The Hedonist Sword God

Chapter 230: Special entry

Chapter 230: Special entry

Due to there being so many islands and two huge continents spread across the Mortal Realm, there was no shortage in those who wanted to try and enter the Sword World.

Not to mention the geniuses who had grown up on the Sword Island, there were almost a few hundred thousand Saint Realm and under cultivators competing to try and obtain one spot out of the 250 available spots.

Well, out of the 249 spots.


After Jian Shen had figured out the requirement to enter the Sword World, all he had was pure scorn towards being forced to take part in that stupid competition if he wanted to enter the Sword World.

Not even considering those in the Genesis Realm as a threat anymore, Jian Shen had zero intention in taking part in the competition for only those in the Saint Realm and below.

Even though he liked to fight against others, it was only restricted to those that were stronger than him, or at least just as strong as him.

Only fighting against those would make his blood race with excitement and feel like a real fight.

Therefore, he decided to do something which would allow him to pass through those golden gates without needing to kill a few False Immortal Realm experts after they opened.

And this was done by Juewang who chose to materialize and let her pressure cover the entire Sword Island and make everyone realize that someone too strong to exist in the Mortal Realm had once again visited them.

After what happened last time with Cui Ya having appeared during the auction, the False Immortal Realm Cultivators were all alert and therefore instantly appeared near Jian Shen and Juewang who were lazily conversing in the skies.

Due to already knowing about Jian Shen after everything he did during the Auction of the Five Centuries, the experts who appeared kept on looking to try and find out more about him and the woman beside him when Juewang turned and looked towards then.

Though she couldn't use any Qi and then pressure then with it, just those pitch-black eyes of hers contained something in them which made everyone who arrived feel like their souls were being suffocated.

She isn't normal.

Just as everyone realized that, Juewang said, "Get lost." along with a black coloured mist spreading from her which literally shredded the space around her while making its way towards the visitors.

After quickly scurrying away, the False Immortal experts understood that Jian Shen was someone too special to be regarded as just another one of them and therefore offered him the first-ever special entrance to the Sword World since the gates had first appeared so many thousands of years back.

And while once this news was made public many of them had words of anger and thoughts of resistance, not a single one of them came forward to do it publicly.

Who in their right mind would want to go against a decision made by the group of strongest cultivators in the entire Mortal Realm?

Only those with a death wish would do such a thing.

As for Jian Shen, he didn't feel the slightest bit embarrassed for having using Juewang to do this or cared about the others who wanted to enter the Sword World.

After all, due to him not taking part in the competition he was letting those who would be unlucky enough to be forced to fight against him an actual chance of trying to win a spot.


Excluding Jian Shen who was already given a special entrance spot, the remaining cultivators were all forced to compete against each other if they wanted to enter the Sword World.

Like this, with back to back fights which even went through the nights, a total of 249 cultivators were quickly selected and ranked.

In this list of ranking, Jian Shen's name wasn't given any official ranking due to which the strongest one was a child of one of the False Immortal experts who prides himself as the strongest cultivator in the Path of Sword in the Mortal Realm.

The boy also seemed to be sharing the same arrogance due to which he almost challenged Jian Shen after learning that he carried two swords with him, before his father interrupted and shut him up.

The remaining days till the golden gates opened quickly passed away while the rest of the most kept on reducing until there was finally none of it left.

Even though it was before the sun even rose that the most disappeared and the gates started opening, everyone on the Sword Island woke up to watch the spectacle which could only be seen once every five hundred years.

Shining brightly, the two golden gates looked like an artificial sun due to illuminating the entire Sword Island.

At the same time, as the gates which were opening so painfully slowly, the spectators kept on looking with hope and what it would be that there was on the other side.

A world of ice? Tornadoes? Beautiful flowers? Dangerous monsters?

But none of them expected to see nothing but pure darkness through which not even light could pass.

Yup. The gates once opened revealed what looked like the entrance to hell would look like. Pitch black with not being able to see what would be on the other side after walking through it.

That is, if it was even possible to walk through such a thing.

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