The Great Demon System

Chapter 211 - The Perfect Target

Chapter 211: The Perfect Target

At first, Jayden planned to utilize any one of the servants as long as she knew they were easily manipulatable in order to use them to infiltrate the mansion, only planning to knock them out since she saw no real use for killing them other than a small amount of "XP", as Moby had previously put it.

However, after she witnessed what Preston was doing, she threw that idea completely out the window, opting to both disguise herself as him and kill him for being an infestation on the face of the earth, the extra XP was only a bonus.

He seemed to be the perfect target from the way he handled himself and got his way doing whatever he wanted. Despite the fact that he also wore a servant uniform, It was clear that it meant that he must have been of a higher social standing than that of the others and could get away with far more than the normal person, which worked out in Jayden's favour as she was bound to make mistakes in the unknown Reid mansion and people like him were far more easily forgiven.

And, from his mannerisms, finding a way to lure him seemed to be a rather obvious, easy task that she had done and gotten used to many times in her past. Still in her wisp form, making sure to go at a time that the barrier was disabled, she swooped down into the outer courtyard where the delivery truck was and disguised herself as a sexy maid from her household wearing the standard red uniforms of the Reids.

She was not able to use that disguise as her main one as there might have been some people that questioned her role as she would have been an obvious intruder who did not belong there so she needed someone who was known to be a servant around the mansion.

Just watching him made her blood boil with the intensity of 1000 suns as she could not help but stop, imagine and take in that she used to act somewhat similar to him in her past before she had met Moby.

Raping and harassing people she found cute for fun, thinking of them as nothing but objects for her own satisfaction, all were something that she now found completely disgusting and made her sick to her stomach from both seeing him and thinking back to her own wicked past and possible alternate dark future if she had not met and fallen in love with Moby.

With her new body, she tempted Preston with a little skin, promising to give him a quickie before going back to work like nothing happened.

And, just as she expected, he was immediately hooked, agreeing without a second thought. She knew people like him all too well and she knew that they would not resist the temptation when they were given the chance.

All she had to do was show him that she had a healing ability and tell him that he was allowed to go as rough as he wanted with her as she was always able to heal herself in the end.

This made him smile at her with impressed eyes of approval, looking her up and down like a full course meal.

Even if she somehow actually hated him, she most likely only wanted to slide her way onto his good side since he knew no servant would dare go up against him with his family status. And, if they ever did do something against him, they would no doubt be caught and arrested for their actions.

What made the decision all too easy for him was the fact that not only was she absolutely perfect with a shy yet cute seductive smile, but also the fact that she seemed like a weak, powerless healer with no combat prowess like him. And, she clearly had no ring on her hand just in case she wanted to pull something on him, not even bothering to check the rest of her body since a ring must always be worn on the user's fingers for them to be activated.

But, at that point, when he fell into temptation, his fate was all but sealed…

She lured him into a secluded part of the courtyard, making sure that there were no cameras and no one watching, only the sound of the nighttime crickets, the cold wind breeze and the screams of a few guards shouting in the distance about finding some sort of intruder.

Of course, Jayden paid no heed to them, knowing full well that they weren't talking about her as she continued to do what she was doing, unbuttoning his pants with a blushed face of excitement before pulling them down with vigour to reveal his already hard, rather impressive cock, yet not big or impressive enough compared to the one she loved yet still forcing herself to put on a fake aroused face of excitement, the man's face looking down at her with heavy breathing and an intense blush, talking down at her like she was a peasant who should have been honoured to suck on his rod.

For the sake of her goals, she forced herself to play along as a seductive yet shy girl who got horny watching him touch other girls in weird ways only, wishing that it could have been her in their place.

"Let's see how deep you can go my little slut!" He yelled with the crazy, lustful gaze of a predator, grabbing her violently by the hair before he shoved her face down straight towards his throbbing groin.

Yet, before he even knew it, that part of him no longer existed and was no longer felt by him… The numbness and pain only setting into his mind when it was too late, making him let go of the servant girl's hair in panic.

Then, Before he even had the chance to properly react or retaliate to what had happened, he felt 2 more piercing pains ravaging and tearing him apart, one from his stomach and one from his throat, the sound of something dropping down on the grass below filling his ears along with the gushing of his own blood like it was a sprinkler, dying his eyelids and his already red uniform even redder as he stood completely motionless in horror.

When he looked down, he witnessed the face of an absolute demon straight out of the lowest depths of hell, her disgusted, hate-filled glowing, violent, dark stare of death, looking like she was ready to devour him alive and turn him to dust, stabbing him through both his stomach and his throat.

Around her body were tentacles made of shadows that flowed and ravaged all around her, the shadows themselves having a slight blue tint and seeming almost alive, ready to completely suck him dry in a way that he did not expect coming into this, the shadow of death looming right over him in the form of this shadowy, demonic servant girl that he had been shown was only but a simple healer a few minutes prior.

