The Immortal in Marvel

Chapter 192: The Magician's Battle

Chapter 192: The Magician's Battle

Facts have proved that you must not offend a beautiful woman.

The revenge of breaking hair three hundred years ago made Sif burst out with 120% strength, and the sharp blade turned into countless cold lights, hitting Loki back again and again, without giving Loki a chance to breathe.

However, Loki, who is a magician, is extremely agile. Under such a stormy attack, he just avoided most of the attacks by moving, and he was even able to swing Gungnir and Sif, the female warriors, to live. Two strokes.

It's just that for some reason, Loki always feels that the long sword is aimed at his hair all the time, and if he is not careful, he may become bald.

Loki doesn't want to procrastinate like this. Thor is dealing with the Frost Titans that invaded Asgard and will arrive at any time. Then his plan will be impossible to implement.

"A woman who gets in the way."

Loki snorted coldly, Gungnir's tail smashed to the ground, and a strong Shockwave suddenly burst out, instantly swung Sif away, and hit the wall of the teleportation hall heavily

With this collision, the hatred between the two will last at least another three hundred years.

Lu Chuang and Heimdall did not act rashly, watching Loki walk into the teleportation hall.

Loki did not launch an attack, he held up Gungnir and said loudly: "Lauf led the Frost Titan tribe to invade Asgard, trying to assassinate the god Odin. Fortunately, I saw through Lauf's plot in time, and I alone resisted Lauf and his 13 tribes, and killed Lauf. Kill on the spot!"

Heimdall: "..."

Lu Chuang: "..."

They all knew that it was actually Loki who led the wolf into the house and brought the Frost titan into Asgard. When his father Lauf was about to attack Odin, he attacked Lauf from behind and killed his relatives righteously.

As a result, after Loki said it, he, the behind-the-scenes mastermind, instantly became the great hero of Asgard who destroyed the Frost Titan conspiracy.

Heimdall couldn't help sighing, this thick-skinned indeed has a bit of Odin's style back then, but it's Thor's rough-headed idiot, there is nothing like Odin from head to toe

Loki seemed to be in the act, trembling with anger, said with a resentful tone: "Heimdall, now I am the king of Asgard, I order you to activate Bifrost immediately and destroy Jotunheim, this is the price paid by the Frost titan for provoking war! "

Destroy Jotunheim!?

Heimdall's eyes were shocked, he didn't expect Loki to play so big and destroy an entire planet.

But the problem is that Heimdall is the Asgardian of Asgard, and his duty lies. Even if he doesn't want to, he must obey the orders of Loki, the acting king.

At the time of Heimdall hesitation, Lu Chuang took the initiative to help out: "He fell asleep and couldn't hear you.

Loki immediately sneered: "Hehe, eyes are open, you said he was sleeping, you think I'm stupid?"

Heimdall opened his eyes: "Hurr~Hurr~"

Loki: "Okay, since you don't want to do it, let me do it!" Seeing Heimdall's attitude, Loki was furious, and was about to snatch the guardian sword from Heimdall's hand, which was the key to open Bifrost.

Before he took a few steps, a huge ax stood in front of him.

"Sorry, this way doesn't work." Lu Chuang looked at Loki with a smile.

Loki recognized Lu Chuang as the Midgard who helped Thor, and his eyes were not friendly: "Is it, but I am good at taking shortcuts."

After finishing the words, Loki raised Gungnir and shot an energy beam at Lu Chuang.

Lu Chuang kicked Heimdall away, taking advantage of the counterforce while avoiding Loki's attack.

Heimdall was kicked by Lu Chuang to the side of Three Kiyo, the whole process without blinking his eyes, snoring rhythmically, he was already asleep and couldn't hear anything.

Lu Chuang's figure was violent, and a huge ax swung like nothing, whizzing and smashing towards Loki's head.

So fast!

Even though Loki had been prepared for a long time, he was still startled by the speed of Lu Chuang's eruption, and he had no time to dodge, so he could only hastily lift Gungnir.


The ax and the spear collided, sparks flew, and there was a dull collision sound.

Lu Chuang remained motionless, while Loki stepped back quickly, feeling the numbness of his arms, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

With this power, is this guy really from Midgard?

A flash of determination flashed in Loki's eyes, no matter what, no one can stop his plan!

Loki held Gungnir in his hand, and said proudly: "I, Loki, King of Asgard!"

Lu Chuang raised his eyebrows, seeing that the other party had such a sense of ceremony, so he followed up and said: "Wade, the magician of the earth."

"Are you a magician?"

Loki was a little surprised, he didn't expect that Lu Chuang was a magician like him, but soon this surprise turned into contempt, he glared at Lu Chuang with his nostrils: "A mere third-rate magician, now let you see the real magic... "

Before he finished speaking, Loki suddenly raised Gungnir and fired an energy beam at Lu Chuang.

At the same time, Lu Chuang slashed at Loki with an axe.

The energy beam just hit the axe, offsetting the power of the axe, and Lu Chuang's offensive also paused slightly.

The two of them looked at each other, and there was a sound in their hearts, secretly thinking that the other party did not talk about martial arts, but actually played a sneak attack.

"Look at the axe!"

With a roar, Lu Chuang raised his foot and kicked Loki.


Just as Loki lifted Gungnir, he was hit hard in the abdomen. He flew upside down and hit the wall with his head. Can punch a big hole.

Loki slid down from the wall and squatted on the ground, clutching his abdomen in pain: " lied to me"

"I just told you to look at the axe, and I didn't say I would chop you with the axe." Lu Chuang walked up to Loki, slowly raised the axe, and made a gesture to chop it down.

Loki showed a sly smile, and his figure suddenly disappeared like a phantom.

Lu Chuang didn't know that this was Loki's forte, an illusion that was hard to distinguish between true and false.

Sure enough, a transparent 360-degree phantom appeared, and Loki appeared beside Lu Chuang, holding two exquisite daggers in his hand, and stabbed at Lu Chuang's kidneys.


The broad ax blade resisted the dagger, Lu Chuang stared straight at Loki, his eyes glowed white like flames, this was the effect of mana attached to his eyes, he could see Loki's soul, naturally he could easily see through Loki's fake body , and find the location of Loki's real body.

Loki's eyes are full of disbelief, his illusion was actually seen through by a third-rate magician!

Loki pretended to be calm, and praised lightly: "A good spell, you can actually see through my illusion."

Lu Chuang smiled modestly: "Where is that, your spells are not bad, where did you get these two daggers from?"

Lu Chuang looked at Loki's attire, and he seemed to be able to block things all over his body.

"definitely is..."

Before Loki could say a word, he raised his foot and kicked Lu Chuang without warning.

Not to be outdone, Lu Chuang threw his fist at Loki's right eye.

Both of them were hit hard and fell to the ground.

However, Lu Chuang recovered faster, before Loki could recover, he turned over and crushed him to the ground, then swung his fists wildly and smashed at Loki's handsome face.

Seriously injured Sif, his three friends, and Heimdall who pretended to be asleep were all stunned.

Are these two really magicians? How does it feel more like two sinister rogues fighting?.

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