat the Executor, and I will grow leaps and bounds. And if I lose...

Rex's expression darkens as he thinks about this, both of his fists are clenched.

His mind wandered to the others.

All he did to reach this position in the world after taking vengeance for his parents was to create a safe world where nobody would need to experience what he experienced, and also protect others so that they could live their lives free from danger.

That's the only thing he wanted.

Of course, he has some bad blood with certain entities that he needs to resolve.

But deep down, that is not what drives him further.

Just the thought of suffering defeat against the Executor and losing his power stung greatly in his heart, knowing that when that happened, all of his enemies were going to come in for the kill, and the others would suffer from their wrath.

Adhara, Evelyn, Kyran, Ryze— Gistella... I can't afford to lose, not now!

Until my enemies' demise, I can't lose!

It was at that moment, a flicker of determination flashed inside his fierce, red eyes.

He had too much to lose right now before the System Relaying Bet Quest. If he died, the Executor would come and wipe the others easily. But now, the Executor found a way to heighten the stake that is already terrifyingly high.

With the System Relaying Bet Quest, if Rex died, it would be devastating.

Death is too grand of a fate for them now, considering that they would all lose their powers, and the Executor might not see them as threats anymore. He would resort to making their lives a living hell, being his plaything until the end of time.

Rex couldn't let that happen, not when he still has time to change that outcome.

Even if he didn't have the time, he would still do something.

I'll inform the others that I'm fine, all of them should be worried when only Ryze comes back.

Although he couldn't rely on the System for this, he was never a person that is too reliant on something. He had relied on nothing but himself ever since he was in the military, and finding alternatives is not something he found hard to do.

"Tell me, who is that Vampire, and how do you know her?" Mavenna suddenly asked.

Likewise, she was also inside the room with him.

Upon hearing this, Rex glanced at her briefly before sitting in a meditative position, preparing himself to do something, "Her name is Calidora, a Vampire Princess from the Blodirra Family. As for your latter question, I don't see why you need to know that"

Mavenna paused for a second, her lips were sealed.

'No point in warning him about her, he wouldn't listen to me anyway' She sighed softly.

Even if she tried warning him, Rex would just brush it off.

However, compared to earlier with the Executor, she decided that she would not be saying still and would do something. 'Blodirra Royal Family, huh... Then she must be a very young Vampire. But her bearing didn't depict being young, it was almost as if I was standing in front of Queen Elizabeth'

'No matter, if she's young, then I can pull this off...' She added with a light nod.

On the other hand, oblivious to what Mavenna was thinking, Rex closed his eyes in serenity.

Recognizing the need to communicate with the others about his condition, he decided to utilize the duplicate he had summoned to assist Adhara and Evelyn in relieving themselves. He was glad that he left behind the duplicate, now that he could use it to contact them.

Some time passed, and Rex eventually opened his eyes.

Rubbing his temples, trying to alleviate the headache brought on by repeatedly rephrasing the message he intended to send, he eventually completed it. "Let's get this over with. Once I've fulfilled my part to Calidora, I'll have to confine myself in an underground chamber, optimally, before the Hare Moon takes full control of my mind and body"

Glancing to the side, Rex's eyes widened slightly at the sight of Mavenna.

Hmm...? I didn't know Demons need to sleep.

Instead of being awake, as she said that she would be coming to keep an eye on him while Calidora is feasting on his blood, she fell asleep instead. Rex headed over to her and tried to wake her up, shaking her body a couple of times.

"Mavenna? Wake up. Aren't you coming with me?" Rex muttered.

But even after a moment, he found that Mavenna had no indication of waking up.

I suppose I'll have to go by myself. As long as it doesn't drag on for too long, it should be fine. Rex sighed internally, resigned to the situation. Nevertheless, he was aware that Mavenna was quite clumsy, and falling asleep when she was supposed to awake was consistent with her clumsiness.

Going outside of the chamber, he found himself in the hallway again.

Rex saw that the torches on the wall light up, seemingly guiding him in a certain direction.

He decided to follow along, thinking that it was Calidora who already prepared this for him when he came out. Soon, about two minutes later, he stood in front of a door that should have led to the master bed chamber where Calidora waited for him.

Taking a deep breath, he grabbed the handle and pushed the door open.

Oddly enough, his heart was beating very hard, even though he was only meeting Calidora.

Maybe the fact that it was Calidora's room that made him feel this way.