He needed help, help from anyone… But sadly, help would not arrive no matter how hard he tried...

When he attempted to scream, nothing but a sorry squeal was able to come out of his mouth as he sounded like a broken toy, his vocal cords too damaged from the shadowy dagger firmly planted in his neck, making it also hard to even breathe.

If only he still had a cock attached to his body, he would have already pissed himself long ago, his shaky legs starting to feel weak from the blood loss and damage he sustained as he slowly began falling on the ground, Jayden removing her daggers from his body making his ass quickly drop on the grass below.

He seemed to have collapsed on something soft yet squishy with the texture of a mushroom, him looking down at it with his still shaky, hazy eyes of disbelief as he recognized that unknown item as nothing more than his own cock that had been cleanly sliced off.

His brain spinning in circles, tears running down his face as he was still in absolute shock and disbelief, he managed to squeal a few faint words out of his mouth.

"Y-you b-bitch! W-when my father finds out about this! You and your entire family are dead you hear me!?"

His voice was extremely low yet Jayden was able to pick up on it clear as day due to her enhanced senses as she could not help but laugh at his remark.

"Go ahead and try to go against me and my family! I dare you! But, I can guarantee you that it wouldn't end well," Jayden whispered in a low yet audible voice, transforming back into her original body, sending goosebumps and danger signals to Preston's very core as he was too lost for words to let out even a single squeak with his broken vocal cords.

"Do you understand what you almost did by grabbing me by the hair and shoving me down to your disgusting cock? I almost actually touched it! Know you're place! People like you make me sick! You're lucky to even be breathing right now! I'm surprised that I was even able to hold myself back from ripping you completely in half," She spoke, her voice harsh, cold, distant and otherworldly as she played with her bloody daggers, wiping away the disgusting blood staining them.

In his eyes, she now looked like the shadowy personification of death and despair, pure hatred and disgust flowing out of every pore as she held herself back from absolutely crushing him between both of her hands.

Yet, despite the shadowy aura of death oozing from her and the air around, he still managed to somehow make out who she truly was...

"J-Jayden Griffith… W-w-wha…" He squealed once more, the reality of things always seeming to get more and more obscure to the point where he thought he was dreaming, all the inhuman, improbable events happening in front of him reinforcing that theory.

However, deep down, he knew that it was real… This was far worst than any dream he had ever experienced in his past. If it were a dream, he knew that he would have no doubt woken up long ago from the immense stress and shock of the situation, yet none of that even happened, the pain and suffering that felt all too real to be a dream only continued and became worse the more and more time went by…


"You absolute disgusting fucking pig! I am quite a merciful person. I'll forgive all your actions and heal all your wounds if you just answer all my questions with honesty. I left some life left in your vocal cords so you should just about be able to tell me everything without the ability to scream or call for backup. If you accept my offer, I'll even give you a good respectable position in my family as well, how does that sound? Don't worry about why I'm even here, my motives will be clear to you very soon. So, what will it be? Die now a slow, painful, agonizing death or answer a few simple questions to save your life and get a promotion, the answer should be very clear right?"

Jayden spat on his face with no remorse, looking down on him like he was nothing but a piece of filth that she had accidentally stepped on before her expression shifted into a bright, yet extremely dark, ominous smile that made him nod his head vigorously in agreement.

She asked him many things, his name and family status, his role in the mansion, his reason for being there, and many, many more questions that served her very well in her infiltration of the mansion as she was now able to answer any personal question that might directly pertain to her and know exactly where she had to go and what jobs she had to do.

And, just like she expected, most of her assumptions were in fact correct, including the fact that he belonged to some sort of moderately rich or noble household.

Furthermore, when she was done with him, she of course did not keep her promise as she softly laughed in his face and quickly, but painfully killed him and stored his dead body in her inventory, making sure to leave no trace of him behind.

The memories of the close call she had with him almost forcing her to touch his, another mans penis when she had promised herself that she would only ever touch Moby's cock made her expression into a rock hard steel, only softening up when she thought back to his face on the moments that she had told him that she lied, making her both inwardly and outwardly chuckle, his expression of hope and joy shifting into absolute despair, squealing like a broken toy as he begged for his life, a priceless sight that was far too funny for her to contain herself.

The faces of his colleagues beside him who were still carrying their plates of food on their way to the dining room gazed at him with pure, unbridled hatred and disgust as they could probably imagine what he was fantasizing about, some of them even feeling the urge to attack and put him in his place, yet stopping themselves at the right time, controlling their anger as no matter how much they hated him and his smug, bratty attitude. they did not want to lose their jobs and ruin and endanger their family for something so insignificant in the grand scheme of things and something that would not change much if at all about the current situation.

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