The Hedonist Sword God

Chapter 372: A real Heavenly Dragon

Chapter 372: A real Heavenly Dragon


"So fucking scary!"

Trembling endlessly even after the Bamboo Resort Domain stopped shaking were not just the people who were patiently waiting for their turn in the sky but also every single living being living on it.

"What's happening? Why am I so fucking scared?!"

Trying to stop himself from trembling, a teenager who was waiting in the line grabbed onto his body and used all his strength for no reason since he showed no signs of stopping even after he did that.

"You fool! You aren't trembling because of an earthquake!"

Pointing far away in the space, the man who spoke showed everyone the reason behind the huge roar and their shivering in fear.

A dragon A fucking huge white dragon which was many times bigger than the entire Bamboo Resort Domain!!!

Just looking towards it made everyone's shivering go up by a level and look as if they were being electrocuted. Of course there were a few exceptions to this which didn't shiver at all in both those who were waiting in the queue and the ones on the Bamboo Resort Domain, but they were all quite far and few which went to show how terrifying the approaching dragon was.

"The Seventh Ranked Race in the List of Ancient Races!!!"

"Th...Th The Heavenly Dragon Race!!"

Shuddering once again upon identifying which race the approaching dragon belonged to, not only did many feel that it wasn't shameful for them to be scared they even began considering if they should run away since the wrath of a Heavenly Dragon was something which terrified even the strongest beings.

'A real heavenly dragon'

Staring towards the dragon which was a few times bigger than he was when he took the form of the Heavenly Dragon, Jian Shen for some reason found it...inferior

Yes, even though the dragon was many times bigger and unbelievably stronger than him, Jian Shen actually disdained the white dragon since his senses were telling him that it was an inferior little dragon whose bloodline was many times weaker than his own.

Shaking his head with a wry smile since that didn't really matter right now and he would be squashed like an ant if he chose to reveal his thoughts out loud, Jian Shen was about to go back to closing his eyes when his bloodline which always remained calm and stable began shaking for the first time ever.

Not out of fear though, but rather out of pure excitement.

Moving his eyes towards the two individuals travelling on the back of the dragon, Jian Shen's eyes narrowed towards the mature woman who was making his bloodline excited.

Hastily suppressing his bloodline which seemed to be resonating, Jian Shen forced his breathing to calm down as well right before he felt a soul suffocating presence sweep past him and everyone near him.

Not daring to breathe even a little while that presence was investigating him and everyone in his surroundings, Jian Shen breathed out a huge sigh of relief when he could no longer sense that presence anymore.

"How scary"

Muttering to himself under his breath, Jian Shen didn't even dare look towards the woman in fear of being spotted this time.

"What is it, mother?"

Looking towards the direction Jian Shen was in, the woman shook her head and said, "Nothing."

Nodding his head, the boy who was standing beside the woman didn't fail to notice the few seconds her eyes sparkled as if they found some treasure or something interesting.

Having seen this, the boy who had grown up among dragons had no way of not knowing when the female dragons showed this look. They found themselves someone they wanted to mate with!

Thus, other than trying to find out who it was that attracted his mother's eyes, the boy couldn't help but look towards her from the corner of his eyes and lick his lips.

Medium length black hair, black eyes which made her beautiful white skin look even purer, a pair of huge breasts, wide hips, sexy ass, and a charm which only women who had been married for a long time possessed.

All in all, Tian Xiaxue was so sexy and beautiful that her son had dreams of dominating her and fucking her every time he slept.

In fact, it wouldn't be surprising if anyone from the dragon race discovered that Tian Long's reason behind cultivating was to kill his father someday and bed his mother.

As a race in which strength was all that mattered and reigned supreme, things like incest were not even things anyone frowned upon. Especially given to how lascivious both the males and the females were, it wasn't surprising for a dragon's son to kill his father and then fuck their recently widowed mother.

After all, the desire to grow strong and steal their father's women was one of the reasons which gave the young dragons a goal to focus all their efforts on cultivating. As for the old ones, it was their desire to not lose their women to the young ones which forced them to keep on trying to grow stronger.

Due to this, Tian Long couldn't wait to grow strong and then fuck his mother whom he was sure was a horny slut just like the other women in the Heavenly Dragon race were.

When he did that, Tian Long wouldn't forget to rub his achievement in his father's face who had stolen his own son's girlfriends and fucked them for three days and three nights straight. Just remembering what happened filled Tian Long with the determination to strip his noble-looking mother and make her reveal how much of a closet slut she really was when he fucked her every single minute of the day for all eternity.

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