The Great Demon System

Chapter 217 - Dead...

Chapter 217: Dead...

The figure that had just spoken slowly lifted her hands to her mouth, blowing away the smoke on her fingers with a conceited look of superiority on her face, showing Jayden that it was she who had blasted a hole straight in her stomach that was still burning even at this moment, the smell of dust no longer filling her nostrils as it was replaced by the smell of her own burning flesh.

The faces of the two people standing above her were blurry yet clear at the same time, her dark, hazy vision aided by the bright light of the moon shining on their faces, despite the fact that she still had her night vision.

She saw Abby, wearing a face that she had seen her wear many times before, her hands softly over her mouth like she was trying to control her own satisfaction, almost like she had been waiting for that moment her entire life. It was the same face that she bore when she looked down on those filthy scum that dared oppose her lord and his agenda and the same face she wore back in the dungeon of her mansion when they were both torturing Natalia, a look that she never expected that one day she would be the victim off.

To her side was her sister, Emilia Reid, and the same person who had just blasted a hole right in her chest from behind. Even out of the many thousands of cruel, devilish kids in the school, she was still infamous and feared for being one the most heartless and brutal, it was a well-known fact that it was not a good idea to ever go against her in any way shape or form.

Unlike her sister, Emilia's face suggested that she was more amused than satisfied like she had found a pleasant surprise that had stumbled in her home, her expression being somehow even more demonic than the actual demon standing next to her.

"Big sister! What took you so long? Acting like this is hard you know!?" Abby spoke with a hint of annoyance.

"Oh, sorry, I had a little unexpected trouble on the way here…"


"Yes, but don't worry, all the trouble has been taken care of, the trash has been disposed," Emilia replied back with a smile directed at her sister, rubbing and patting her head almost like she was her pet.

"You did a great job here, it all ended fine, although some of your acting skills might need some work… I'm not sure how little miss Griffith even fell for it," She continued, making Abby let out a small, awkward chuckle.

Flat on the ground, her teeth still clenched, Jayden carefully listened to the rather odd conversation going on above her, making sure to pick up on any important information.

The pain in her stomach, no matter what she did would not cease, so using the opportunity of their clearly distracted opponents. She tried her best to transform into someone with a healing ability in order to heal her unbearable wound.

Plus, even if it did not work which was nearly certain, it still aligned with her main goal so she decided to go with it anyways.

However, just like part of her expected, as soon as she began her transformation process, her body beginning to shift and morph, trying to keep the sounds to a minimum, she felt a hard, squishing pain exactly on the hole of her deep wound, looking up only to see Abby's foot firmly planted on it, deeply digging in and grinding as Jayden could not help but let out a loud, banshee-like scream, nothing but pain and agony in her voice as she sounded like a dying animal, spit, blood and barf covering her screaming mouth.

"No sister! You didn't take out all the trash! There is still one here! You missed a spot!" Abby said with a wide, devilish grin as she dug her flaming foot deeper and deeper into Jayden's still burning wound, increasing the pain, anguish, and screaming of her victim that still had working vocal cords due to her exceptional regeneration.

"Did you think me and you were friends? Don't be funny!? Don't be ridiculous!"

"Hahahah! Now! Scream you little dog! I want to see you beg for mercy!"

Abby's screams echoed all around the dusty room, the amused face of her sister growing even further.

Jayden knew that there there was no hope of survival, she had more than accepted her fate. Either she was going to be taken hostage or killed on the spot, and that fact was even further dug in her brain the more that Abby dug her foot in her wound and the more she mocked and insulted her like an insect, as if their relationship was never real in the first place.

Yet, what was so bizarre was that none of this felt odd to her, her brain being calmer than she would have expected as according to her master that had only briefly contacted her while she held the door handle of the balcony, everything had been going according to plan and that they just had to switch to plan B. That her entire life thus far had been a complete lie, her reality flipped inside out. She needed to find answers... That despite all her ideals and memories for seemingly her entire life, her only purpose was to withstand this pain, both mental and physical and do as she was told which she no doubt knew would help the others in the pursuit of the truth, even if it took sacrificing herself in the process…

Her gaping wound still only getting larger from Abby's burning foot, her eyes becoming darker and darker, she mustered all the power in her soul before screaming.

