The Invincible Corruption Manual

Chapter 41 CHAPTER 40 : Suddenly, A Little Girl Appear

Joey was still cultivating inside the cultivation room. He had been cultivating here for almost a year. But, outside it has been just a month and six days. The time law inside the room is 10:1 in terms of days as compared to the outside. The room is rich with the essence qi, so it was the best place to cultivate for now.

Joey then stops his cultivation the next day. He stood up and stretched his body.

" After this long cultivation, I have reached lvl 5 of the Houtian realm. But, it's worth it. Let's get out of here first." He said to himself.

He approached the teleportation array. Then, he started infusing his essence qi inside the array. After some time, he vanished from the room. He appears before the tombstone that he entered earlier. He looked all around, no one was around that place. Afterward, he started walking to the streamline of the river again.

Thus after walking for three more days, he didn't meet anyone. He took a bath inside the river then continued his journey. He collected various 2nd and 3rd tiers herbs that grow beside the river banks.

Joey brought out the little white tiger from inside the pagoda. The little tiger quickly climbed up his body and stayed on his shoulder. She has been sleeping the whole time.

" Jizhi, do you smell anyone nearby?" Joey asked.

Jizhi nodded its head. She jumped down, started jumping at the bank of the river, and roared at the tiger while baring her teeth.

" Jizhi, what is going on?" He asked. But the little tiger kept roaring toward the river. Joey looked inside the river but could not see anything at all.

At that time, Joey felt something from behind his back. So, released all extra weight and moved out from that place.

' Bang'

A large explosion sound could be heard and the spot he just stood before turned into a small pit.

" Who is attacking me?" Joey asked and he became more alert.

" Hahaha, 5th prince of the Tang nation. We meet again." An old man came out.

" So, you are the elder from the Stone nation. Why are you attacking me?" Joey said while looking at him carefully.

" Alright, I will not beat around the bush anymore. Give all the things that you get from inside that tomb so that I can spare your life. Oh, you have a nice pet, it can even find me while using my invisible technique. Surrender that pet to me too." The old man demanded.

" Elder, don't you know the consequences of your actions now? Also, if you want to get something from me, why don't you come and take them yourself." Joey ridiculed him and smiled at him weirdly.

" Brat, do you think I can't do that? " The old man became angry and started regulating his aura and started suppressing on Joey.

" Early stage of Nascent soul realm is the same as Captain Chao. Let's see how much I have improved." Joey murmured to himself.

At that time, the old man appeared beside him and punched him in the head. Joey dodged the attack but the elder still continued attacking him. The power of his punches was so strong for him. If he was hit, then he will have a serious injury. Lucky that Joey was a bit faster than the old man.

" Old man, this is all you can do. You can't even touch a single hair on my head." Joey started taunting him.

" Good boy, then I will become serious. I just don't want to kill you accidentally." The old man still remained calm.

He made a strange seal with his hand and touched it on the ground. Then the ground started moving and a number of clones similar to the old man-made from the earth started appearing beside him. They all moved toward Joey and started attacking him from all around him.

" This is bad. This old man is an earth elemental expert. I should run. " Then, Joey started using his extreme speed. He runs on the air and escapes from the clones.

" Old man, go and play with someone at your level. I am bored now. See you!" Joey said and vanished from the surroundings.

" That speed! Damn it." The old man could not figure out where he was going. So, he remained there still dejectedly.

While Joey kept running down the stream for some miles. Then he stopped.

" Even if I can't fight back for now. Still, he can't keep up with my speed. There is nothing that can beat with speed. I should start practicing the next movement styles." He said to himself and kept walking.

Some times later, he passed by a bamboo forest with caves around time. The sun is setting down.

" Let's stay here in this cave for tonight." He then searched a clean cave, took out some lighting array, and took out some meat agave at the little white tiger. The little tiger happily enjoyed eating the chicken leg. After eating the chicken leg, the little tiger kept roaring at him.

" So, you want to eat more. Then, take these." He took out two more chicken legs and gave them to her.

Joey laid down and tried to sleep that night. When he just closes his eyes, he heard a shrilling cry of a baby. Then, he quickly went out of his cave to search for the source of the voice. The little tiger too started sniffing around the place and roared at him.

" You found something. Then bring me there now."

The little tiger ran toward a nearby cave. The cave has a very narrow entrance. They entered the cave, the path inside is too narrow just fit for a person to enter and so dark. They kept going inside the cave. After traveling around half a mile inside the cave, they found a big room decorated beautifully. When they entered the cave, they saw a toddler girl around 3 years of age crying in the corner of the room. When the toddler heard them coming, she stopped crying. She then jumped quickly and hugged Joey.

" Papa, I missed you a lot. Mama told me that you will come soon. But, you just came today." The girl smiled sweetly and tightly hugged Joey. She happened to see the little white tiger on his shoulder.

" Papa is that pet mine. So cute. Come here." When the white tiger heard her, she roared back at her and tried to run quickly. But, the little girl was faster. She caught her tail and hugged her while laughing happily.

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