Upon swinging the door open, his gaze was immediately drawn to the far end of the room, where a bathtub of elegant design awaited. A blend of steel, crimson, and white hues adorned the tub, showcasing an intricate vampiric glyph that he recognized, beautifully carved into the side.

Bending over right beside the bathtub was Calidora, glancing back at him.

Rex felt his throat tighten and his body froze in place.

It was all because Calidora was completely nude, her mistifying, flawless body was bare for his eyes to see and marvel at. Every contour of her was the epitome of perfection, an aspect he had overlooked amid her usual eccentricity. Her breathtaking physique, concealed beneath the veneer of craziness, was an unexpected revelation.

Everything about her is just right, perfect to what he desired from a woman's physique.

During that trance, his eyes unconsciously looked her up and down.

Moreover, he could only gulp harshly, realizing that above the bathtub hung an ornate mirror, perfectly positioned to reflect the front side of Calidora's body, ensuring Rex's mind that neither the front nor back side lost even a hint of its allure.

Her raven black hair, dripping wet, daunting lips, and her surprised face were there to see.

Snapping out of his trance, he quickly turned away.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to knock, and I didn't know you were like this" Rex apologized awkwardly.

Despite his apology, a lingering thought that Calidora was deliberately showing this to seduce him crossed his mind. However, that notion was swiftly dismissed when Calidora replied, "Considering your state, I reckon you would take longer to arrive, so I took a bath first. Forgive this unpleasant sight, I'll change immediately"

"Here, done..." She added, prompting Rex to turn towards her again.

Now, Calidora is wrapped around a dress made of blood from the water inside the bathtub.

A breathtaking crimson dress, woven from the essence of blood itself. Its fabric, rich and velvety, cascaded down her form, embracing her curves with a haunting elegance. The off-shoulder neckline revealed the smooth contours of her shoulders, one that he praised earlier when she was bare.

In addition, the dress flirted with the concept of modesty, daringly exposing her right leg.

But as he scanned her form, his eyes fixed on a part.

Rex was surprised by a writing on the inner part of her right thigh, its font is hard to read.

However, he could decipher that it was his name, Rex Silverstar.

"Calidora... What is that writing on your right inner thigh, is that my name?" Rex asked softly.

Upon hearing this, Calidora cast her eyes down to her thigh, a flicker of surprise passing across her features before embarrassment took its place. "Ah—It's a milestone of the Eternal Curse binding us together, and for some reason, it manifests into a tattoo of your name on my thigh. I wasn't planning to show you that"

Despite what she said, Rex could hear a hidden, inviting undertone in her voice.

It only serves as more temptation, softening his walls.

"Am I mistaken, but shouldn't Mavenna come with you here?" Calidora asked questioningly.

Rex rubbed his throbbing forehead, a painful expression on his face. With a nonchalant shrug, he wrestled with the burgeoning lust ignited by this encounter internally, repeatedly persuading himself that he could go through this night without succumbing to Calidora's allure, mindful of Evelyn's genuine concern for her.

"I found her asleep, and I couldn't wake her up. So I came here alone"

"Is that so...? Well then, come and lay down, we need to be quick"

Agreeing with a nod, he entered the bed chamber, surprised to find it infused with a pleasant scent, contrary to his anticipation of a blood-tinged atmosphere, considering that her dress was made entirely of blood. But turns out it was wrong, the place smelled fragrant, relaxing to be exact.

Reclining on the bed, Calidora approached.

Instead of proceeding to feed on his blood, she used her own blood to meticulously sketch a complex rune array, albeit not overly huge, just above the bed's head. She did it with so much focus that Rex almost felt reluctant to disturb her.

However, when the rune array glowed crimson, he finally spoke.

"What is that for? I feel like you're planning something right now" Rex said skeptically.

Upon hearing this, Calidora fixed him with her eerie Eyes of Terror, smiling at his cautious demeanor. "Did you forget? Mavenna isn't here, so I'm creating a protection for myself in case you go berserk. I thought your words held significance. If you're having second thoughts about this, then just say it, and I will gladly escort you out"

Rex paused when he heard this, dwelling in his thoughts.

Normally, I would've scanned that array with the System. But I can't, not in this state.

"I'm not backing out, let's get this over with" Rex replied with a sigh.

He laid down on the bed again with his eyes fixed on the ceiling, while Calidora was smiling widely, a hint of excitement can be seen in her eyes. "Don't worry, I'm going to only drink your blood. Nothing else..."

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