The Invincible Corruption Manual

Chapter 299 CHAPTER 298: Original Volume Of Universal Beast Taming Encyclopedia!

.....So just chill out. Instead, I need to give you a reward for passing my trial." Ao Shun, the black dragon king, said, calming her down. "I know you are b….."

Chun Churan spoke telepathically inside his mind, halting him from further continuing, "Stop, senior! I don't like him to know that I'm a beast tamer in the first place." " Can you hide it for me?"  She pleaded in his mind.

Ao Shun waved his hand and said, "Alright I understand. We can now speak freely. He will not hear us."  "Little girl, for your reward, I have considered something. " He said in a serious tone.

"What is it, Senior Ao Shun?" Chun Churan asked.

"From what you experience in the trial, you must have already figured out how much the intensity of hatred and animosity between dragon clans and the beast-taming family in my time, right?" Ao Shun responded with another question.

Chun Churan nodded her head, remembering the fate between Joey and her during the whole trial, and replied, "Yes, but nothing changed for me. Even if he changes into a devil, I will still follow by his side."

"Alright, I get my answer." Ao Shun spoke with a smile. "Get ready. We are entering a mutual soul contract."

"Mutual soul contract… you mean you wish to become my pet?"  Chun Churan asked, stuttering in surprise.

"Yeah, something like that, but never call me pet again."  Ao Shun responded with a friendly smile.

It overwhelmed Chun Churan with joy as she almost jumped up. She then quickly recollected herself and said, "Senior Ao Shun, are you for real? I can't believe it. Or am I just hearing things? "

"Hey, I'm telling you the truth. Get ready. But before entering our soul contract, first I have some conditions." Ao Shun reassured her.

" Alright, then tell me what are the conditions?" Chun Churan asked cheerfully.

"Little doll, first I like to have equal standing with you after our contract, which means you will not order around me. Second, you need to feed me with pills regularly and I'll do one favor for you each month. Others, I will act when I think it's time for my assistance. But other times never disturb me. At my current level, it's meaningless to help every one of your problems. Especially if I do, then it will be detrimental to your growth. "  Ao Shun explained and asked, "Now tell me, little girl, do you agree to my conditions?"

"Gladly."  Chun Churan responded without a doubt. She then further spoke, "But, before that, Senior Ao Shun, I would like to ask you something too?"

"Oh, shot it then." Ao Shun said casually.

"Senior, you must have hated all the beast tamers. But why are you suddenly decided to come into a soul contract with me?"  Chun Churan asked without hesitation.

"Little doll, if that makes you hesitate, then you don't need to care for it. I have my reason for doing it."  Ao Shun paused for a while and continued, "Alright, I will tell you then. It's because of that boy. You must have already heard about it that the boy is the legendary Soul Devouring Dragon of this millennium, which means he is the overlord of our dragon clan. I want to help him too in his adventures, so attaching to you is the best option for me. In addition, you are the first beast tamer that I wish to believe and trust for the first time."

"Alright, enough chit-chat. Why don't we start the soul contract ceremony? And I will pass you the detail of the spell."  Ao Shun said and tapped on her forehead once. She shut her eyes afterward.

After several minutes, Chun Churan opened her eyes and asked excitedly, "This is the long-lost original Volume of Universal Beast Taming Encyclopedia! Senior Ao Shun, how do you get your hands on it?"

"Girl, before our dragon ancestors broke free and began the clash with your beast-taming family. One of my ancestors who was still loyal and friendly with her tamer, at that time, got her hands on this last and only remaining volume of this skill of your family. Her tamer voluntarily set her free of her own will, when the clash between the dragon clan and the beast taming family further escalated.  " Ao Shun explained and furthered spoke, "Now, I'm returning it back to the rightful owner. Alright, begin the ceremony."

Chun Churan nodded and began chanting a spell in an ancient language that had been used only by Beast Taming families before. At the same time, she took out a dagger from her waist and made a light cut in her hand. Meanwhile, outside in the real world, a wound appeared on her right palm exactly the same as the one inside. The drops of essence qi blood from her hand suddenly flew up itself in the air and entered inside the forehead of the giant luster black dragon.

A similar symbol appeared on their foreheads with a bright light for a moment and dimmed it again. On the forehead of the real body of Chun Churan forehead, a tattoo of a black dragon appeared and disappeared shortly after a few minutes.

"Alright, it's done."  Both of them spoke at the same time inside the trial world.

"Little doll, remember your words. Now, I will send out both of your consciousness outside."  Ao Shun said. Then the next moment, he started muttering a chant in dragon tongue and shouted, "Return!"

In the next instance, both the bodies of Joey and Chun Churan disintegrated and disappeared shortly. The trial world also began to disintegrate just after that.

Outside the real world, on the 16th platform, two consciousnesses were sent out from the giant luster black dragon and entered inside the two bodies before them each.

Finally, Joey and Chun Churan opened their eyes. They both saw a huge luster black dragon before their eyes.

"Hey, what are you two staring at? Yeah, I'm handsome enough, even in my dragon form."  Ao Shun spoke narcissistically.

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