"Emilia! What the fuck did you do to Abby! tell me!!"

Jayden's banshee-like shriek of pure anger and desperation rang and echoed throughout the entire room, her voice the same pitch as her earlier screams, tears running down her red, dusty face.

Abby's anger grew at Jayden's words insulting her sister, her teeth clenched and her hands gripped tightly, causing her to lift her foot high off the ground to an almost perfect 90-degree angle, still wearing her dress, using her immense flexibility, charging her foot with fire before preparing to strike.

"Stay quiet and obey bitch! Who allowed you to speak," She screamed, ready to drop her foot straight onto Jayden's now even larger, still burning wound that was still making her grunt the pain away as she stared into Emilia's amused eyes looking for answers, the fear of death not showing anywhere on her face.

Suddenly, before Abby even got the chance to move a single inch, she felt a firm grasp on her shoulder, making her turn around in confusion only to see her sister's smile.

"Calm down Abby, Jayden seems like a very fragile person, a strike like that would have most likely killed her, and now was not the time to do it, that part comes later!" Emilia's words calmed Abby's nerves, making her put her foot back down to her side with a nervous blush.

"Sorry sister, I took it too far… It was just when she insul-"

Abby's words were cut off by Emilia's hand once again rubbing and patting her head, making Abby feel comforted once more.

"No worries, it's not your fault that the Griffith girl is built like glass," Emilia continued, making Abby nod back as they heard Jayden's painfilled, banshee-like screaming once again.

"Stop ignoring me you slut! What the fuck did you do to my Abby!"

Hearing Jayden's words, Emilia's already wide smile grew to almost twice its size, looking so unnatural that she now looked like a complete monster as she could not help but laugh at Jayden's words.

"Do you really think I am stupid enough to answer that question? Or reveal any of my secrets? Your friends are probably listening in using your mind link from all the way at the school! Right?"

Emilia's mocking laughter made Jayden's eyes grow wide as she showed a face of anger unlike she had ever shown before, her heavy breathing filling the room, not feeling surprised that she knew about her mind-link since Abby had most likely disclosed all of their secrets.

"But, lucky for you, this room is not only soundproof, but also communication proof, so even if you wanted to contact your friends, that would not be possible…" Emilia's voice rang in Jayden's ears like a rocket, her eyes turning blank as, from the outside, it seemed like she had lost all hope when she had tried to contact the outside.

"You will die all alone... Your "genius" dying plan of trying to make yourself useful before you die to get intel was never even going to work in the first place… Haha! Maybe I should have just told you everything only for you to find out that you can't get any information out! That would have been hilarious!" Emilia laughed at what could have been, Jayden looking more and more broken at the bottom, tears running down her face.

"P-please… I don't care if anyone else knows… I just want to know for myself… I just need to know this before I die… What happened to Abby… I need to know…" Jayden spoke, her eyes almost losing all of its vision as she tried her best to fix her gaze at Emilia and Abby above.

"Oh, hahaha! Me? I didn't really do anything! This is still Abby! All I needed to do was just give her a little push in the right direction and open her mind to the truth, isn't that right little sister?" Emilia spoke with a face of amusement, leading Abby to nod back profusely.

"Heh… I really doubt that… This is definitely not the Abby I used to know… She would never do such a thing…" Jayden replied with a mellow smile, almost like she no longer had a single care in the world, the pain still burning in her stomach being completely ignored by her.

"Jayden Griffith, I never liked you… Don't be arrogant and think too highly of yourself, it seems like you have not changed at all... You were only a tool to further my agenda, and now you will once again serve as another tool, the ultimate sacrifice to fuel my revenge… You will die!" Abby's voice was cold, heartless and distant, nothing like what she remembered of her in the past.

Jayden's gray eyes grew wide once again, the tears flowing down accelerating even more than before.

"Abby… Has everything been a lie? All those good times? All those training sessions? Your reason for even wanting to become a demon? Your long nights of none-stop work on reports that I'm sure Moby never even touched? Your "love" and "gratitude towards your lord? Were you faking all of it!?" Jayden slowly spoke in a shaky voice like she was trying to fathom everything that was happening.

