The Insider System

Chapter 162: It’s A Big World

Chapter 162: It's A Big World

Lake didn't even know what the meatal domain was so he shook his head and said. "No." And was about to ask about it but Master Dean started to talk again before he could. "Well that's fine I just wanted to know if you had a way to enter." After he said this Master Dean opened the desk and pulled out a small scroll.

"This will get you through the gates, now to tell you what you'll be doing there." Lake couldn't just let Master Dean keep going because it seemed he had taken him coming to talk to him as he was willing to do whatever he wanted from him. "Master Dean I still haven't decided if I'll be going or not, I just wanted to see what you were offering me."

"Well in that case I won't give you this just yet." Master dean took the scroll off of the desk and put it somewhere he wouldn't be able to reach it and then started to tell him about the offer. "A week ago one of the masters in the fighters guild branch in the Metal Domains capital sent word that Demon Worshipers have been spotted in the Metal Domain, this is a problem because the God of Metal has chosen to stay neutral in the war, but with that he also said neither side could have forces in his territory so the ones who are there are to be destroyed and the Metal Temple put a bounty on every one of them and has asked the Fighters guild to send as many strong people as we could to kill them."

Lake could see where this was going but really just wanted more information on what the Metal domain was, plus he didn't really care that much about the mission only if it was worth his time. "Master, how much money is each Demon Worshiper worth?"

"It depends on their rank in the Demon Lord's army but listen if you take this mission there's a chance the Demon Worshipers will come after you if you leave the Metal Domain. You'll be stuck in neutral territories until the war is over. You will also have to pass through the war zone to reach the gate to the Metal Domain. That being said, you will probably be able to make three or four times what you will be making if you stay here."

It was starting to sound like this was a much bigger decision and would affect more than just his schedule but he didn't think it sounded like a bad deal. He had really only been staying at the Alchemist guild because he felt he would be safe their but it sounded like if he was to go to the Metal Domain he would be safe from the Demon Lord and his army and he wouldn't even have to be bored to death waiting for the war to end.

There was a lot to do in the guild but it wasn't exactly what he was interested in. "How long does it take to get there?" Lake could tell Master Dean was happy by this question because it showed he was interested and it made him wonder how his acceptance would benefit Master Dean. It wasn't really important but he was still curious.

"That would be up to you. I'll just be giving you a map since you've never been there and this recommendation from the guild to allow you inside. So, are you interested?" Lake had made up his mind already so he nodded which led to Master Dean handing him the map and recommendation and saying. "Report to the first Fighters guild you see when you get there."

Lake nodded and got up to leave and as he was walking out he took a look at the map and decided he should be ready to go. There weren't any crazy obstacles or anything between him and where he was headed so he didn't need to stock up on food or supplies and since he was headed back towards the direction he had come from he could just stop by the guild to get more of Millie's food.


Looking ahead Donny could see the gate to the Metal Domain and sighed in relief. They had been having a hard time feeding everyone the last few days and it was making it hard for those who weren't on the carts to keep up at the pace they were moving but all of that was over now all they needed to worry about now was actually getting in.

It would probably take a few days for all of them to get in and while he wasn't worried about himself since he had family here, he wasn't so sure about all the people he and the others had protected on the way here. The metal domain was notoriously difficult to enter and the war had probably made it worse.

He wouldn't be surprised if it took a week for everyone to get through but from what he had heard it was worth it for them to stay in a group because there were rumors that there was a sizable group of Demon Worshipers inside the Metal Domain at the moment and he believed it enough to come here.

He was sure he would be able to make way more gold killing trespassers in the Metal Domain than just leading refugees to various places and even if he was wrong he hadn't been home since his mother died and he left to train. He was sure his brother would be in their family home at this moment training with the shield he had stolen from him.

He had another reason to leave the holy domain as well. The Demon Lord had been talking to him more and more and Donny thought it was probably a bad sign for what would be happening here soon. As he was thinking about the voice Donny saw the gate open slightly to let a few hundred people and a couple of carts through before it was quickly closed again and felt the line they were in move forward slightly.

A few more groups like that and it would be their turn to start proving who they were to the guards at the gate. Looking down at his family crest he wondered what it would be like when they all heard he had come back. He was sure his uncle would try to find him but he wasn't so sure about the rest.

Most of them had kind of forgotten about their warrior background and just started to act like the other rich and powerful families in the Metal Domain so he didn't really have that much in common with them. Not to mention he was sure they had finished their transformation by now so he doubted he would even look like a member of their family.


"Hey, Tiff, are you in here?" Tiff looked up to see Dawn stepping into her room and deactivated her stealth. "Yeah I'm here."

"They just called the meeting, let's go." Tiff nodded and got up to follow Dawn. They had all been waiting for this so even if she knew it wouldn't really affect her that much she wanted to know what the Temple planned to do with the divine core. Walking into the auditorium Tiff went to sit in the back but Dawn caught her arm and dragged her with her to the front.

Tiff wanted to protest but there were too many people around so she just kept her mouth shut. Making a fuss wouldn't really make sense for a person who wanted to sit in the back of the room so no one would pay attention to them. Finding seats next to most of the other members of the 23 she looked around for the few who were missing.

She soon saw them entering the auditorium with the Temple head. It seemed they had missed the actual meeting and this was just to inform the rest of them what was going on. The four members of the 23 that were with the Temple head were unsurprisingly the three swords and Leah.

Tiff wasn't surprised Leah would be one of the temple's top choices because as the spear user she had a lot in common with the God of Light himself who used a spear. That meant she would probably have the best choices for a combat focused Legendary job. That being said Tiff was sure it would be Greg who would get it.

Once the Temple head was on the stage she didn't waste any time and started. "The God of Light has agreed to grant a Legendary job but he wants to be the one who chooses who gets it so in the next few days the members of the 23 will be going one at a time to the Light Domain to the Light Temple."

The Temple head meant the actual Light Temple, not the small ones that had been built here after the Holy Goddess had been killed to help protect the few people with Holy affinity. "We're not sure how much time we have until the fighting starts again so we plan to send the first as soon as the meeting is over."

Tiff thought it sounded like the meeting was already over but she guessed the Temple Head had something else to say. "One last thing, the missing Dagger has been gone long enough with no real leads so we are deciding to give up on looking for it. From now on Tiffany will be leading a small group that will be replacing her role in the 23. It's unfortunate but this way her training won't go to waste. Alright the meeting is over."

It had been a quick meeting so it left her with some questions like if she was going to be sent to meet the God of Light. The Temple Head said the members of the 23 would be going so that included her but without her weapon she wasn't really worth sending. That being said, she actually knew who had it and she had told the Temple about the fact that someone in the Alchemist guild had it before she had actually met Jon.

That being said the Alchemist guild had denied it so nothing really happened there. "Tiffany, would you come with me for a while?" It seemed the Temple head had something to talk to her about and most likely it would be about this team or whatever she was going to be leading from now on.

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