The Great Demon System

Chapter 207 - Demon Mechanic (2)

Chapter 207: Demon Mechanic (2)

With a small hop, Ray lifted himself out of bed and walked towards the table where everyone was sat, taking a seat next to Alex who had no one to his side, a hint of subtle confidence in his steps that Moby managed to pick up on.

As Ray sat down, the atmosphere around the table suddenly became far tenser as Ray was not able to well hide his hostility and animosity towards Jason and Nags who were both only arm's length away from him. Just because they were only following their orders and were now completely harmless, loyal servants did not lessen his feelings towards them, especially after all that they had made him go through, mainly Jason who certainly did many things that went far beyond his orders just for his own personal pleasure.

Taking a deep breath, ignoring their confused, unfazed faces for now, he turned to Moby to ask him for basic training in controlling his demon energy.

Yet, before he even got the chance, Moby spoke, his voice resounding and echoing in his mind with clear power and authority which was a sensation he had never experienced or expected to ever feel as it completely caught him off guard.

"Okay, first off, I am sure that you all are confused about what my plan is supposed to be. This might take a while to explain so listen closely since we really don't have much time…"

By the looks on everyone else's faces, even including Nags and Jason, it seemed like they too heard what he had also heard, their faces turning solemn with subtle hope and expectation in their serious eyes.?This made Ray come up with the conclusion that this mind communication must have been some sort of demon skill and what Moby and Alex must have used when they had first met today after he was forced to act as bate.

As Moby began his explanation, Ray decided to listen carefully to every word despite him knowing most if not all that Moby was going to say since he had already relayed him the information earlier when he had fallen unconscious. It could serve as a refresher and make him pick up on subtle details he might have overlooked.

As Moby explained his plan, the serious slits in everyone's eyes slowly became wider the more and more of it they understood, some of what he said sounding completely impossible, blowing their minds.

They all knew that it was not at all perfect, with a high risk of failure. Yet, despite all of that, in their hearts, they knew that it was their only shot they could possibly have. It was their only chance at getting Abby back, and in the worst situation, it could be used for gathering intel.

Jason and Nags also listened with intent at Moby's words, it almost seemed like he had everything completely planned out. Yet, they were still somewhat confused at some of the parts yet not questioning the wisdom of their new overlord

The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed as Moby managed to exercise his leadership skills to bring everyone together from dark times, a skill he needed to no doubt perfect if he wanted to became a future king.

Jayden, who undoubtedly had the biggest, riskiest, and most important role in all of this, completely understood what Moby's plan entailed for her, and how hurt he must have been feeling that he had to put her in such danger.

She knew the dangers and made up her resolve to go through with it for Abby's sake, despite all the risks that were associated with it…

Moby could have kept such a plan to himself due to the danger it brought upon her but he was glad that he decided to share it, it made her feelings towards him grow stronger as he even further proved his faith in her.

Yet, despite all of that, there was still one glaring miscalculation…

"Hmmmm… I think I understand everything… It's very risky, but for Abby's sake, I'm willing to do anything! The only major problem I am finding is for this to work, I need to somehow be able to leave the school premises undetected. But, with the barrier up and all the guards no doubt patrolling outside, that will definitely be impossible…" Jayden said in a grave tone, saying out loud what everyone else was also thinking, once again knocking down their morale, except for Ray and Moby who still bore a posture of confidence.

"Well, that's where Ray comes in! The barrier is a piece of technology so there should be some means of bypassing it! I'm positive he could do it, he is now a demon mechanic after all," Moby announced with a smile, raising the mood of the table once again.

They had no idea what exactly a demon mechanic was, yet seeing the confidence in Moby's words they knew that it must have been no doubt be the answer to all their problems and that Ray could somehow now allow them to bypass the school's defences.

"Indeed! I can help you with that!" Ray interjected, a rather natural-looking smile on his face which slightly startled everyone in the room except for Jayden who had only just met him.

"What the school did right now is fairly simple. Usually, the barrier would only work on people or things that didn't have proper permission to enter, like some sort of authorization card, this also includes that watch on each one of your wrists. So, all the school did now was extend that barrier to now also stop people with a school watch along with some authorized personnel. So, all we need to do now to bypass this is to modify your watch into tricking the barrier into thinking that you do in fact have permission to exit and enter the premises! The best part is that I can make it so it doesn't even show up on their logs that you entered and exited at all! As long as they don't go out of their way to look for you specifically, you should be fine. And, if I can get a hold of my new demon powers, this should be more than possible," Ray explained, his smile turning into one filled with confidence.

The smile on everyone's face grew wider the more they heard Ray's words, he seemed almost like a different person from the feeling he was exuding around the room. Yet, as soon as their smiles appeared, they dissolved into something more hardened yet mellow. Despite the fact that there was a high possibility that they could bypass the barrier, it did not take away from any of the other risks attributed with their plan, it only meant that they could now get past step one which they were all really grateful to Ray for.

Out of everyone in the room, Nags and Jason were the most perplexed out of everyone as their brains began spinning in high gear, trying to hide their realization from everyone else in the room.

They could not believe what they were hearing… Did Moby plan all of this? Did he know that Ray would turn into such a demon, and that was why he had been adamant about turning him? It could not have been a coincidence right?

Many questions like those ran in their brains as the realization that their new master might have truly been some sort of demon master-mind began to feel all too plausible to them.

"Thank you so much kid! You're a real lifesaver! I'm sure Abby will be grateful for all of this! She did only get caught because of you after all!" Jayden said to Ray with a bright smile that seemed more ominous on the inside, making him nod with drops of sweat running down his face.

"Don't listen to her! I'm sure she didn't mean what she said! She sure has her own way of words when meeting new people. You're doing great! Now all you need to do is learn the basics!" Alex said, trying to cheer Ray up from that possible misunderstanding, tapping him on the back in a friendly manner.


"Okay, we don't have much time to waste, let's get started with the basics," Moby's voice sounded in everyone's ears as he began to explain how a person identifies their flow of demon energy along with their flow of mana.

He gave the same exercises that he had given to Jayden and Abby when they had first met, closing their eyes and focusing on his voice as he guided them through the steps.

Although Moby's instructions were no doubt meant for Ray, Jason and Nags were still allowed to listen in on the conversation as they too followed the exact same steps as they were also fairly lost on how they were to use their newly-acquired power.

And, while they were busy doing that, Jayden and Alex occupied themselves by further discussing some details of the plan and ways they might be able to improve or build upon it.

Yet, not long after they started, their basic training had already ended.

Both Nags and Ray managed to pick up on their flow of demon energy and the basic control of it in mere minutes, slightly slower than both Jayden and Abby yet very fast in their own respect. Jason on the other hand seemed to struggle more identifying his own, as he kept his eyes closed and his mind emptied, trying to focus on Moby's words that played over and over in their head.

Nags felt new, absolute power and possibilities rushing through his veins, he had never felt so alive in a very long time. He wanted some way to test out everything he had a feeling he could now do but due to their predicament and the fact that they were stuck in the room, that idea did not at all seem possible, so he had to contain his curiosity and excitement under his poker face until later.

As Alex looked at them and how easy it was for them to grasp their new powers, he could not help but let out an audible sigh. It had taken him a few days of none stop training with Jayden to get to the point that they had gotten to. For some reason, when it came to his demon powers, his progression was far slower than that of his peers that managed to pick up on it like it had always been a part of them. He could not help but feel jealous deep down in his heart.

"Okay, this is absolutely great! This power is amazing! I can do it! I'm ready!" Ray said in awe at his new energy, looking down on his body as he was able to see his new flow of almighty, otherworldly demon energy flowing through his veins.

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