Clenching her teeth, a spark glowing in her eyes, Abby vigorously shook her head from those words, the sound of grunting filling the air, her sister standing beside her confused at her actions, Jayden having an idea of what it could be, as she calmed her breathing and responded.

"Of course they were a lie! Why would a Reid ever befriend a Griffith!? I hated all of you!" Abby's voice of madness resounded around the room, causing Jayden to react and delve deeper into despair.

"Oh… is that so… I guess I have simply been a fool all these months… But, I would like to warn you, if you kill me the wrath of the entire Griffith family will fall upon you… Why not just kidnap me instead? What is your true motive… You should let me know at least this before I die…"

The dead expression on Jayden's face somehow grew even further as she began to laugh softly at herself, the tears in her eyes seemingly never-ending, now with a mixture of blood.

"What if I tell you that is what I want!? You will die here! We will pin the blame of your death to you illegally trespassing onto our estate to go see me, "your friend", wearing clothing that would not allow others to see your face, thus you get killed on the spot for your recklessness, Preston doing the deed. This will lead to the Griffiths declaring war on the Reid's and ultimately destroy each other… I never lied to you… My wishes of destroying my family are still very much real… I hate them with every morsel of my being! The only person I lied to you about was my sister, who has been the only good person to me, the only shining hope in my life and I'm never sure how I could ever repay her!" Abby rambled on and on, her eyes growing wider and her voice becoming more inhuman the more she spoke.

Jayden smiled softly, as she looked down at the ground, coming to terms that she was about to breathe her final breath and not get kidnapped at all, before she continued the conversation.

"Huh? Is that supposed to be some sort of joke? If both families are destroyed, where would you even live? What will happen to you? Live on the streets?" Jayden mocked with a light chuckle.

"Pfff! Now why would that matter when we will leave this filthy, shitty planet anyways?" Abby replied with immense laughter, making Emilia look at her with weery eyes, seemingly for disclosing one of her major secrets before she shook it away since it didn't matter, Jayden had no way to get the information she heard outside of the room so she let it slide.

Abby's words sparked intrigue in Jayden's plastic soul, like she had finally gotten the first shred of useful information as she inwardly smiled to herself.

"Moby Kane, you're boyfriend, he is my true target, I could always just take you hostage but what would be the fun in that? I already have Abby as my "hostage" and adding you wouldn't really serve much, you would be much better dead to fuel his anger. I want to see why my master wants him so badly so maybe a little rage might help him unlock his hidden potential," Emilia added, deciding to follow Abby's lead and give Jayden a taste of the truth before she died as it did not matter, even further fueling her despair since now she knew that not only will she die, but all of her other friends and her boyfriend will suffer as well.

Jayden's eyes grew wide as she could no longer contain her emotions… "lord?" did that mean that Emilia Reid was not even the leader of the Zexis gang? Or was there something else at play… And why would Moby be their target, are they aware that he will become the future demon lord?

So many questions sprung up in Jayden's brain that her broken, hazy mind began to hurt even more than it already did, as Emilia and Abby could not help but laugh at her anguish.

"Y-you have a lord? W-who are you? Who are you working for… I am so confused! I need answers!" Jayden started quietly before becoming louder and louder, the insanity of her mind and body more than clear on her face.

"Who? WHO? Why, he is the rightful ruler of the entire universe! Everyone shall kneel before his presence and very glory! You do not even have the right to know his name or who I truly am!" She laughed once more, Abby beside her still smiling as she took a pause before continuing.

"Jayden Griffith… I have entertained you long enough… I wish I had the luxury to stay here and torture your soul into oblivion but sadly this party isn't going to give me the luxury to do that so consider yourself lucky… You thought you were slick, that you had outsmarted me, coming in her so recklessly thinking you could sneak Abby away without me even noticing! What a joke! Are you really that stupid? If she had been the Abby you used to know then it might have worked, but sadly that Abby is now long gone… Maybe she never even existed, who knows…"

She took a slight pause to chuckle at her remark, before continuing.

