The Great Demon System

Chapter 204 - The Truth (2)

Chapter 204: The Truth (2)

"Luckily, right after I finished everything I needed to do to you. You were kicked out of the house but not yet stripped of your family name since it would have been a bad look on the household,"

"I went my way, and you went your way, but we both still ended up in the same military school where I just left you be because you had already served your purpose and were nothing more than a broken doll, who knew that it would be a good decision in the end."

"The only reason I even started a gang was mainly because I was bored and needed to spend my time somewhat productively until I graduate and move on to the next part of my plan. But, that ended up being a good thing, the gang proved to be extremely good, loyal pawns for me and they even further allowed me to study the human nature and how your natural hierarchy works, like how you can simply bribe teachers with money and they would bend to your will. All you need to do is choose the right teacher, which is actually much easier than you would expect," She said, taking a pause in her never-ending, manic rambling that seemed to only get worse the more she talked for a moment of brief laughter.

"Speaking of graduation, it seems like that plan had been put on momentary halt…"

"Like I mentioned before, my lord had been scouring the entire galaxy in the pursuit of a single person or a single item. Me and the rest of the troops under him were all tasked with one mission as soon as we joined him, it was almost like some sort of initiation…"

"He hasn't told us why this item or this person were so important to him or why they needed to find them, our leader is rather odd and secretive but he is still our leader none the less and we would all die for him without a moment of hesitation,"

"Under any circumstance, if we find a person wearing a certain golden necklace or a person with glowing purple eyes and red pupils, we were to immediately stop what we were doing and capture that person alive. That was the target of our glorious leader, the person or thing he had been looking for for many, many, many years. I couldn't even begin to imagine the look on his face when I deliver the news!" She spoke, taking a brief pause once more as subtle hints of red and clear excitement arose on her face.

"Because look here! What is this? It's your little friend, isn't it? I almost could not believe my eyes when I stumbled upon this picture! It was almost too good to be true! And when I did more research! I found out that it was true! Out of the 1000s of planets out there I was lucky enough to find him here!" She spoke with a smile on her visage, a mixture of amusement, excitement and smugness on her face and expression as she bent over to show Abby something on her school watch that was still on her right arm.

Abby's already wide eyes somehow grew even wider and shakier as she stared at the watch in front of her with a look of hopelessness and dread in her eyes. She had been slowly taking in everything that her "sister" had been saying, her mind eroding more and more the longer she talked as she could almost not believe her ears. Her entire reality was being flipped on its heads, burnt into pieces and slowly spoon-fed to her little by little, the taste only seeming to get worse the more she went on until it now seemingly reached its climax...

On her watch was a picture, a picture of her lord back in the Griffith family fighting arena, battling the now deceased Damian Nier, the look of hardship on his face that bore the signature purple glint in his eyes from his eyes of sin on full display for all to see.

Her lord seemed to be the target of some sort of rebel intergalactic space pirates… Ones that were possibly hundreds if not thousands of times stronger than him, yet she still knew that her lord's potential was far greater.

As Abby continued staring at the picture, her eyes went blank, the mental and somehow physical shock and pain from what had just happened had broken her down to her very core… Not once in her life did she feel as hopeless and useless as she was now… Not even close…

Memories of everything that she had built up, the blissful times with her lord that felt even better than any heaven she could imagine, Jayden who was the first female friend who had accepted her for who she was and had not tried to manipulate her… Alex who she had only just met a week ago being an absolute pleasure and a sweetheart, somehow being even shier than her in a conversation, all of them began emerging in her head one by one before fading away… Not into nothingness but into things that were far worse…

The memories began playing over and over again, with each person in those memories either being brutally murdered in front of her eyes or ripped away and stolen from her… All while she stood still and watched despite all her efforts, without her being able to do a single thing about it which reflected the hopelessness and weakness she felt in her heart, the ones including her lord being by far the most painful and soul-crushing.

Despite the many hardships, the past few months was undoubtedly the best time of her life, the only joy she could ever remember in all her years of living. It was like the first time she had actually started living, having others to depend on and her being someone to be depended on by others. It was almost too good to be true in her life that was otherwise filled with pure misery…

It all felt both too long and too short at the same time… She had wished it would last forever but now she understood that she was being far too selfish and optimistic, that she would always be chained and shackled down by her fate destined for pain and failure...

Tears started flowing down her blank eyes as everything began to feel all too real to her, the realization that it was all over for her, her doomed to never see her lord again by either her death or him being taken away from her forever.

Villanova slowly watched as Abby slipped more and more into despair, all from her words as she had yet to even lay a single finger on her, making a big smile appear on her face as she disregarded Abby's state and continued with her words.

"Don't be sad now! You have yet to serve your entire purpose! You can still be useful to your "sister"! You're still the main bate! Seeing how strongly you feel about each other I have no doubt in my mind that he will be coming to save you, maybe not here or anytime soon since it's the Reid estate. But, eventually, he will surely come none the less…"

"Now, you might be wondering what you will do in the meantime? You will have to go to school tomorrow and you would be unchained and able to be free and go back to him right?" She said with a troubled voice, giving Abby a slight shred of hope and colour in her previously dead gray eyes.

"If you thought that then you have to think again!" She screamed back, ripping that hope from Abby like she was just playing with her still broken heart.

"Like I said before, you are now mine… You will die… You will be nothing more… You should feel grateful that I even shared any of this information with you and not done this from the start, I was just curious how you would react and felt like you deserved to know it," she continued, the smile on her face contorting and shifting into wicked distortion, almost completely from ear to ear, an expression that was simply monstrous, a face no human could ever replicate…

With another swipe of her hand, Villanova's body began turning and cracking again, her skin breaking off back into her sister's natural sandy skin colour, her hair going from white to pure crimson, her eyes returning to her all familiar firey blood red, the red lines under her face fading away as the sound of her bones cracking filled the air as her single horn contracted back into her head and her body shrunk down 2 inches from 5'10" to her normal 5'8".

Unlike the last time, Abby did not at all react to her transformation process, tears still flowing down her face as her mind and vision continued to be cloudy as paranoia continued to tear her apart. She had already accepted her unavoidable fate. No amount of screaming, believing in herself, hidden power, or determination was able to save or get her out of her predicament, she was not naive or childish enought to think that…

Villanova, he had once again turned back to Emilia Reid opened a dimensional storage. And, from that storage, she pulled out an unknown item that Abby had never in her life seen, heard about or even fathomed could be a thing in her entire life, something undoubtedly otherworldly far beyond her scope of knowledge as she stared at it with her still tearfilled, gray open eyes.

"Say goodbye… "sister…"

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