"Now look at you and your poor, pathetic state! The great daughter of the Griffith family is now in such a sorry position! You're idiotic recklessness and wishful thinking led you to where you are today… You thought you had outsmarted me using your doppelganger powers but it was I who had outsmarted you! Now pay the consequences of your actions and die a painful death!"

Clenching her bloody teeth, Jayden looked up to face death in the face, no sign of fear on her still bloody, tearfilled visage… She had completed her goal… She now knew some information and gotten closer to the truth… Now she could die peacefully…

As she looked above with her hazy, blackened vision, she still managed to make out the faces of Abby and Emilia, their smiles reaching almost all the way up to their ears, looking like pure monsters out of the depths of hell from Jayden's perspective, bright, crimson flames glowing on both of their hands.

"Die!" They both yelled at the same time, their voice in sync, blending and echoing around the room as they brought both of their flaming, crimson palms out in front of them, their flames mixing together as they shot a thick stream of fire straight at Abby, rushing straight at her with the ferocity of a raging Phoenix as it completely engulfed Jayden's body from head to toe.

She had already long accepted her fate, as despite what was happening, she bore a smile on her face that was quickly incinerated and melted off into a blob of ash, completely unrecognizable. The infamous crimson flames of the Reid family flowing and through and ravaging her entire body making her feel pain unlike any other she had felt before. She was not even able to detect the smell of her own burning flesh as her nose was no longer working and her eyes that only saw crimson now only saw black, her cells being torn apart. Yet, even still, despite all of that, she did not scream or squirm, her mind and soul at peace.

The last thing she saw before both her body and mind were completely burned to dust was her fake memories that, in her mind, she considered as real… almost like her entire life had flashed right before her eyes.

The memories of her good times with Abby, still cherishing those memories despite everything that had just happened… The memories of her relationship with Alex and how they were brought back together after years and years of animosity… The faces of her smiling parents who had supported her wholeheartedly throughout all these years, despite knowing she had been a bad, spoiled, inconsiderate bitch of a daughter… And, finally and what was kept closest in her heart, the memories of meeting Moby for the first time and how he had opened her eyes, making her life so much better, his bright smile and blushing face as they both kissed for the first time under the purple night sky of another planet, and her kiss to him right after she left the dorms, promising him that she will be alright and that nothing would happen, something that she had certainly now more than fulfilled, her mind in complete peace as she was burnt to a crisp, both in mind and body, faded away into nothingness…

Jayden Griffith was finally dead...

With looks of pure bliss and satisfaction, Abby and Emilia both inwardly patted themselves on the back, Abby trying to control her inner emotions from breaking out of her body, emotions that should have been completely discarded yet were for some reason trying to resurface after what she had just done, trying her best to not make her sister see them.

Their gaze was focused solely on Jayden's body that was laid flat on the ground, her now black, charcoal body completely unrecognizable, simply looking like a human-shaped pile of meat. They wanted to make sure that Jayden died the most agonizing death they could muster in the short time that they had, and that was the best way they could do it… Despite the condition she was in, with healing abilities and autopsy abilities, identifying the body would prove to be a simple task so it was no bother to them.

"Abby, store the body in your inventory un… *FWOOSH*" Emilia ordered before being immediately cut off, a flash of dark light flickering in her vision blinding her for a split second before she stared back at where Jayden's burnt, charred body once laid.

She could not believe her eyes or fathom what had just happened… biting her tongue, her sweat dropping on the ground, her face turned as pale as a ghost, her bloody mouth and bloodshot eyes now wide open in absolute shock, shaking uncontrollably as her mind began spinning in circles, Abby who was beside her feeling and looking the same way, taking a shaky glance at her sister for some sort of comfort or an explanation only to find no such thing...

Emilia wore a face of mad hysteria and literally ate her words and regretted everything she had just said, her teeth clenching so hard that they began to crack. her once pale face now shifting into pure anger, her hair standing up from her raging fiery red aura surrounding and burning the area around her as she screamed at the top of her lungs an inhuman scream that shook the ground and foundation of the room itself.



Please read the author's thoughts... (This message might be repeated in future chapters since I want to show all priv tiers [3)

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